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Weekly Overview: September 2 - 8, 2024

Any week has got to be special when it starts with a New Moon, right? September’s lunation in organized, meticulous Virgo reminds us to take care of ourselves. To set up new habits, routines, and systems that will not only optimize our day-to-day but also the proper functioning of our precious body and mind. It’s ever so apt that an orderly New Moon in Virgo happens on a Monday, at the start of the week, which is also a ‘Moon’ day. We see you, Virgo, nodding your head in satisfaction. This is how things should be. Neat and tidy. In their place.
The Virgo vibe will continue with the (re)entry of Mercury, the natural ruler of Virgo, into Virgo next Monday. That was a mouthful, wasn’t it? Not to worry, read that a few times and let it sink in. Basically, this time is bookmarked by Virgo energy. Get organized. Color-code your wardrobe. Arrange your books in alphabetical order. Sort out your spice cupboard. Create a morning and evening routine filled with healthy nibbles, moments of meditation, yoga, hiking, running, breathwork - whatever floats your boat.
Is there anything else worth mentioning? Yes, of course! Mars also features strongly this week, with his (very urgent) square to Neptune on Tuesday, followed by his entry into the watery realms of Cancer on Wednesday. First, the square. Seeing as both Mars and Neptune are sitting at twenty-nine degrees of their respective signs - the last degree of the zodiac - there’s this sense of needing to wrap things up. To have a curtain call. To shut the door. You understand. Unfortunately, Neptune is somewhat of a befuddling planet, misty and confusing. Mars wants, desires, works for, and Neptune - well, Neptune just drifts. We may need to ask ourselves exactly what we are finishing. What chapter are we closing? Trusting our intuition - as well as the signs that may be all around us - is something that will help us navigate what could be a very tricky moment in time.
Thankfully, as soon as Mars enters Cancer, that confusion disappears. Granted, it is replaced by what could be seen as a mildly passive-aggressive energy, but only if we don’t follow our heart’s needs. Only if we expect that others should know what we need and provide it. Sulking, tantrums, and expectations don’t help Mars in Cancer. Tuning into our gut does. Tempering that with the rational sensibility of Virgo - well - it’s a winning formula.

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WEEKLY OVERVIEW: September 9 - 15, 2024

After the wildness of last week, this week settles down to a gentle simmer. The themes of our week ahead revolve around communication and yummy, wholesome pleasure. There’s also a delicious dash of order amidst all the good times, what with Mercury moving back into the sign of his rulership, Virgo, on Monday. He’s been here before, just a few weeks ago, when he went retrograde. Now that he’s revisiting the sign of the Helper and Problem Solver, it’s time to put our thinking caps back on, nibble the end of our (environmentally friendly) pens, and make a color-coded to-do list, with the intention, this time, to stick to it.
As we move through this organizational phase, Mercury links to Mars on Wednesday in a go-getting sextile, lending vigor to our thoughts and the courage of conviction. We’ll also be able to say what we need to say without it becoming a drama. Mars in Cancer at the moment is, well, prone to tantrums. This alignment lends us the opportunity to maturely discuss our desires without throwing our toys. To listen calmly, yet stand our ground. It’s a great configuration to use in any tricky family situation that’s been building of late.
Next up is the square between the Sun and Jupiter on Thursday. This is where the principle of pleasure steps in. This is where we run the risk of being a little, well, excessive. This may not be excess in the way that we think. It’s not drinking that extra glass of wine or munching on that delicious forbidden chocolate cake. No, this is an excess of activity, an excess of thinking, an excess of ideas. It’s running faster than we can manage. It’s taking on tasks that we’re not actually capable of handling, no matter how good we think we are. Our eyes might be bigger than our stomachs, in other words.
Fortunately, the week ends off deliciously with the Venus-Jupiter trine on Sunday. This is pleasure at its finest. It’s not excessive. It’s not wasteful. We’ve done our due diligence, what with Mercury being in Virgo. We’re allowed to play. To be social. To love with all of our hearts. To eat all the chocolate, drink all the wine, have all the cake, dance to all the songs, kiss all the people. Give yourself all the permission.

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WEEKLY OVERVIEW: September 16 - 22, 2024

Eclipse Season is upon us. Libra Season is upon us. It’s all happening, making this arguably one of the most impactful weeks of the year to date. Monday begins on a slightly heartsore note as Venus opposes Chiron, reflecting wounding around relating and self-worth. Never fear - we’ll make it through to the other side, feeling more whole and intact. Integrating and accepting all of our parts - as well as the parts of others - is our divine journey at the start of the week.
The groundwork we do on Monday lays the foundation for Tuesday’s Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in tender, sensitive Pisces. This is a very portentous lunation, seeing as it’s the first one in the series of Pisces and Virgo. Granted, the Moon’s Nodes have not yet moved into this axis, making this a taste of things to come.
So what’s to come?
With La Luna in Pisces and the Sun in Virgo, it’s a story of healing. Healing our bodies, our minds, and our souls. It’s about beginning the journey of releasing habits, addictions, and mental states that aren’t for our highest and best good. It’s about boundaries. It’s about surrendering into the Universe and opening our hearts to trust, to faith, to belief in something bigger than us. Meaty stuff.
The aftermath of the Eclipse holds an opposition between Mercury and Saturn on Wednesday. This urges us to take our decisions seriously, to ensure we’re seeing things realistically, yet at the same time, not projecting negative outcomes. It’s a delicate equilibrium.
Thursday sees the Sun and Uranus dancing in an exciting trine, releasing us from some of the intense emotions still running high from the Eclipse. Doing something a little out of the ordinary will help us hit the reset button and remember who we truly are. This is helpful indeed, seeing as the Sun then opposes Neptune on Friday, which is always somewhat of a blurry alignment. We’re either going into full delusional mode (otherwise known as delulu), or, we’re learning to integrate our inner mystic with our inner practicalist. It’s a dance of trusting that we can hold it all, hold all of our parts, and hopefully direct them into a state of harmony with one another.
Sunday is action-packed. The Sun and Venus communicate with transformative, intense Pluto, in a trine and square respectively before they change signs. They’re not moving into the same sign - but it’s quite synchronistic that these planets are moving to the same beat of the cosmos. Their connection to Pluto reveals shadowy undercurrents and the opportunity to reclaim our power, whatever that power is to us. Financial power. Power in relationships. Inner power. It’s a moment of deep labor before we become rebirthed on the other side.
As Libra season dawns, said relationships become that much more emphasized, especially with Venus shimmying into sultry, all-or-nothing Scorpio. As much as Libra might want to keep things light and fluffy, that’s unlikely to be the case. The best we can do is take deep breaths after each deep dive into the complexity, joy, and beauty of connecting. Sharing our souls and vulnerable intimacy are unavoidable. Let’s lean in.

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Weekly Horoscope for Your Zodiac Sign

Last Week
September 2 - 8, 2024
This Week
September 9 - 15, 2024
Next Week
September 16 - 22, 2024
Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

All eyes this week are on Mars, your ruling planet. Tuesday - as well as some of Monday and the weekend prior - does seem to throw somewhat of a spanner in the works, as the planet of action squares off with a very uncertain Neptune. What do you want? You don’t know. How do you want it? No idea. When would you like it? Not a clue. See? It’s like that. Best to hold your horses on everything until this has passed, which will be on Wednesday, to get technical. Wednesday sees Mars galloping into your domestic sector, where he’ll be settling in for a month or two. Get ready to be cozy. But remember not to throw your toys.

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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

The earthy New Moon on Monday might feel like just what your soul needs at this moment. It unfolds in the most delicious area of your chart - your pleasure, sensuality, dating, and creative sector. It doesn’t get much better than this. So, if love is on your radar, best you get detailed about what - and who - you want, either from a new connection or an existing one. Don’t be scared to make lists. To be precise. The Universe likes clarity. Wednesday sees you having the courage to put your money where your mouth is. Just be sure not to get too provocative.

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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Monday’s New Moon unfolds in quite a delicious area of your chart - your area of domestic harmony, to be precise. What is it that you need from your home space? From your family? From your roots? Now’s the moment to ask for it. Then, to trust that your needs will be fulfilled. Speaking of needs, Mars, the planet of action, arrives in your financial sector on Wednesday. He hasn’t been here for about two years, making it an important time to get on top of your resources and ask yourself - you know it - what you need to feel safe and secure.

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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

First, Monday’s New Moon lands in your intellectual sector, sparking off all kinds of lightbulb moments for you in the weeks and months to come. Get ready to become the brightest crayon in the box. The community genius. The smarty-pants in the family. You’re usually one to follow your heart’s urges, but under the auspices of La Luna, you’re more inclined to use your noggin. Now, moving onto Wednesday, because that’s actually the big cosmic news for you. Mars arches into your sign for the first time in a few years, igniting your physical drive and energy and pushing you to get the job done. Give it horns.

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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

The start of the week, for you, has some confusing moments, where you’re not sure of the difference between up and down. Yet, at the same time, and perhaps because of this, you’re eager to get your proverbial ducks in a row. This might translate to finances, or some other area of your world that needs a little more tender, loving attention to detail. Being such an extravagant and generous individual, it could feel a little foreign to be so, well, frugal. But it’s this very frugality that creates the ability to have so much more fun later down the line.

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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

This is your week. Own it. Monday’s New Moon is all you. In your very own sign, it’s all about what you want for yourself in the months to come. It’s okay to put yourself first for a change, you know. It’s more than okay. It’s what’s needed. Too often are you the one in the driver’s seat, dispensing advice and help all over the show and serving others. Yes, this is part of your purpose, but so is your personal development. Your health, too, comes first. Create routines and habits that will serve you, that will make you feel the best you’ve ever felt.

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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

It’s a quiet start to the week as the focus moves from the external world to your inner landscape. What do you need to do now to ensure that your mental and spiritual health are in tip-top shape? What old patterns are holding you back and simply creating anxiety within you? What can you - finally - let go of now? Can you take some time out to truly consider all of this? You move into a new phase next month, so this is a great time to prepare your soul for that shift. Contemplation will get you far. Being alone will also help you cope with what looks to be a busy work season coming up.

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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

Mars, in ancient astrology, was your ruler. He still is, you know. On Monday (as well as on the weekend before), his connection with Neptune reflect a queasy kind of energy. You don’t truly know what’s going on, do you? And you don’t want to admit it, either. Don’t worry - this too shall pass. Your relationship, in particular, seems to be the source of your uncertainty. Trust your gut. On Wednesday, when Mars moves into a new sector, your spiritual energy gets lit up, and suddenly, your intuition is a whole lot easier to tune into. You won’t settle for anything but the truth.

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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

From Monday, it looks as if you’re poised to hit your stride, professionally speaking. The New Moon in this area promises all kinds of delicious beginnings. Where do you see yourself going in the months to come? How will you get there? What details need to be put in place? What plans need to be made? How can you get a little more organized, bit by bit? Don’t allow anyone else to influence you too much right now. This time is all about you, and you alone. About the gifts that you have to share with the world. Because they are many.

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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

The next few months might see you grow in ways that you could never have expected. This growth may come in the form of a journey that you undertake, for example. Your experiences now all count towards something important. Trust your innate wisdom to keep going, become the mentor that you were always meant to be - that you are, intrinsically. Think about expanding your horizons in ways that feel safe, planned, and secure. There’s nothing wrong with not wanting to do this haphazardly. Take care of your relationships from Wednesday onwards. They may get a little prickly. Don’t take other people’s nonsense. You don’t need that.

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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Being the quintessentially idealistic sign, it’s always a bit of a hassle having to come back to earth and deal with the day-to-day stuff. The material stuff. The stuff that, in all honesty, you can’t avoid. You have to adult sometimes, you know. Here’s the thing - getting your ducks in a row is really not going to be that stressful. In fact, it’s going to hit all the right buttons for you. So, buckle down and take care of those investments. Do the budget. Call the bank. Start anew. Work starts to look busy from Wednesday, but just watch that you’re not taking so much on that you start becoming resentful.

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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

The previous weekend’s energy flows into Monday and Tuesday, where you could be feeling, well, a little discombobulated. Confused. Taken advantage of, perhaps. If you’re getting that uncomfortable feeling, trust it. You know what this is. Don’t deny it. The energy shifts from Wednesday, where you’ll be feeling a sense of relief as all that discomfort washes away and you begin to play again. Romance looks steamy, if a touch emotional. Friction and attraction go hand in hand. Just make sure that you’re not throwing tantrums. It won’t get you anywhere. And don’t take on that behavior from anyone else. You don’t deserve it.

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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Look at you go, being all organized. You did attempt this a few weeks back, with very little to no success. That wasn’t your fault at all. It was completely the planets. Now it would be your fault if you dropped the ball. Will you, though? Of course not. You’re far too smart for that. What you lack in details, you make up for with your pure enthusiasm and vigor. Channel these qualities into your domestic world, into your workday. Get moving with the mundane so that you make room for the pleasure that’s about to come your way. Oh, yes. You heard that right.

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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

It looks like you’re about to make some important decisions - again - when it comes to your love life or possibly some projects that you were involved in, but had to go on the backburner. Why again? Well, you were likely faced with these choices a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, a spanner was thrown into the works, delaying all your progress and forcing you to backtrack, quite literally. Now that you’re back on track, have those conversations. Problem-solve. Declare what’s in your heart in a rational, sensible, mindful manner. By Sunday, once your ruler, Venus, meets with Jupiter, you’ll have laid the groundwork to enjoy yourself to the max.

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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Your ruler, Mercury, once again enters an area of your chart linked to memories, the past, and roots. He visited here a few weeks ago, lending you a glimmer of what was to come. You began a journey down memory lane, only to be pulled back into other, more important areas of focus. You had to first find your voice, settle disputes, come up with ideas, and express yourself. Now that you’ve done all of that, you have the freedom to sit and reflect. To make decisions that relate to your mental and emotional well-being. Just don’t load too much on your plate.

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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

You’ve had to channel a great deal of your focus lately on your resources, on survival, on security. This has been a great exercise as it’s now given you an opening to simply be creative. You’ve given yourself enough space to get creative over the next couple of weeks. To bounce your ideas off those who know you well. To fine-tune your decisions. You’ll be taking action soon enough, probably from as early as Wednesday. You have the confidence, energy, and courage to follow through on your promises. Go you. Look at you, smashing all your goals and coming out on top.

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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Mercury finally leaves your sign and enters a new sector of your chart on Monday. This transit has given you some excellent ideas lately. Now you get to put them into action. Go ahead and create a budget. Formulate a plan. Map out your resources. You have a few weeks to put your nose to the grindstone and get practical. Keep in mind that your ruler, the Sun, is linking to Jupiter in a wobbly square aspect on Thursday. While this aspect may feel very good and abundant, it’s also one that’s likely to have you juggling far too much, leaving very little room for yourself. There’s only so much socializing you can do, you know.

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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Mercury, your intelligent ruler, enters your sign on Monday. Does this feel familiar? It should, seeing as he’s been here before, just a few weeks ago. He had some unfinished business to take care of, what with his retrograde. Yet, that’s all over now, and you can finally begin to, once again, make important decisions. You’ll follow these decisions up with clear goals, too. This feels good. It feels right. You’ll have plenty on your plate come Thursday, so don’t overextend yourself. Take a break this weekend from all the activity. Bathe yourself in pleasure. Spend. Indulge. Don’t feel guilty for a single moment.

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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

We may as well skip ahead to the good stuff. The juice. Your ruler, Venus, is currently in your sign, reflecting feelings of love, joy, and pleasure. You’re more attractive than ever, and you know it. Love is flowing towards you. So are yummy humans, if you’re that way inclined. Make this work for you, especially on Sunday, when Venus meets up with Jupiter in a deliciously pleasurable trine aspect. It’s an energy ideal for date nights, whatever your relationship status. Whisk yourself away if you have to. Sweep yourself off of your own feet this week. You’re the most important - and longest - relationship you’ll ever have.

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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

The last few weeks have likely seen you being given a golden opportunity to express your most creative ideas and plans, especially in a professional sense. Now that you’ve expressed, it’s time to lay the groundwork, the practical plans for said ideas to take root. This means that, from Monday, you need to get serious about your future. You need to start making to-do lists. You need to create color-coded goals and stick to them. You’re someone usually led by your heart, yet you have an incredibly strategic side that is ever so important to indulge from time to time. If you can think it, you can do it. Keep reminding yourself of that.

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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Thursday sees the link of your ruler, Jupiter, to the Sun in a wobbly square aspect. Although this is by no means a negative configuration, it can be a touch excessive and overboard. And it’s not like you need an excuse to push the limits, is it? So, approach this week with caution. Do your best not to agree to every activity and suggestion proposed by your sweetheart, your boss, your bestie. As enthusiastic as you may be feeling, you might end up completely overcommitting yourself. Sunday sees an easier flow, where said Jupiter is joined by Venus in a harmonious trine. This is probably the most social aspect of the year for you. You know what that means, right? Fun. Pure, unadulterated fun.

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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

You’re not the type to throw the towel in and just go on a random, unplanned adventure. No, you need to first dot your i’s and cross your t’s. So do that. Don’t be ashamed for even a moment about who you are and how you go about things. It’s your ability to organize that makes you, you. It’s what most people need and want. So, if new horizons are beckoning, get on top of it. Map out the journey - literally. Utilize your experience and wisdom. It’ll stand you in good stead. If there’s an opportunity to bring someone along for the ride, go ahead and do it. It’ll be so much more fun.

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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Too much fun and it starts to become meaningless. Keep this in mind over the week ahead, especially on Thursday, when you’re tempted to be excessive just for the sake of it, maybe just because you can. Yet, neither your bank account nor the people whom you have a responsibility towards will approve. Not that it’s about approval, of course. But it is about consideration, whether towards yourself or not. This all smoothes out by the weekend, when you’ll be able to blend meaning and pleasure. This is rare. Not many are able to achieve this balance. Go ahead and teach what you’re learning. This is a pleasure in and of itself.

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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Mercury, our archetypal communication planet, moves into your relationship sector yet again for a second round this year. This is a second chance. It’s a golden cosmic moment to put to rights anything that was misunderstood, misconstrued, misread. You’re listening closely. You’re heeding (practical) advice. Of course, you should never give your power of decision over to anyone else. Take into account their opinion this week, but make your own choices. Engage in pillow talk. Get intimate with your thoughts. It may lead to great things later down the line. There’s also some deliciously good news come the weekend. News that makes you feel supported, loved, and perhaps even financially held, spoiled, or otherwise taken care of.

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Aries by Astrology.TV

Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Tuesday’s Eclipse is very important for you. Not to go into too much detail, of course. Let’s just cut right to the chase. You’ve transformed enormously over the last two years, haven’t you? Your life has changed. Your relationships - and attitude to them - have shifted. You’re still in for a few more months of this, so do the work. It’ll be worth it. Get ready to fully let go of baggage that you may never have realized you were still carrying. Open up to spiritual guidance. Make an agreement with yourself to walk away from habits that aren’t helping you spiritually, mentally, or physically anymore. The power lies in your hands.

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Taurus by Astrology.TV

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

All eyes are on your ruler, Venus. Sure, there’s an Eclipse, and sure, it’s important - especially for your relationships. But more important is the deep dance between the planet of love and Pluto on the weekend. This seems to trigger some shadows that you perhaps never realized you were hiding, ignoring, or otherwise simply unaware that they still had some kind of hold on you. Now’s the time to face what needs to be faced. To acknowledge that you might still have some work to do. Venus shimmies into your relationship sector at the end of the week, continuing the ride. Embrace it all. Whatever you resist will only persist.

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Gemini by Astrology.TV

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

The areas of your world most emphasized this week have a great deal to do with the direction that your work seems to be taking you. You’ve had quite an interesting ride over the last year and a half, haven’t you? Maybe you’ve walked away from a situation that’s no longer been working for you. Or, perhaps it’s been a case of you taking in greater responsibility. Whatever it is, Tuesday and Wednesday’s energies urge you to think carefully about where you see yourself going. It won’t necessarily be an easy decision, and you’ll have to take all things into account. Get your facts straight before plunging ahead. And let the Universe do its job by surrendering into what is already happening.

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Cancer by Astrology.TV

Cancer (June 21 - July 21)

Being a sign ruled by the Moon, you’re always going to feel Eclipse energy more than most. This one, in your fellow water sign of Pisces, is all to do with your journey. The journey you’ve been on in the last several months, be that spiritual, literal, or even emotional. This is the culmination point. This is where you see the outcome of your process. This is where you make decisions based on your lived experience. Bear in mind that Eclipses tend to sweep away what’s no longer needed without you lifting a finger. Allow this to happen. Don’t cling. Trust in a higher wisdom than your own. It will all start making sense soon.

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Leo by Astrology.TV

Leo (July 22 - August 22)

Thursday holds some fun energy for you, especially after the emotional rollercoaster and financial shifts that you’re likely to still be experiencing due to Tuesday’s Eclipse. A sudden windfall seems to come your way, giving you the freedom you’ve been looking for. It flows. You don’t have to try. Hold onto this bold energy, because come Friday, you may, once again, be plunged into a kind of uncertainty. Situations become murky, questionable, confusing. What seems too good to be true probably is. Avoid decision-making. Let the Universe take the wheel, as foreign as that may feel. The season shifts as the Sun heads into your mental sector, reflecting a much more balanced approach.

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Virgo by Astrology.TV

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

Pisces is your opposite sign, making Tuesday’s Eclipse particularly important for you. This is just the beginning of a powerful new chapter. It seems to be a chapter connected to your relationships. This particular part of the story might be about clearing the decks in order to make way for stronger, more meaningful, and more aligned connections. If this is the case, don’t overthink it. Yes, that’s easier said than done, what with you being you, but nevertheless, try. Have faith. Use your excellent discernment and clear judgment to carefully observe the situation. Have those serious conversations. Let them sit for a hot minute. By the end of the week, you’re likely to have your answer.

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Libra by Astrology.TV

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

Guess what? It’s the official start of your Birthday season - hooray for you! Granted, this only begins on Sunday, so you have the whole week to wait. In that time, where can you create space for new and exciting goals? What do you observe the Universe removing from your world during the Eclipse on Tuesday? What are some of the decisions facing you, and how can you make these using a beautiful blend of intuition and clear rationality? Choices are seldom easy for your sign, but because you take everything into account so seriously, you almost always make the right one. Trust yourself.

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Scorpio by Astrology.TV

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

It’s an intense week. It always is during Eclipse Season. This is the start of a chapter that, for you, is about what you give versus what you let yourself receive. It’s the delicate dance between passion and friendship. Between your future and your present. It’s about releasing some of these decisions and surrendering them to something bigger than yourself. Even if that’s your Higher Self. If relationships are featuring strongly now, that’s because they’re supposed to. The luminaries are switching on a bright light here for you to see the truth. You’ll get glimpses before you potentially plunge once again into uncertainty. By Sunday, you’ll be in your full power. The way will become clear.

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Sagittarius by Astrology.TV

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 20)

Tuesday’s Eclipse holds some duality for you. It holds endings and beginnings. It asks you to reflect on what’s truly important to you. It reminds you that in order to grow tall, you need to have roots that run deep. Who or what are your roots? Are they strong enough to hold you? To hold your greatest dreams? Do these pillars celebrate you? If not, this is the time to prune those roots. This clears the way for new growth to take place. If you’re finding the rug beneath you being pulled out, gracefully adapt. Trust. There’s a bigger picture going on here. One that, if you stand back, you’ll begin to see.

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Capricorn by Astrology.TV

Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

You’re no stranger to making tough decisions. In fact, there’s a part of you that enjoys the challenge. Nevertheless, even you may be strained under the uncertain light of Tuesday’s Eclipse. All directions seem possible and impossible at the same time. It’s ever so important you align your famous practicality with imagination. You are the mystical Sea Goat - imagination is one of your greatest gifts that you often forget about. Tap in, responsibly. Don’t worry - you won’t lose track by giving in to dreams. You’ll find a way to make these thoughts a reality. You always do. Make a promise to yourself to walk away from self-defeating criticism. You don’t need that. Be your own greatest cheerleader.

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Aquarius by Astrology.TV

Aquarius (January 20 - February 17)

Tuesday’s Eclipse reminds you to come back to planet earth. Were you floating a little too far out there in the clouds? That’s okay. This is one of your most delicious traits. Nevertheless, practicality is calling and you do have to make some choices around your material security. Or, maybe you’re lucky and the Universe is making those choices for you. Things might seem very uncertain at first, so your challenge is to keep the faith. Peer between the cracks and trust your heart’s instincts. By the weekend, there’s a rush of truth. Balance returns, along with your innate wisdom.

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Pisces by Astrology.TV

Pisces (February 18 - March 19)

Make no mistake, this is the start of something huge for you. Eclipses are some of the most powerful cosmic happenings you can get. About nine or ten years ago, you had the Eclipses unfolding in your sign. What was unfolding for you then? Take a trip down memory lane this week. You may find similar themes unfolding for you in the weeks and years to come. Likely it was to do with relationships. This time, however, you’re moving into a space where the onus is on you to choose yourself, first and foremost. Only then will you get the balance right and achieve the holy grail of healthy interdependence.

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  • ★★★★★
    So accurate and insightful. Thanks Kelli Fox all the way from India. Love you.❤️
    Pushpinder Kaur
  • ★★★★★
    Um, okay, well, I think norm, you guys are great. Everyone that's been helping me, psychics, tarot readers, and all this other stuff, even though I've been. I've been, um, confused about it. I do believe that spirituality is a great thing and everyone that does it. And I would like to continue, although right now I don't have money, so I'll pick for whatever is free for now. I it won't be for long. I do have, uh, speaking gig that hopefully comes out, and then I'm gonna own my own carrot reading, um, tarot spirituality kind of. Kind of company. I don't have the money, but, hey, the universe is leading me that way. I aim to bring awareness to spirituality and to those who think that spirituality is bad. Anyway, thank you for all you do. If it wasn't for people like, yeah, I will still be lost and confused. I would probably even go back to religion, which I don't want to. I want to follow my purpose. Thank you very much. Peace and love.
    Olvis Guerrero
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much for sharing your insight and your views. I was very touched. I was very intrigued by the amount of information that the site knew about me because of my birthday, the time I was born, the months, years, astrology, everything about it. I am listening and I am deeply involved in my life's change. So many things that you said to me was so important about letting go of past issues and things of that nature, and I'm in the process of doing just that and doors are continuing to open up. I want to thank you and I appreciate everything that I see on the page when it comes across. My timeline feels like you're talking directly to me, but again, I thank you. I wish you much peace and plenty blessings, and I pray that you continue to spread your message of peace and love to others who come across the same information the same way as I did. Thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    thank you
  • ★★★★★
    I feel guided and inspired by your readings
    Felilia Escoses Gariza
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, your work is very much appreciated.
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli is a awesome lady, she has a good heart and soul. She can help you in your quest. Yours truly Michael
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you very much
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much u r the great Lady in the World Take Care God Bless U Amen Plz Praying for me Thankful
  • ★★★★
    Thanks for the opportunity!
  • ★★★★★
    I am overwhelmed by the level of your concerns and ability to make me relevant. God bless you abundantly in all your ways
    Ahmed Oluwatobiloba Olarewaju Sulaimon
  • ★★★★★
    Kel ur the best astrologer I've ever known. U have been my astrologer since 2001. U helped me in a time I was scared for my life. U have no idea what u did for me . I've tried other astrologers during which time u were away because of ur accident but never found any one like u. Thank u for ur services.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli thank you for all your readings and caring for me you don't beat around the bush but you don't tell me all the negatives you tell me the positives and I appreciate that I need guidance and you guide me so thank you and God bless you we all need a little guidance. Your eternal friend Steve.
    Stephen Lynn Wood
  • ★★★★★
    I enjoy receiving my horoscope in the mail it is always interesting and positive and fun. Thank you!
  • ★★★★★
    Let's just say that when I see your email, I can't help but smile and quickly go check out my horoscope. I'm learning so much about the "potentials" that the stars, the planets, and you (as a guide, an interpreter) allow me to align with (or not 😁❤️‍🩹).
    Greta Godaert
  • ★★★★★
    Great 😃 information , and research, I rely on my decisions.....
  • ★★★★
    I found your "Weekly Astro Weather for Feb. 18th-25th" to be very informative and an easy read. Thank you very much for inviting me to read it.
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for all the astrological messages that are related to my life .I always got help when I read your messages.
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, I'm donalding in California. I was elated to get your text message and your challenge to make a video testimonial. I'm at a huge crossroads and starting over and I am the oldest person in the dorms at West Hills College and California. I'm going to study and get smarter and figure a way out of this little mess. I didn't know about Pisces or any of these things coming into my life and I definitely need to avoid bullying. There are and things are going to be just fine. We are interconnected, we are, we are loving, we are not competitive, and we are not.
    Don Spalding
  • ★★★★★
    Wonderful content, Often helped a lot. Thank you 💖
    Katja Alexandra
  • ★★★★★
    Hi, guys. Me and the cat here say hello, Kitty. I think anytime you got a real person that you can see talking to you is better. I think just video in general makes everything better. It's more entertaining, it's easier than reading. So if you do your own fair share of reading, it's good to just be able to listen for a change. So I think it's a good thing. I don't know if I'm answering, really what you wanted me to address, but keep up the good work. I'm enjoying it anyways. Bye, guys. Bye.
    Todd Marnie
  • ★★★★★
    Hello. How you doing? Good morning. I just like to appreciate all the encouraging things and basically, like, being. Hitting everything on in the head, what goes on through my life and everything, you know, I'm a firm believer, and it's just a real blessing to have someone like you all to, you know, with the heads up, with the presence, just everything. And I just wanted to let you know, greatly appreciate of you, you all. And, um, like, I know I have a special calling in life. Just through various things just went on in my life. I could tell. It's like, you know, I haven't been through a lot. I've been through a lot, but I always let my good outweigh my bad, always keep me a positive head. And, you know, I do my best to speak life into my situations instead of doubt and complain most of the time because I know God's got my back regardless, through anything. But I just like to thank you for all you have done. And at times, I may even forget to look on, look on here. But when I do go back and look, I catch what need to be caught, you know, it's just that, you know, it's a busy point in my life right now. Like, it's real busy and. But I still make time through it all. I just like to say I thank you and I appreciate you all for each and everything. And when I do be able to receive the funds and start investing in this and help out, I will. Until then, thank you. I love you. Thank you. Bye.
    Antowin Porter
  • ★★★★★
    Nice to not get gimmick's. You're in a class by yourself.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for taking care of us and the time to share your amazing gifts so appreciated xx
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, I have come to RELY upon your dailies (Cancer), especially your unique Rating System! Feel LOST on those rare days when I don't have that going for me! So what has become of your daily "extras"? Are you taking a break and someone is subbing for you lately? I certainly hope that is the case and that you are well! Praying for you, love you! - Lou
  • ★★★★★
    I just want you to know I absolutely love you. I rely on you. If I get rich, I'm taking you with me. I'm going to have you with me every day of my life just because it's kind of weird. It's kind of scary how dead on you are all the time. But you want to know what? I love you. Thank you for finding your way in my life. I love all your emails and everything. And sometimes it scares me and I just try to be like, okay, let me just steer away because I always feel like I'm missing out on something, being occupied by stuff I'd rather not be occupied by, entertaining people and stuff that shouldn't be, getting people blocking my blessings, I guess you'd say. But besides that, I just need to take a leap of faith and just go all in it because I know who I am, what I want and I can't get it when I'm sitting in the house not doing anything because I'm all depressed because of the people that I have, people that suck my energy away. I don't know how to explain it. Just people that front row cheer me on to fail. But seriously, I love you. Thank you. I appreciate you. Bye.
    Dani Q
  • ★★★★
    Thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Astrology has given me the best for life made me to understand what I am under life and to live on this planet I'm so happy for this deep wisdom I'm grateful.
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Hello Kelli, thank you so much for being there in dark times & providing guidance! I find your readings very accurate compared to others!! Kindly accept my gratitude!!!
    Jaspreet Dullet
  • ★★★★
    Spot on. Thanks
  • ★★★★★
    Hi there. I'm Kumpul. I have listened to my predictions and it correctly says that confidence in me and yeah, it was really nice production and I'm looking forward really nice, amazing productions from my end. And I also wanted to know about the career wise predictions and, yeah, thank you.
  • ★★★★★
    Always on point. Every word about cancer and full moon is everything my love interest is going through. We are both Cancers. Thank you Kelli.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been following Kelli Fox for over a decade. Her readings are percise and quite accurate. I have also gotten quite a bit of insight from her additional reading and chart reviews. Thank you Kelli!
  • ★★★★★
    This message is right on time.
    Tiffony McCall
  • ★★★★★
    I love everything I saw today!
    Oolapho Williams
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you!
    Zachary Colombo
  • ★★★★★
    Ms. Kelli Fox. YOU Have Got It Going On Dear. YOUR Horoscopes are AMOUNGST ONE Of The BEST I've EVER SEEN On The Internet! , They're Accurate , Beautifully Written , & Beautifully Displayed , I Simply LOVE Reading YOUR Astrology Articles & Horoscopes , Keep Up The Awesome Work Ms. FOX.
  • ★★★★★
    They are very accurate & have helped me a lot.
  • ★★★★★
    For twelve years I keep visiting Kelli Fox to see whats up for my day, week, month and year. She explains astrology in a language I relate to.
    Shannon Laws
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, thank you so much.
    kiarash zabeti
  • ★★★★★
    I have visited your sites and shared your readings many times without knowing the work involved or the work behind it all. Thank you for your generosity and expertise. Your contributions are valuable to myself and many others. You have contributed to my personal growth, my understanding of the world and my deep compassion for all creatures. You are appreciated.
    Aurora Clair
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much for you work Kelli <3
    Tyshawn Braxton
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, Kelly. I am ready. If I had known I was going to be recording this, I would have worn some makeup. So anyway. Oh, that's my vanity speaking. Sorry about that. But anyway, I do love listening to you and I always acquire a lot of knowledge. I've been studying astrology since I was about eleven years old. I love it and I can't get enough of it. But I just wanted to let you know that I loved that quote from Eleanor Roosevelt that you put on there. It's so true. We need to live life while we have it and make the best of it. And astrology will help us lead the way. I'm assured of that. Anything we can learn when it comes to astrology will only help us to live a better life. And by your volunteering all your information, I thank you a million times over. You are such an asset. And I know the stars and the planets are shining down upon you and I listen to you all the time on YouTube and your Zoom channel and have a wonderful Thanksgiving and I hope your throat feels better. Kelli keeps drinking some hot. Thank you for everything you do. My name is Judith and I'm from Greensboro, North Carolina, and I'm a cancer and I love all of what you have to say. Thank you. Bye.
    Judith Bleiberg
  • ★★★★★
    Mahalo nunui Kelli for caring & guiding me through the darkest times. I am blessed to have you.
    Cheryl Bautista
  • ★★★★★
    Hey, the experience has been really wonderful. It gives me an insight on who I am, who I want to be. Can't wait to hear the rest. Thanks. Bye.
    Angela Cates
  • ★★★★★
    Kelli, you amaze me about how well you are reading me and my loved one so well.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you so much, Kelli Fox, for being my astrologer. I’m always so happy and grateful to hear from you. ❤️ Winnie
    Winnie Elise
  • ★★★★★
    Growing and evolving everyday. Thanks for the guidance. Finally on the right path for the first time. My life changed once I found who I am. Had to lose everything to find who I was supposed to be. The universe has a wild way of reaching you when you're lost!
    Charley Cash
  • ★★★★★
    Glenn Twum
  • ★★★★★
    Thanks for always keeping me updated. Even sometimes i get lazy of checking my emails but this is truly helpful to me.
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli.
    Maria Nelia Vieira de Nobrega
  • ★★★★★
    I'm grateful for all your passion that enriches us. Lots of thanks and best wishes
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for remembering my birthday! You're the only one. The images in the video were beautiful; & I really enjoyed the music.
    Georgia Gabet
  • ★★★★★
    Hello, Kelli. Thank you very much for your emails and for yourself. And I must say I take full advantage of your emails. With pleasure. And also from Numerology, of course. And you are really a lovely person. Thank you very much. Bye.
  • ★★★★★
    You are always right!!!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you for the message it was spot on!
  • ★★★★★
    Thank you Kelli for the inspiration, guidance, and help. Much love and appreciation.
  • ★★★★
    You're right on with so much accuracy that it was crazy and incredible at the same time!! Almost like you was in my head at times.. Def enjoyed all the insight as well and looking forward to what the future holds.. The sky is the limit.. 💫✨💫✨
    Crystal Markland
  • ★★★★★
    I found the best Astrologer. Thank you Kelli for being my mentor . I see things more clearly & trust me my thinking abilities are skyrocketing.
    Arvind kumar
  • ★★★★★
    I found the best Astrologer. Thank you Kelli for being my mentor . I see things more clearly & trust me my thinking abilities are skyrocketing.
    Arvind kumar
  • ★★★★★
    I found the best Astrologer. Thank you Kelli for being my mentor . I see things more clearly & trust me my thinking abilities are skyrocketing.
    Arvind kumar
  • ★★★★★
    I remember what happened in 2015, it will happen again. Thank you Kelli, I know now what to do. You are on the spot again.
    Viviane Banoun
  • ★★★★★
    You were so on point with this information , as if you were reading my mind.
  • ★★★★★
    I have been studying astrology for 40 years and this site is particularly knowledgeable and well-written.
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