Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility (Capricorn dates: December 21 - January 19; Sagittarius dates: November 22 - December 20)
Do Capricorn and Sagittarius make a good match? You definitely can make a good match, as you are very similar people, Capricorn – as much as you hate to admit it. There’s also the philosophy in astrology that signs next to each other on the wheel of the zodiac can, in fact, make good partners. However, it takes plenty of adjustment and willingness to learn.
The rule of thumb, you’ll be happy to know, Capricorn, is that it’s the sign ahead that “teaches” the sign behind. You’re the one ahead, of course. You’ve taken in the wisdom of Sagittarius already and given it to society in a structured, grounded way. Sagittarius, without you, would just be a roaming, free spirit without any anchor.
However, they have lessons to teach you too, Capricorn. Lessons involving learning to let your hair down and just relax sometimes, to take yourself a lot less seriously. They remind you to laugh and play, to lower your self-restrictions and be more open. Sagittarians always bring a good time, as much as you think they are trouble. That, they also are, but the best kind!
Of course, it does take the typical Sagittarius some time to settle down and commit. They really don’t like the idea of commitment, an idea that you adore and emulate. They hate to be tied down, but at the same time, they need it. It’ll take some time and patience from your side - and a good deal of inner security. But it is worth it, Capricorn, because you do make a brilliant, witty, fun and wise pair!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Capricorn and Sagittarius Dating Compatibility:
Are Capricorn and Sagittarius Soulmates? Both of you are the types that could buy into the idea of soulmates, though you’re also the type that can be pragmatic and question what could be seen as “wishy-washy” soulmate ideologies. You’re more the types to say that with every relationship, there are lessons to learn. And that can attract you to each other very much!
What else also attracts you is each other’s deep wisdom and knowledge. Sagittarians seem like they’re happy-go-lucky – which they are – but they have a different side to them, and that’s the part you are drawn to, Capricorn. They always speak the truth, sometimes too harshly – but you like it and can take it. You appreciate honesty in an increasingly inauthentic world, and your Sagittarius crush will always let you know where they stand.
Plus, the passionate nature and playfulness of the Sagittarius are irresistible! They can give you a run for your money in the fun department, which you’ll soon discover on your dates! Your dates themselves, because you both love nature, should be quite outdoorsy and adventurous.
Your Sagittarius may even break you out of a few ruts, Capricorn, which you’ll come to deeply appreciate! And you’ll show them some class and refinement, which they need!
Capricorn and Sagittarius Marriage Compatibility:
Can Capricorn and Sagittarius marry? The thing is, Capricorn, Sagittarians really don’t settle down all that easily. They want to be free to roam the world on their own terms, and if their partner can’t support that restlessness, they’re not willing to make that commitment.
This can trigger many of your own insecurities, Capricorn, and make you feel “not good enough”. You may either shut down or become pushy and controlling if you react from fear to get them to commit. The best thing you can do is give your Sagittarius mate a lot of rein, and let them come to you when they realize how great such a partner can be.
When – and if – you do marry and settle, there’s still the chance that your Sagittarius will need their freedom, often. If you can be the person to hold the fort and be a grounding energy to come home to, you may find that this works very well. Sagittarius as a zodiac sign tends to always come back with the world expanded, which can be very rich and wonderful for you to witness.
And of course, you can join in on their adventures, too, Capricorn! When you work, you work, but when you play, you can outdo even the energetic Sagittarius!
Never try and control them, Capricorn, but remind them to respect you, too. To be kind to you, even if you love their honesty. Enjoy the theosophical conversions and deep spiritual connection that the two of you can grow together – that can be the one strongest trait about your marriage. You both have a strong pull towards spirituality and possess a wonderful wisdom that you love about each other!
Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility in Bed:
Are Capricorn and Sagittarius sexually compatible? Oh, yes! This is an area where the two of you seem to have no trouble at all! Sagittarius is one of those zodiac signs that are incredibly passionate and fiery in the bedroom, and their libido seems endless! They’re adventurous and open, letting you take the lead wherever you want, Capricorn!
You bring the earthy, primal, sweaty side to sex, and provide the deep grounding to your sexual relationship. You’re surprisingly experimental, too, which your Sagittarius will just love! The two of you will barely be able to keep your hands off of each other, in all honesty. This feels oh-so-good!
When Capricorn and Sagittarius Relationship Breaks up:
How does Capricorn and Sagittarius move on after a breakup? It’s going to be tough on you, Capricorn, though perhaps a relief, too. Sagittarians after a breakup, move on fast, seeing the relationship as a great lesson. They even want to be buddies, which you may not like the idea of very much, Capricorn.
See, you tend to shut down emotionally and cut off when hurt, especially if you feel insecure and see the Sagittarius bounding back so fast. Your Sagittarius may even accuse you of being cold, losing their temper in their own pain. It’s best if you can give each other a lot of space to process things, Capricorn.
Business Compatibility:
Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility in Business:
Does Capricorn and Sagittarius have compatibility when it comes to work? Sagittarius colleagues and employees can annoy you, Capricorn. They are a zodiac sign that tends to be scattered and unreliable, and one never knows what time they’ll actually turn up at work. You love your structures and schedules, and you hate to see the rules being broken and authority flouted, so it’s likely the two of you could clash.
It’s best, then, Capricorn, that you try your best to stay out of each other’s ways!
Friendship Compatibility:
Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Capricorn and Sagittarius good friends? You’ll be honest friends, that’s for sure. You’ll always tell each other like it is, which can add huge value to your friendship. The two of you can also play and party hard when the mood strikes!
However, you don’t have all that much in common and must strive not to judge each other too much. Appreciate what you bring into each other’s lives, and accept that not all friends can tick all the boxes! You do both have the gift of being the philosophers of the zodiac, so that will always bring a lovely energy to your friendship.
Family Compatibility:
Capricorn Parent and Sagittarius Child Compatibility:
Are Capricorn and Sagittarius compatible when it comes to family? In all honesty, it’s going to feel like you’re the parent in this relationship, Capricorn. Even if your parent wasn’t the wayward and irresponsible, reckless Sagittarius you’d still assume responsibility, so take comfort in that – that’s just who you are!
Your Sagittarius child is a handful, Capricorn, and they will simply not listen to your rules! They’re more likely to question them, poke holes at them and make up their own. However, they are a beam of light in your life, making you laugh when you most need it and reminding you to play and have fun! As much as you want to tear your hair out, you can’t help but adore these little firebrands.
Capricorn and Sagittarius Sibling Compatibility:
How do Capricorn and Sagittarius siblings match up in the family environment? Your Sagittarius sibling will make you want to bash them many a time, Capricorn! They are wild things, and they’re not prepared to take your leadership or take you as seriously as you take yourself. It makes you feel disrespected, but there’s not much you can do about it! At least you have fun together right?
It does get easier as you grow up, Capricorn, although you’ll never quite lose that feeling of being the parent or the older sibling, regardless of your actual order of birth!
Capricorn and Sagittarius Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Capricorn human and a Sagittarius pet get along? Sagittarius pets are lovely, though trouble, too, Capricorn! They won’t let you boss them around, and they will find ways to cause mischief and, hopefully, make you laugh in the process!
They need a lot of space to roam, Capricorn, so never keep them too confined. They’ll simply get temperamental and aggressive, which can feel stressful. Given freedom, these are the funniest, wisest and smartest pets you could ever hope for, with plenty of love and loyalty to give!
Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility
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Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility
Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility