Mercury is the planet that rules over your communication and has a lot to do with the way you express yourself.
Mercury is also known to be the planet that presides over the astrological sign of Virgo (and Gemini). It is a sign that is dominated by intellect. This planet also embodies memory and and the intellect.
It so happens that Mercury is now turning direct into Virgo. While you might think this only affects those with the sun sign Virgo, it doesn’t. This planetary phenomenon will have a significant impact on all our lives.
In this article, we will explain what it means for you when Mercury turns direct in Virgo.
When Does Mercury Turn Direct?
Mercury will no longer be retrograde in Virgo on September 15th, 2023, and it will officially be direct in Virgo.
Mercury will continue to be direct in Virgo until October 4th, 2023, so you have a brief period to make this phenomenon work for you!
What Does It Mean When Mercury Turns Direct?
We all breathe a sigh of relief as we leave Mercury retrograde; however, this does not mean the drama is over.
This is the time to take stock of what occurred over the past few weeks during the retrograde and conduct an analysis in order to move forward.
The sign of Virgo tends to concentrate on the small things in life (sometimes to the point of obsession). However, as Mercury is direct in Virgo, it signals that we will all be noticing the small things.
If little or “insignificant” things are ignored in this time it could swell into larger problems. Be careful not to rush into, or ignore details such as the fine print on contracts.
Discover how your zodiac sign can make the most of the Mercury in Virgo - Register here for our FREE Zoom event.
Your Horoscope: What Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo Mean for You
Just as one’s astrology chart is not as simple as a sun sign, Mercury direct in Virgo affects each star sign differently. We are all unique and we deal with different problems and situations. Here is how Mercury truing direct in Virgo will you.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20th – April 19th)
Aries, as you exit Mercury retrograde and shift into this new phase, you will start to experience relief from the challenging situations you have been facing lately. If you have figured out a way to positively navigate your communication efforts in interpersonal relationships, you will now reap the benefits.
You will receive the answers you have been waiting for, and the flustered or confused emotions will dissipate. Any problems you were facing in the workplace or business will be resolved in this time if it is handled with care.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20th – May 20th)
Taurus, you can breathe a sigh of relief as the miscommunication you have been experiencing in both work and close-knit relationships is coming to an end. You will now be able to speak to those around you more freely and not be as cautious to raise your opinion.
If you have taken the time to focus on yourself and made some beneficial lifestyle changes, you will now start to see results and be thankful for pushing through the tough times. This isn’t a sign to relax though, keep pursuing your goals and stick to your new routine.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21st – June 20th)
Gemini, the last retrograde left you feeling helpless when it comes to appliances and technology, everything seemed to be falling apart. If you took the time to relax and focus on creative endeavors to ease this challenging energy, you will now feel ready to face the world once again, with your chin held high.
Though you might be a bit rattled, now is the time to take those risks that you have been carefully considering. Armed with the right information, you will succeed.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21st – July 21st)
Cancer, you have been struggling to find the balance between home and work life lately. If you did take the time to mull things over and have started to implement a plan to improve things, you will now receive the support you have been craving from others.
Plans that were interrupted will now resume and things will start to flow again. You will also notice a significant improvement in your communication efforts within the work environment.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22nd – August 21st)
Sweet Leo, those intrusive thoughts you have been experiencing can now dissipate and you can once again step into your confident self! This might have caused you to lash out at others even if it wasn’t always justified.
However, if you expressed your feelings of doubt healthily and calmly during the retrograde, you will be welcomed with a warm embrace from others. You will realize that we all have flaws, but we can take ownership of them and become more confident than before.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 22nd – September 21st)
It’s your time Virgo! You will feel relief from the financial struggles you have been facing and the strained business relationships that have been occurring. However, be sure to watch your health during this time.
Though you might feel fantastic with a personality that is shining right now, you need to make sure you are taking care of yourself. The stress from the past few weeks might cause strain on your health. Be sure to exercise, eat healthy foods, and rest when you need to.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Libra (Libra dates: September 22nd – October 22nd)
Libra, if you have learned how to stand up for yourself lately then you will reap the benefits. You will notice that voicing your true opinion might bring about good fortune in business.
It is however advisable to be cautious when entering a new business endeavor as you need to balance what you give with what you get.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23rd – November 21st)
You are going to have a great time Scorpio! You have been struggling with doubts and finding the right words lately, but now you are stepping into your own.
Those risks you were afraid to take are paying off and the goals you were striving for will start to come into being. Also, make time to enjoy your loved ones, it’s a great time to connect with them!
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22nd – December 20th)
Your career is taking off Sagittarius. You have put in the hard work, and you are now receiving the well-deserved recognition.
The problems you were experiencing in your personal life with friends and your partner have now come to an end, and you can enjoy the bliss that comes with that. So, make sure to enjoy it!
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21st – January 18th)
Capricorn, have you taken the time to balance your personal and work life lately? If you have, good for you! This next phase will present fantastic opportunities in your career, and while you should enjoy the rewards you are now reaping in your career, don’t let it throw off the balance you have recently acquired.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 19th – February 17th)
Yes Aquarius, Mercury retrograde was not fun for you. You faced challenging situations and your inner rebel wanted to rise up and show them you cannot be trifled with.
You will experience some respite from the last few weeks, but it is important to look after yourself during this time. Your health could take a dive if you do not give attention to yourself.
Mercury Turns Direct in Virgo for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18th – March 19th)
Pisces, this phase is all about interpersonal relationships for you, whether they be romantic, platonic, business, or family. You were probably experiencing difficulties and blaming yourself for them in the past few weeks, but they will now ease, and you will be able to experience peace.
Try to push the worries you might still be experiencing to the side and enjoy the here and now.