We all have different ways of showing our love. Some prefer to shower their lovers with affection and gifts, and others express their love through acts of service and whispering sweet nothings. Whatever your style, Astrology can help. Find out how your zodiac sign affects your love, compatibility and romantic behavior.
ARIES RELATIONSHIPS (Aries dates: March 20 - April 19)
Aries, you’re happiest when you’re the one in control of your relationship. Your zodiac sign does best when your competitive, energetic nature is allowed the freedom to reign. You tend to show your love mostly through physical affection or play-fighting. You are not one to slouch on a couch, so the healthiest relationship for you is with a partner who embraces that adventurous spirit and is content to go along with your impulsiveness. Aries, you're a curious and passionate fire sign, you’re committed to keeping the intensity buzzing with your lover too.
TAURUS RELATIONSHIPS (Taurus dates: April 20 - May 20)
There’s one word that expertly defines you, Taurus, and that’s sensual. You adore indulging yourself in the luxuries of life and like to slowly savor the pleasures of your relationship too. According to Astrology, your zodiac sign is happiest with a partner who lets you langor and takes the time to delight in the senses as you do. You especially love to wine and dine your sweetheart. Slow and steady in most things, you’re adept at keeping things hot and spicy in the bedroom too. Conversely, you’re a practical soul and you’re good at making things work. You appreciate a relationship in which each partner puts in equal effort. You notice the small stuff and you expect your partner to appreciate those little things too.
GEMINI RELATIONSHIPS (Gemini dates: May 21 - June 20)
Since Geminis are the gurus of communication, you’re not one to endure cold shoulders and passive aggressive behavior for very long. Your zodiac air sign is happiest in a relationship with a partner who is willing and able to communicate on your level and who doesn’t shy away from healthy confrontation. Your zodiac sign's honesty is your greatest gift in love – but you need a lover who reciprocates. You demonstrate your love by sharing about anything and everything and that’s what makes you feel intimate and connected. A good Gemini relationship is jam-packed with cozy chats and fresh, fun dates; and you particularly love to plan activities – anything bright and bustling.
CANCER RELATIONSHIPS (Cancer dates: June 21 - July 21)
Cancer, your water sign empathy is your ultimate strength in a healthy zodiac match. When you’re satisfied in a relationship, it brings out your inherently caring and nurturing traits, and you’ll go the extra mile to look after the one you love. Your zodiac sign shows a partner how much you care by whipping up something delicious in the kitchen, made with an extra dash of love. You’re most content with a lover who appreciates your constant support and gentle affection – and someone who remembers to thank you for that love. You like to share the load of life’s worries with your partner and tend to take on your lover’s emotions too.
LEO RELATIONSHIPS (Leo dates: July 22 - August 22)
If you’re a Leo in a mutually gratifying relationship, you’re most likely bursting with generosity and goodwill towards your sweetheart and you’ll do almost anything to ensure your lover has everything his or her heart desires. Leo, when you start to become possessive over your mate, you know you’re falling in love. Your zodiac sign also likes to show love with public displays of affection and treat your partner like royalty. Your happiest love match is with a partner who embraces your natural strength and leadership qualities and who is not put out by you taking the lead.
VIRGO RELATIONSHIPS (Virgo dates: August 23 - September 22)
Virgo, you need to be needed, so a partner who relishes in your caring, devoted temperament is the answer to a healthy love match. Your zodiac earth sign values the stability of committed love and organize your life and your love to benefit both you and your lover. According to Astrology, your sign is not the most expressive member of the zodiac when it comes to talking about your emotions, your partner should understand you prefer to convey your love in other ways. You favor thoughtful acts of service to show your support and love. You enjoy making a big deal of anniversaries and birthdays, and nothing will make your heart happier than getting something sentimental for your sweetheart.
LIBRA (Libra dates: September 23 - October 22)
You feel most balanced, Libra, when you’re a member of a partnership. And a good partnership for you is one that’s harmonious and peaceful. As an idealist, you covet that picture-perfect relationship, so your best connection is with someone who indulges that dream. In turn, your zodiac sign expresses love by spending all your free time with your lover. Libra, when you’re in a compatible match, your partner will be secure enough to get that you’re a social butterfly and that you ooze natural charm, and give you the space, knowing that they will always be the center of your world.
SCORPIO RELATIONSHIPS (Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21)
Scorpio, you’re an astrological water sign that finds intimacy pretty easy, so when you trust your lover completely, you’re able to open your heart deep-down and reveal all. When you’re part of a secure bond, the passion will be steaming hot. You’ll still have the emotional ups and downs that go hand-in-hand with your intense personality, but you’ll quickly recover if your partner understands how to ride out the storm. You show your love by doing things for your partner, especially grand romantic gestures. You expect your sweetheart to be one hundred percent invested in your relationship – because, Scorpio, you’re either all in, or all out.
SAGITTARIUS RELATIONSHIPS (Sagittarius dates: November 22 - December 20)
Exuberant and adventurous, Sagittarius is one of the most positive personalities of the zodiac. The best relationship for you is with a partner who embraces your fierce independence and who is also able to sustain the same levels of upbeat energy. When your optimistic fire sign outlook is encouraged, your desire to connect with your sweetheart intensifies. You like to share your experience of the world with the one you love, and you’re happiest in an exciting, vibrant relationship full of new activities. Sagittarius, you show your love by trying to make your partner laugh and through actions, rather than words.
CAPRICORN RELATIONSHIPS (Capricorn dates: December 21 - January 19)
Capricorn, you pride yourself on your self-control and commitment, especially when it comes to things that are dear to your heart. If you truly love your partner, your earth sign is beyond dedicated and will do whatever it takes to make your relationship succeed. Your sometimes overly serious nature is most content in a love compatibility match with a partner who lightens you up. Capricorn is so self-sufficient and independent, so you’ll only completely open up when you’re sure of your lover’s commitment. You know you’re in love when you start sharing your thoughts and feelings with your beloved.
AQUARIUS RELATIONSHIPS (Aquarius dates: January 20 - February 17)
A loved-up Aquarius will shower their sweetheart with love. You like to go over the top to demonstrate your feelings and will spoil your lover rotten. Deeply romantic, your creativity knows no bounds when you’re happy in love. You’re a unique soul and when in a committed love affair or relationship, you show your love in unconventional ways. Aquarius, you won’t be the first to say, “I love you,” but you’ll show it in other ways, most significantly, by making space in your life for your significant other. You not only shower your lover with gifts and treats, but with compliments and adoration too.
PISCES RELATIONSHIPS (Pisces dates: February 18 - March 19)
As one of the most starry-eyed members of the zodiac, Pisces, you tend to show your love through loving gestures. Nothing makes you happier than a strong emotional connection with your lover. Your emotionally sensitive and intuitive nature means when you’re in love you release the full might of your selfless compassion on your mate. You’ll perform endless acts of service for your lover, helping with anything they require. If your partner is happy, then you, Pisces, are fulfilled. When you’re well matched, you’ll ask your lover for guidance on all things and rely on them for emotional support.
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