When entering a personal partnership or a professional one, financial matters are sure to be an issue. After all, whether you’re getting married or launching a business with someone — or both — the same questions arise: What are your partner’s views on money, including earning, saving, spending, borrowing and investing it? How do their views match up with your own? How might a business or financial relationship work if you have different Sun Signs, or the same sign? Perhaps you’re concerned about the way your partner handles money matters because it’s so different from your own approach — or maybe you’re actually too similar.
Whatever questions you have, look no further: Your Financial Compatibility will show you just how financially suited you are with your business or life partner. As long as you know your partner’s Sun Sign, you can find out just how it matches up with your own, and get the information you need about approaching money matters as a team.
Gaining a clear picture of how your partner’s financial attitudes mesh with yours can make all the difference. It’s said that money is one of the top subjects married couples fight about, and the same could likely be said of business partners, as well. But there’s no need to tear your hair out, or to watch your marriage or business disintegrate in the face of mounting debt. Your Financial Compatibility will show you whether you can expect smooth sailing ahead, or if you might need to negotiate terms that both you and your partner can live with.
Taurus and Aries Money Compatibility
As a grounded, materialistic Taurus, you enjoy handling money, and you're practical enough to recognize that your bold, energetic Aries partner has some good ideas when it comes to high-risk yet high-return investment strategies. However, their tendency toward impulse purchases can really wear on your nerves! It's not that you're averse to spending money on personal pleasures; in fact, you're one of the most self-indulgent signs of the zodiac. But you also keep up with your finances and usually stick to your budget, so you may know your limits better than your heedless Aries counterpart. In this pairing, you'll have to be the one in charge of savings, retirement and other long-term plans for growing your assets, because reckless Aries just won't see these plans through to completion.
Taurus and Taurus Money Compatibility
As a grounded, earthy double-Taurus couple, you and your partner are both naturally drawn to money. You love counting it almost as much as you love spending it -- and oh, the pleasures and comforts money can buy! In fact, your spending could get out of hand at times, since you're both so self-indulgent when it comes to living the good life. The good news is, you're money magnets. You're good at saving your cash when you need to, and you thrive on basic, steady security. Together, you'll build a solid, if somewhat risk-averse, financial profile. Since you're both drawn to long-term investments that pay off handsomely over time, you have a good chance of retiring in style.
Taurus and Gemini Money Compatibility
You're the one in charge of the finances in this duo, Taurus, because your Gemini partner rarely follows through on long-term plans to save money or reduce debt. They mean well, of course, and they can be an important part of managing your shared funds. Tasks like researching cutting-edge investment strategies or comparing terms on retirement accounts are right up cerebral Gemini's alley. But you're best suited to determining the real-world practicality of these strategies, and following through with the ones you deem to be viable. You're a natural at accounting as well as setting and sticking to a realistic budget. And your fun-loving Gemini partner appreciates your indulgent nature, since you're always careful to build a little extra room into that budget for personal luxuries!
Taurus and Cancer Money Compatibility
Taurus and Cancer share a basic need for security, and this is directly connected to your financial affairs. You both feel far calmer and more content when you know your assets are protected and growing, which means some careful, conscientious financial planning is in order. It's a good thing you're both excellent with your money. Taurus, you might even be a money magnet; you love counting your cash almost as much as you love spending it. You're certainly more indulgent than your Cancer partner, who's more likely to ignore their personal desires for the sake of contributing to a savings or retirement account. You two should have no trouble cooperating in creating a budget and sticking to it, and you're both interested in finding investment and long-term savings strategies that work for you.
Taurus and Leo Money Compatibility
As a stubborn Taurus and a dramatic, headstrong Leo, compromise isn't one of your strong points, which could become an issue in managing your mutual finances. Taurus, you're a natural with money. You're innately practical and materialistic, and you enjoy counting your money and watching it grow. You're also indulgent, so your Leo partner's champagne taste doesn't bother you -- until the credit card bill comes due, and you realize they haven't stuck to the budget you drew up so carefully. In cases like these, do your best to communicate calmly and gently instead of getting into a passionate argument. Your strong point as a duo is your mutual devotion to your shared goal, whether that's supporting your family or growing your business, so focus on this common ground when issues arise.
