Most people who use astrology to determine their compatibility with their partner only scratch the surface of what the zodiac has to offer.
They decide to call it quits based on what their sun signs indicate for their relationship. If you've dug deeper into the depths of your birth chart, you may have examined the significance of your partner's as well as your Venus and Mars signs.
However, basing your relationship's success solely on these indicators may not necessarily reveal the whole story. If you want to know if you and your spouse will last, you should ask the true question: "What does Juno imply in astrology?"
Juno’s Mythology
Juno, also known as Hera in Greek mythology, was married to Jupiter (Greek Zeus), the supreme king of heaven and earth.
As a result, she became his queen as well as the Goddess of Marriage. However, long before her meeting with Jupiter, Juno was regarded as one of the primary great goddesses in her own right. Juno was chosen by Jupiter as the only one who was his equal to initiate with him the rites of legal, monogamous, patriarchally defined marriage. As his queen, she was reduced to a mere figurehead and was repeatedly duped, betrayed, and humiliated by her husband's numerous infidelities. Juno was portrayed in myths as a jealous, manipulative, vindictive, revengeful, and dissatisfied wife who would periodically leave her husband after heated arguments. She would, however, always return to try to work things out once more.
Juno in human’s life
Juno represents in the human psyche that aspect of each person's nature that desires to unite with another person in order to build a future together in a committed relationship. This relationship is maintained over time by a formal and binding commitment, whether it is a worldly or spiritual bond.
Juno represents our desire to connect with a true equal on all levels: psychologically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. She is also in charge of matching soulmates, and her feminine hands are behind every marriage that takes place. In fact, she is the inspiration for June, the month when weddings are customarily held.
Juno speaks to our emotions of disappointment, despair, anger, and rage when we do not receive intimacy, depth, equality, honesty, respect, and fulfillment in our unions. This is especially true when we have given up a lot to enter the relationship, such as a career, family, home, or religion.
Juno forces us to confront issues such as submission and dominance, fidelity and infidelity, trust and deception, forgiveness and vengeance. We find ourselves in power struggles for equality in her realm as we try to balance and integrate ourselves with another person and learn to transform selfish desires into cooperative union.
Juno invites us to take the pledge of "for better or worse, in sickness and health, till death us do part" in the context of separation and return. She conveys the understanding that conscious interaction is a path to spiritual enlightenment, as well as the understanding that relationships help us to perfect and complete ourselves.
Juno is also a symbol for the plight of battered and powerless wives and minorities in today's world; for the psychological complexes of love-addiction and codependency; for the rise in divorce rates as people feel compelled to end meaningless relationships; and for the re-definition of traditional relationships in the face of feminism and gay and lesbian coupling.
If you are in a relationship, you may wish to find out what Juno element your spouse has. In general, fire signs appear to be the most compatible with air signs, although earth and water appear to be a harmonious match.
However, if you and your partner's Junos are placed in difficult elements (such as fire and water), the partnership can still function. It simply means that you'll have to work harder to comprehend each other's requirements.
Difference between Juno and Venus
There seems to be a misconception out there where people are saying that Juno and Venus are same, however Juno is nothing like Venus:
Venus is one of the first placements we look at in a birth chart to gain a sense of someone's love energy. Of course, Venus is the goddess of love, but she also represents our feminine energy, how we receive, how we attract people and things, and what we are drawn to.
Juno, on the other hand, isn't interested in dating for the sake of dating. She's wise enough to realize that the individual who truly ignites your love fire isn't always the best long-term partner or husband. It's like the nice girl who is always on the lookout for "bad boys" with emotional or substance addiction issues to provide her instead of a stable, mutually beneficial relationship.
Juno is like the opposite of Lilith. Lilith will not allow a man to govern her, whereas Juno is the devoted, forgiving wife. Juno is comparable to the Moon in nature. It is nurturing and caring, with an emphasis on a happy family life. Juno represents the idealistic wife.
The thing is that Juno and Venus symbolize two opposing perspectives on relationships. Whereas Juno represents the monogamous wife, Venus represents the polygamous lover. You have a passionate, sexy relationship with your marital spouse if these two symbols are nicely integrated in your chart.
When the Venus and Juno energies are not balanced, you may have a satisfying connection with your partner but still feel drawn to having outside love encounters. This is exactly what happened in the Juno myth, when Jupiter, her husband, irritated her by having numerous sexual encounters. This can lead to feelings of envy, sexual betrayal, and competition with real or imagined opponents.
In other cases, one or both partners may remain loyal while being frustrated by sexual issues or a lack of sexual fulfillment in the primary relationship. Differences in tastes, interests, and values are possible. Alternatively, a woman may feel reliant on the connection to justify her femininity.
Juno’s aspects and placements
Juno's aspects to other planets and asteroids show how her challenges of attracting and maintaining long-term partnerships interact with your other impulses, like as self-expression, communication, creativity, or the search for meaning in life.
Juno's sign at the time of your birth reflects what you are looking for in a long-term sexual engagement, such as marriage, or, by extension, in a business partnership or a lasting friendship. It might provide you hints about your most likely relationship troubles and advise solutions to make your related style function better for you.
The sign that crossed through Juno in your astrological birth chart is sometimes said to be your soulmate's sign. Whereas Juno's house placement in the birth chart indicates where or in what area of life you will have the most significant connection interactions.
When it comes to marriage and committed partnerships, the seventh house should be prioritized because it is the key to relationships. At the same time, there are more significant natal chart features that influence your love life, such as Venus, the Moon, and the asteroid Juno.
Juno has a lot to do with commitment and relationships in the natal chart, in addition to her role in synastry.
Juno represents the wife and partner who keeps her marital connection to her spouse despite disagreement and strife. She represents your ability for meaningful committed partnerships, your attitude toward such connections, and the type of relationship experiences that you require in order to feel fulfilled in your birth chart, together with other chart variables such as the Seventh House.
She represents both what you require and what you attract, as well as the methods in which you express your dissatisfaction with broken relationships. These partnerships are typically romantic in nature, although they can also take other forms such as business, professional, or creative partnerships.