When entering a personal partnership or a professional one, financial matters are sure to be an issue. After all, whether you’re getting married or launching a business with someone — or both — the same questions arise: What are your partner’s views on money, including earning, saving, spending, borrowing and investing it? How do their views match up with your own? How might a business or financial relationship work if you have different Sun Signs, or the same sign? Perhaps you’re concerned about the way your partner handles money matters because it’s so different from your own approach — or maybe you’re actually too similar.
Whatever questions you have, look no further: Your Financial Compatibility will show you just how financially suited you are with your business or life partner. As long as you know your partner’s Sun Sign, you can find out just how it matches up with your own, and get the information you need about approaching money matters as a team.
Gaining a clear picture of how your partner’s financial attitudes mesh with yours can make all the difference. It’s said that money is one of the top subjects married couples fight about, and the same could likely be said of business partners, as well. But there’s no need to tear your hair out, or to watch your marriage or business disintegrate in the face of mounting debt. Your Financial Compatibility will show you whether you can expect smooth sailing ahead, or if you might need to negotiate terms that both you and your partner can live with.
Virgo and Aries Money Compatibility
Is your Aries partner deliberately trying to drive you crazy with their reckless spending habits? Maybe so. But it's more likely they're just following their instincts, and you two are feeling the resulting tension. After all, as a frugal, analytical Virgo, you were made for managing your finances with a conservative eye for future security. But your Aries counterpart is far more in the moment than you are, and they want what they want when they want it. A certain amount of mutual understanding and acceptance is required to make this pairing work. If possible, you should manage the family assets, since you're naturally attuned to the bottom line. But you can also learn from your Aries partner's impulse buys: Sometimes, it's okay to step outside your budget and live a little.
Virgo and Taurus Money Compatibility
As a Virgo, you're frugal and cautious with your money, and all about the bottom line. Your Taurus partner also enjoys financial planning and sticking to a budget, so you're well matched in this area. But they tend to be more self-indulgent than you are, so you two might get into arguments over Taurus's love of eating out or splurging on new clothes. It might help to reserve a portion of your shared budget for personal indulgences -- and agree not to eagle-eye or criticize each other's spending habits, as long as you both stay within budget. In fact, your Taurus counterpart can be a good influence on you, helping you realize that the occasional splurge is a good thing.
Virgo and Gemini Money Compatibility
Your Gemini partner's idea of responsible accounting might be tossing balled-up receipts into a shoebox, and saving their cash might involve scavenging between the couch cushions for spare change. Needless to say, the way they manage (or mismanage) their money might drive you up the wall! As a careful, thrifty Virgo, you're used to sticking to a budget and considering every purchase long and hard before making it. But your Gemini counterpart is much more spontaneous in their spending, so you two will have to work out a compromise if you want to avoid tension and anxiety on your part, and irritation and rebellion on theirs. Keep in mind that the safe route isn't always the best route. Gemini's versatile nature can lead them into some interesting investment strategies, some of which will pay off nicely.
Virgo and Cancer Money Compatibility
You two make a good pair when it comes to money management. Virgo, you're thrifty, analytical and all about the bottom line, which couldn't please security-conscious Cancer more. You can share accounting duties, and you're both interested in saving money for a rainy day. Focus as a team on retirement and savings plans, especially Money Market and other higher-return accounts. And when you're creating your budget, be sure to build in at least a little room for personal expenses you both might deem frivolous. It's wonderful that you're both so frugal, but there's nothing wrong with earmarking a bit of your cash for some fun, such as dinners out on the town or the occasional splurge on new clothes or books.
Virgo and Leo Money Compatibility
When it comes to money management, your frugal nature could hardly differ more from that of your stylish, indulgent Leo partner. As a thrifty Virgo, shopping around for bargains, sticking to a budget and keeping up with regular accounting duties are your idea of fun. Leo, on the other hand, often relies on credit to support their spending habits, which are as lush and lavish as the rest of their personality. You two will definitely have to work something out if you want to avoid driving each other up the wall with your polar-opposite financial expectations. For your part, restrain yourself from nitpicking Leo to death over what you see as their many spending slip-ups. They're actually quite sensitive, and being criticized regularly for what they see as their generosity could really get under their skin.
Virgo and Virgo Money Compatibility
Caution, efficiency and feasibility -- these are three of Virgo's watchwords in almost any area of life. And two Virgos making investments and other financial plans as a team could mean great things, since you're both naturally attuned to the bottom line. You're both thrifty, and you'll search for true bargains in everything from groceries to new cars, homes or mortgage rates. Just make sure you don't hold each other back from taking the occasional financial risk. It's all too easy for you and your Virgo partner to talk each other out of making positive choices with your money, purely out of fear of trying something a little unorthodox.
Virgo and Libra Money Compatibility
Finances and spending habits could be a source of tension between you and your Libra partner. You, Virgo, are frugal by nature. You enjoy detail-oriented tasks like budgeting and accounting, and when you do spend your hard-earned cash, you like seeking out the best bargains available. Libra, on the other hand, is fun-loving and sociable, and their expensive tastes and artistic nature may mean they spend more money than you're comfortable with. A realistic budget is essential for you two -- one that builds in extra room for Libra's personal indulgences. If you share a checking account, try not to gripe every time you see an expenditure show up that you didn't approve. Instead, focus on the positive: the fact that you two balance each other out with different yet complementary approaches to finances.
Virgo and Scorpio Money Compatibility
You two can make a very solid financial team. As a frugal Virgo, you appreciate your Scorpio partner's interest in protecting your mutual assets. They have a shrewd mind for money, including their instincts regarding investing and saving for the future. Paired with your careful budgeting and accounting skills, you two can work together to grow your assets and ensure that they'll be protected for the long haul. Your Scorpio counterpart can also be a good role model for you in trying out higher-risk investment strategies that pay off far more handsomely than the conservative strategies you're drawn to. You tend to be risk-averse, but Scorpio can help you learn that to make significant money, taking risks is necessary.
Virgo and Sagittarius Money Compatibility
As a thrifty Virgo, you can feel quite put out with your Sagittarius partner's carefree attitude toward money. Savings and retirement accounts are probably the last thing on their mind; it's as if they don't realize they have to prepare for the future! You often feel as if you're fighting an uphill battle in trying to get Sagittarius to be more realistic about their spending power, and accounting duties fall squarely on your shoulders. Still, try not to let tension come between you as a result of your financial differences. Though your Sagittarius counterpart's optimistic attitude can really get on your nerves, hold that critical tongue of yours. After all, Sagittarius has an easy, lucky way with cash, and if you can loosen up a little, some of that good luck is sure to rub off on you.
Virgo and Capricorn Money Compatibility
As two practical, security-conscious Earth signs, you and your Capricorn partner can make a very good financial team. You're both focused on long-term goals like saving for retirement and neither of you has issues with sticking to a budget, even when that means living quite frugally. But since you're selfless by nature and Capricorn tends to have self-limiting beliefs and attitudes about money, plus you're both highly loyal and dedicated, it's all too easy for you to get stuck in jobs that don't pay you well enough. Also, you're both highly risk-averse, so your investment strategies are probably conservative at best. If you truly want to maximize your returns and your earning potential, you'll have to step outside your comfort zone and experiment with financial strategies that make you downright nervous.
Virgo and Aquarius Money Compatibility
As a practical and thrifty Virgo, you have a good head for numbers. Accounting and budgeting come naturally to you, and you have little trouble living frugally in the name of contributing to your savings and retirement accounts. Thus, your Aquarius partner's attitudes regarding finances are different enough from yours to make you nervous. They're far more adventurous than you are about progressive, even cutting-edge investment strategies. Speculative ventures are right up their alley, whereas you much prefer the cautious, conservative approach to growing your funds. Still, you share enough in common, including dedication to your mutual goals, or to the family or business you share, to work through your differences.
Virgo and Pisces Money Compatibility
It's a good thing you're a natural at money management, Virgo, because your Pisces partner is rather impractical with their finances. As opposite signs of the zodiac, you two are very different in this realm: You're detail-oriented, while Pisces is dreamy; you have no trouble living frugally and sticking to your budget, while Pisces frequently strays outside the limits you set together. Your money-saving strategies might include reserving a set percentage of each paycheck for savings or retirement, but softhearted Pisces tends to give all their extra pennies to any person or cause that needs it. You get frustrated when they forget to record expenditures or lose their checkbook, but try not to criticize. Instead, work on learning to accept and anticipate their disorganization, and consider the role of accountant as an act of service you can provide in this partnership.