Taurus and Virgo Money Compatibility
Taurus and Virgo share sensible, practical natures, so you and your Virgo partner both possess a natural ease with finances. Still, your Virgo counterpart is much thriftier than you are, as they lack your self-indulgent streak. They might also be more exacting than you are about keeping your checkbook balanced and sticking to your budget. But this can be a good balance: You can encourage them to recognize that it's okay to spend money on the occasional lavish meal or new outfit, and they can influence you to be more frugal. Together, you can research the best financial strategies for you two as a team, and make solid investments that will grow slowly but surely over time.
Taurus and Libra Money Compatibility
The job of accountant is likely to fall to you, Taurus. Though both you and your Libra partner are natural money magnets, you're the more practical and grounded of the two of you. You find it easy to set a realistic budget and stick to it, and you actually take pleasure in contributing regularly to a savings or retirement account. Since you and your Libra counterpart both love living the good life, be sure to build some extra room into your budget for personal luxuries and other extra expenses. And if you ever need someone to negotiate a better deal with your loan officer, look no further than Libra, whose natural charm and diplomacy could lead to lower interest rates and other financial perks.
Taurus and Scorpio Money Compatibility
As opposite signs, you two might occasionally go head to head over how to manage your mutual assets. But both Taurus and Scorpio have strong security needs, so if you can both keep your eyes trained on your shared goal -- greater financial security and independence -- you'll be able to work together very effectively. After all, you have complementary strengths. You, Taurus, have a natural facility for numbers, plus you're a money magnet. You can set a realistic budget and stick to it with little trouble, and you have no problem making regular contributions to a Money Market or retirement account. Your Scorpio partner may be a bit more secretive than you are about their financial plans, but rest assured that protecting your mutual assets is among their chief concerns.
Taurus and Sagittarius Money Compatibility
You adore creature comforts, Taurus, and that habit costs money. A healthy income or savings account gives you a sense of security. Though you're indulgent by nature, you also enjoy keeping careful tabs on your finances. So your Sagittarius partner's carefree attitude toward cash can really drive you crazy! They seem to enjoy living hand-to-mouth, and saving money is a foreign concept. Since big-picture Sagittarius cares more for abstract theories than concrete details, you'll have to be the accountant in this pairing. Don't be surprised when you request a list of their daily expenditures and they stare at you as if you've just spoken Greek.
Taurus and Capricorn Money Compatibility
You and your Capricorn partner share a natural facility with finances. You're both practical enough to see the wisdom in financial planning, and you enjoy keeping up with budgets, savings accounts and reliable investment strategies. Still, tension can arise between you due to Taurus's self-indulgence and Capricorn's controlling, bossy behavior. When your Capricorn counterpart gets uptight about your "frivolous" expenditures, toss in your stubborn nature, and a standoff is sure to result! Gentle, clear communication and compromise will help. Make room in your budget for personal expenses, and set a rule that neither of you may object to the other's spending choices, as long as they're within budget.
Taurus and Aquarius Money Compatibility
Unusual and potentially risky investments are right up your Aquarius partner's alley, but as a slow-and-steady Taurus, you're far more comfortable with trusted, reliable methods of managing your funds. Contributing steadily to a savings or retirement account is more your speed, and you're loyal to your financial advisor or institution to the end. Thus, Aquarius's interest in purchasing stock in a progressive start-up or investing in a high-risk mutual fund might make you really nervous. And since you can both be stubborn when it comes to getting your way, an impasse could result when you try to work out your differences. The truth is, each of you has something to teach the other, and you both need to learn the art of compromise.
Taurus and Pisces Money Compatibility
As a Taurus, you're naturally drawn to material things, including money, and money seems drawn to you as well. Your Pisces partner, on the other hand, is far more comfortable with intangibles like kindness and emotional support. Thus, you're stuck with shouldering the accounting responsibilities. Good thing you not only don't mind balancing the budget and making sure the bills are paid on time, you enjoy these tasks. Your partner's tendency to misplace their checkbook and forget to record expenditures could be frustrating at times, but the strong bond between you more than makes up for it. You also appreciate their willingness to cooperate with your investment plans.