Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility (Sagittarius dates: November 22 - December 20; Aquarius dates: January 20 - February 17)
Do Sagittarius and Aquarius make a good match? This is one of the most highly-touted relationships that you can get in the zodiac! Sagittarius you and your lovely Aquarius are well-known as free spirits, as people who always know how to have a good time without ever getting in each other’s faces or making each other feel suffocated!
And, because you both are such wise owls (and party animals – it’s a special combination!), you share a deep love of learning, knowledge, growth and education. In fact, that’s the only real problem between you – being two know-it-alls!
When you meet, you’ll have the rare, instant connection that may even be said to be “love at first sight”. But it may just start out as friendship, and later develop into a full-fledged romance. First, you focus on having fun, and later you may decide whether the buddy-buddy game is one you’ll play.
Sagittarius, you really adore how cool and independent your Aquarius is, and how eccentric and unusual they are. They stand out from the crowd, and they always have something interesting to say. Plus, Aquarius is charming and their coolness only serves to fuel your fire and make you want them more! You warm their engine up, and despite their sometimes-aloof nature, Aquarius can’t help but feel passionate towards you!
Aquarius will also never begrudge your adventures, Sagittarius. They’re quite happy to do their own thing whilst you gallivant all over the globe, and sometimes, they’ll join you. It will be on their terms, because despite their open-mindedness, this is a sign of the zodiac that can be stubborn and inflexible when they want to be! Fortunately, your adaptable and positive nature just adjusts and gets on with things without much fuss.
Of course, you will lose your temper at your Aquarius and wonder how they can be so rigid and even cold at times. It is infuriating, but their rationality can help you to come back down from your high horse and cool your flames.
There is the chance, Sagittarius, that you two are just too independent for each other. Aquarius can be committed, being a fixed sign, but they need that same commitment back. Can you give it to them? If you really want to, yes!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Aquarius Dating Compatibility:
Are Sagittarius and Aquarius Soulmates? Though you’ll probably never admit it, you most likely are! You do share a similar soul, Sagittarius, and you each have this wise, insightful and honest nature about you both.
Your approach to love and relationships is also similar, Sagittarius. Aquarius is cautious, but they like to have a good time and will be quite happy to “see where things go” for some time. They don’t like partners who are too needy, and enjoy their space to do their own thing, so your equally independent way appeals to them.
Keep in mind, Sagittarius, that Aquarius wants to be your friend before they will be your lover. Sure they may jump into bed with you, but they may not have a real relationship with you until they know you can get along without the physical side of things.
Don’t expect Aquarius to be as passionate as you either, Sagittarius. Emotions make them somewhat uncomfortable, and they prefer to talk and share ideas. It takes time for an Aquarius to truly warm up and tell you how they really feel, so don’t hold your breath!
Aside from that, your dates will be fabulous and fun! Aquarius is always up for a party, Sagittarius, and will likely outlast even you! You can really paint the town red together ad you get along well with each other’s friends. In fact, dates that are social appeal to both of you, though you may enjoy the benefits of being alone from time to time too!
Sagittarius and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility:
Can Sagittarius and Aquarius marry? Most Aquarians are quite happy not to approach the topic of marriage for quite a few years, and some don’t mind not getting married ever! However, as a fixed sign, there is some part of the Aquarius that does appreciate the value of the deeper commitment that can happen when tying the knot.
Luckily, they don’t really put that pressure on you unless it’s a few years down the line, Sagittarius. And that’s how you work best – no pressure. When you can come to the conclusion that you want to marry, you’ll make a loyal and passionate partner. The chances are also quite good that you’ll want it before the Aquarius does, being an impatient fire sign!
If you do commit or tie the knot, you’ll make easy partners for each other. Because growth and independence lie at the foundation of your relationship, you are a real team with the same goals. Aquarius also grounds you a lot, Sagittarius, despite their airy-fairy ways. Aquarius knows how to be in the world, how to structure, how to work hard.
This helps to balance your more irresponsible nature, Sagittarius. Together, you weave a life full of idealism and magic, but also a life that has roots in the same soil.
Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility in Bed:
Are Sagittarius and Aquarius sexually compatible? The thing is, Sagittarius, is that Aquarius does tend to live very much inside of their heads, and may even be a little detached from sex. Whilst you are powerfully passionate, Aquarius is highly cerebral.
What you will enjoy about the Aquarius, Sagittarius, is their willingness to experiment and be open. They will try anything you suggest, and although it takes time, they’ll warm up fast to your ways! One day, perhaps you may be that couple who is open to inviting more people, or more interesting sexual preferences, into the bedroom!
When Sagittarius and Aquarius Relationship Breaks up:
How does Sagittarius and Aquarius move on after a breakup? In short, you should be best friends! Aquarius people have the ability to switch off emotionally, completely, once a romantic relationship is done and change gears into best buddies.
That may irritate you a little, Sagittarius, but you’ll quickly see the lesson and the chance for growth here and do the same. Soon, you’ll be laughing together amongst your group of friends, teasing each other and congratulating each there on your new relationships!
Business Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility in Business:
Does Sagittarius and Aquarius have compatibility when it comes to work? Sure! You’re both very easy-going and open-minded and you love learning from each other. Most people find Aquarius to be a very inspiring energy, and you could even admire them, Sagittarius for their knowledge and wisdom.
Aquarius will also love being around your cheerfulness and joy, your optimism and your ability to put work aside and also enjoy some off-work fun times! The worst that can happen here is when you both get a little bit self-righteous and try to prove that you know more than each other.
Friendship Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Sagittarius and Aquarius good friends? Oh yes! You are the very best of friends! Aquarius is everyone’s friend, Sagittarius, and there are very few people that don’t have at least one free-spirited Aquarius chum! This is your partner in crime, all the way, your fellow rebel and trouble-maker! When the two of you get together, trouble happens!
What you’ll love about your studentship is the level of honesty. It feels good to have such a strong connection, and to know that you can always rely on knowing where you stand. You also seldom make huge demands on each other, which is another positive about your friendship!
Family Compatibility:
Sagittarius Parent and Aquarius Child Compatibility:
Are Sagittarius and Aquarius compatible when it comes to family? Aquarius parents are the best, Sagittarius. They are very much okay with you doing as you like, and trust that you can make your own judgments. This is the quintessential “hippy parent”, who may be lacking in affection and warmth but strong with ideas and communication.
You Aquarius child is strange and independent, Sagittarius. Never try and force them into a box or tell them what to do, because they are the worst little rebels you’ll ever see! Brilliant rebels at that! You’ll seldom get the better of them!
Sagittarius and Aquarius Sibling Compatibility:
How do Sagittarius and Aquarius siblings match up in the family environment? You are like peas in a pod, and although you’ll have your conflicts where you each try and prove you know best, you’ll be fast friends when getting to teenage and adult years.````
This is because you both are total trouble-makers! You can’t listen to the rules, and are independent, feisty siblings who’ll make your poor parents’ life a nightmare at times! It’s all in good fun though, and you’ll come to value the wisdom of each other’s minds over the years.
Sagittarius and Aquarius Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Sagittarius human and an Aquarius pet get along? Aquarius pets are weird. They’re smart, but strange.
These pets march to the beat of some distant drum, and they’re intensely independent. You can’t shut them up at home for long, Sagittarius. They need their space and they get suffocated easily. However, Aquarius pets are also the best buddies you’ll ever have and very loyal as long as you give them space to be themselves!
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Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility