Do Aquarius and Sagittarius make a good match? You are definitely one of the best matches when it comes to astrological compatibility, that’s for sure! Your two signs have the well-deserved reputation for being the freest spirits you could ever meet, and you’ll have a whole lot in common!
Not least is your shared love of dependence and adventure, Aquarius. You and your Sagittarius sweetheart really live life at the fullest, whether you’re trekking through the jungles of Peru to find a plant medicine community, or happily at home, throwing the best parties and living it up!
What really sets your relationship apart from others is how you allow each other plenty of room to breathe and be yourselves. You would hate to tie each other down, and because you both have this “live and let live” attitude, love flows easily between you.
You also balance each other out, Aquarius, mainly because, despite your wild nature, you are the person who brings in some structure. You love to explore and expand, but you realize where the limits are, which your Sagittarius lover often doesn’t. If left to themselves, this sign would just push harder, faster, bigger - eventually wearing themselves out!
And it’s not as if you’re the type that will make your Sagittarius feel hemmed in, Aquarius – you’ll contain their energy, which can give them a sense of safety and commitment. In return, your Sagittarius reminds you to stay flexible, which is something you’re not always very good at, Aquarius!
Another important quality that binds the two of you together, Aquarius, is your philosophical natures and love of learning. You two can talk into the wee hours of the night about anything under the Sun and beyond – you stimulate each other, intellectually, which is very attractive for you, Aquarius!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Aquarius and Sagittarius Dating Compatibility:
Are Aquarius and Sagittarius Soulmates? Whatever souls are made of, Aquarius, yours and Sagittarius’s can be said to be made of the same stuff. You both instinctively just understand where each other is coming from, and you really like what you see!
The start of your relationship can be very casual, with zero strings attached. In fact, you may start out as buddies, developing a physical attraction and then, maybe later down the line, realizing that this could be something more! You focus on having fun together at first, which is another reason why you like each other so much!
You’ll find conversations absolutely amazing between you, Aquarius, and you love the wise and insightful things that your Sagittarius says – not to mention the warm, passionate way that they deliver their words! They’ll seldom fail to make you laugh, Aquarius, and we all love someone who can tickle our funny bone!
You’ll quickly realize, Aquarius, that Sagittarius will give you all the freedom – and more – that you require. And you’ll do the same. It’s precisely this that actually makes you want to spend more time together, ironically. You always have a good time, no matter what it is that you end up doing!
If you have a date arranged by your Sagittarius, Aquarius, expect it to be fun, spontaneous and quite loose. This sign is not a planner, but they do have a real sense of adventure and excitement. Go with the flow, and stay open!
Aquarius and Sagittarius Marriage Compatibility:
Can Aquarius and Sagittarius marry? In all honesty, neither of you really want – or need – to be “tied down” by marriage. You may not even believe in it, Aquarius and neither may your Sagittarius honey. That’s not to say that you won’t, or can’t, get married. It’s just that it’s likely to be less important to you two than most, especially if you feel quite secure together.
However, do keep in mind, Aquarius, that there is a part of you that enjoys the responsibility, commitment and stability of a focused partnership. You are a fixed sign of the zodiac, after all, and you enjoy feeling safe and knowing your relationship is reliable.
The thing is, Sagittarians aren’t always known for being particularly committed or reliable. Marriage may be something you want to get that stability from them. But you’ll never force it, Aquarius. And because you don’t, the Sagittarius is far more open to tying the knot with you and showing you that they mean business!
If and when you do marry, your marriage can be one that is different from the rest. You’re not the types to stay at home and avoid life, nor are you the types of people to not be independent and have your own individuality and identity. In fact, quite the opposite, Aquarius!
Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility in Bed:
Are Aquarius and Sagittarius sexually compatible? Did you know that Sagittarius is one of the most passionate signs in the zodiac, Aquarius! One of the signs with the highest libidos? If you didn’t, now you do, and you can be prepared to be blown away by the fire and hot-bloodedness of this sign!
The best thing about your Sagittarius, Aquarius, is the fact that they treat sex as fun and play. It’s not too serious, which lifts you out of your busy mind and helps you get into your body in a carefree way. Both of you are open to all kinds of experimenting, which makes things even more fun!
When Aquarius and Sagittarius Relationship Breaks up:
How does Aquarius and Sagittarius move on after a breakup? This may be one of the breeziest breakups in history, Aquarius. You will both know when it’s time to move on, and you generally both can switch your feelings off to a certain degree and focus on being amicable.
In fact, you may find that becoming friends is easier than it is to be in a relationship, Aquarius, which suits you both very well indeed! Just remember to be kind to each other, because there will, of course, be hurt feelings.
Business Compatibility:
Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility in Business:
Is there Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility when it comes to work? Yes – if you make sure that you do actually work, Aquarius! You both tend to have a bit of a rebellious streak in the workplace, and you each value your freedom and independence so much that you may not be the most reliable of teammates. You could tend to get into trouble when the two of you are put together on a project!
You’ll find yourself becoming fast friends with the Sagittarius, Aquarius, and that it’s effortless to work alongside this easy-going fire sign!
Friendship Compatibility:
Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Aquarius and Sagittarius good friends? You have the most fun together, that’s for sure! The night is always young when an Aquarius and a Sagittarius hang out, and the trouble you could get up to would make most people blush! Your rebellious, adventurous sides find a great outlet in each other, and you really appreciate one another’s non-judgemental attitudes.
You’ll also have great communication on your side, and the willingness to let each other form other friendships besides your own. You don’t cling to each other possessively, and that’s another reason why you can have such a fabulous friendship!
Family Compatibility:
Sagittarius Parent and Aquarius Child Compatibility:
Is there Sagittarius and Aquarius compatibility when it comes to family? You’ll love your fun, warm and independent Sagittarius parent, Aquarius! They seldom try and control you, and the fact that they give you the freedom to do your own thing makes the perfect match for you! Sure, you will both get stuck in your own self-righteousness at times, but seldom do you hold grudges against each other!
Your Sagittarius child was born independent, Aquarius, which suits you very well indeed! Yes, they need plenty of affection and attention, but at the same time, this child will be the type to run around doing their own thing most of the time. They will love that you let them be themselves completely and never cramp them or suffocate them!
Aquarius and Sagittarius Sibling Compatibility:
How do Aquarius and Sagittarius siblings match up in the family environment? A Sagittarius sibling is fiery and will get on your nerves, Aquarius, especially when they think they are always right! Because the truth is, you always think you’re right too, Aquarius, and so, the two of you together can really be annoying towards each other!
However, as teenagers and adults, you’ll find that this is the perfect sibling for getting into trouble with, to have fun with. The moment that you can party together, and learn to listen to each other’s ideas, is the moment you become best friends!
Aquarius and Sagittarius Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will an Aquarius human and a Sagittarius pet get along? You’ll love a Sagittarius pet, Aquarius! They are easy-breezy, no-fuss pets, and they’re quite happy to do their own thing and let you do yours.
However you’ll find that these pets do need loads of adventure, outdoor time and exercise, Aquarius. If they don’t, Sagittarius pets can become aggressive animals, with way too much steam that they really need to just blow off. Be sure to give them this, Aquarius, and you’ll have a happy, affectionate and loving animal who always makes you laugh!
Aquarius and Capricorn Compatibility
Aquarius and Aquarius Compatibility
Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility
Aquarius and Aries Compatibility
Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility
Aquarius and Gemini Compatibility
Aquarius and Cancer Compatibility
Aquarius and Leo Compatibility
Aquarius and Virgo Compatibility
Aquarius and Libra Compatibility
Aquarius and Scorpio Compatibility
Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility