Falling in love is easy. Making a long-term, romantic commitment to someone – not necessarily so much. When two different zodiac signs get into a relationship, commitment may come smoothly or you may find yourself at odds over what commitment means. How does your partner’s zodiac sign view commitment? Although your relationship history and your other astrological planets also have an influence, your Sun sign tells us a lot about how willing and eager – or not – you are to settle down. Find your birthday below and discover how your astrological sign deals with commitment.
Aries (Aries Dates: March 20th – April 19th)
Ruled by Mars, Aries are very passionate people. They may find themselves jumping into relationships without any hesitation. They tend to be big flirts when they are single but once they are serious about their partner, they are likely to stay. When dating, this is a zodiac sign which loves the thrill of the chase. Since arguably a committed, long-term relationship is a victory, most Aries people are keen to ‘win’ the game and commit. With that being said, Aries are known for coming up with big ideas but often failing to follow through. When in a serious relationship, they are extremely loyal and passionate about their partner. Aries compatibility requires a partner who is strong and independent just like them. Aries know what they want and if yours isn’t a passionate pairing, they aren’t afraid to move on.
Taurus (Taurus Dates: April 20th – May 20th)
Taurus people commonly take their time to commit. Romantically, they are cautious about what they are getting themselves into. But once they do find themselves in a serious relationship, they hold on tight. Ruled by Venus, this zodiac sign loves affectionate relationships that can offer them security, pleasure, and happiness. They crave an honest and loyal partner. They want to be as close to their soulmate as possible and often find themselves a little possessive. Their downfall is that sometimes they hold onto a dying relationship too tightly, kidding themselves about the reality of the situation. Once they do find a relationship that is right for them, commitment and romance comes easy to them.
Gemini (Gemini Dates: May 21st – June 20th)
Geminis don’t take commitment lightly. This zodiac sign can be hard to pin down as they seek constant adventure and the feeling of being wild and free. Geminis tend to lose interest in a marriage or relationship easily and can be a bit restless, not to mention fickle. Even when in a relationship, they often may fantasize about being with other people or like to “window shop”. This doesn’t mean a Gemini cannot commit. They often like to run free when they are young and settle down with someone as their wild days are behind them. Astrology shows us that, as the sign of the twins, Geminis crave variety and may even find themselves in love with two people. Compatible signs for Gemini are those which can avoid boredom creeping into the partnership. Geminis need a match who will give them the mental stimulation that they crave, so this love match is not just a romantic, physical or sexual one.
Cancer (Cancer Dates: June 21st – July 21st)
Cancers love the feeling of being in love. Cancers are very vulnerable and emotional beings and they are not afraid to show it. Because this sign of the zodiac can be so emotional, they are very considerate of other people’s feelings and how they treat them. Cancers possess a very motherly quality where they love to listen and take care of others. They feel close to people when they share everything about themselves to each other. Your compatibility and chance of long-term commitment with this zodiac sign will improve when you open up emotionally. Cancers take relationships very seriously and easily build a bond of intense loyalty. Cancers do not really like dating around and much prefer to be in a solid relationship with one person. They need a stable relationship to feel most at ease.
Leo (Leo Dates: July 22nd – August 22nd)
Despite being a fixed sign, Leos sometimes struggle with maintaining a long-term relationship. They love the attention and the drama each fresh date brings, that’s the problem. If you want to head for marriage or a long-term bond with this zodiac sign, make sure your courtship remains fresh and exciting. Leos don’t dream about settling down and are often fearful that a relationship will get in the way of their career and freedom. As they constantly grow and change, their relationships do too, so you’ll need to stay on your toes. But once they do find a soulmate, Leos are very likely to commit and they love the feeling of being in love. And once they settle down, their goals are likely to change to be partner and family orientated. Leos tend to be very generous, giving lots of attention and passion to their lovers but expecting the same in return.
Virgo (Virgo Dates: August 23rd – September 22nd)
The phrase “You can’t love anyone else if you don’t love yourself” was probably first said by a Virgo. . This Sun sign considers themselves a work in progress and spends a lot of time on self-improvement. They’d like their partner to do the same! They are willing to wait for the right person before committing to a relationship. They aren’t afraid to wait around for their soulmate because they know it will be worth it when they show up. Once they find someone they really care about, your Virgo lover is a study in selflessness, always putting you first and serving your needs. Love compatibility with a Virgo means boosting their self-confidence and encouraging them to chill out more. If you’ve got what it takes to understand this complex and often misunderstood zodiac sign, astrology shows that your Virgo will thrive in a stable, drama-free relationship.
Libra (Libra Dates: September 23rd – October 22nd)
Another Venus-ruled zodiac sign, Libras love the idea of romance. In fact, they crave a relationship above all else, and are sometimes all-too willing to commit. . . Although flirtatious and sociable by nature, Libra is actually a very faithful sign and rarely does anything to endanger their marriage or relationship. However, indecision and self-doubt can be an issue. Libra people may find themselves constantly asking if the person they are with is right for them. They also must look out for romanticizing a relationship that is no longer there. They must remind themselves of their worth and not stay in an unhappy relationship out of the fear of being alone. For true love compatibility with a Libra, be sure never to take them for granted.
Scorpio (Scorpio Dates: October 23rd – November 21st)
Scorpios are drawn to commitment and tend to be very loyal. Because Scorpio is a water sign ruled by Mars, they are very passionate and emotional. Scorpios may find themselves facing insecurity or jealously in a committed relationship. They may even leave when times get hard to avoid getting hurt. Or on the contrary, they may stay too long and fail to recognize that they need to let go. And once a Scorpio has been hurt once, they are extra cautious before they enter a scenario where they could be hurt again. This can lead to a commitment phobia if your Scorpio lover has been unlucky in love. Being in love with a Scorpio can be tempestuous; compatible signs will know that it’s important to take the rough with the smooth.
Sagittarius (Sagittarius Dates: November 22nd – December 20th)
As much as a Sagittarius may want a committed relationship, they can’t always commit to only one person or stick around long enough to settle down. This zodiac sign craves freedom and often struggles to know what they want. They seem to always be on the run and fear a relationship may hold them back. Your Sagittarius partner needs a balance of socialization and alone time to feel most at ease. They love adventure and excitement, but you will have to fit in with their lifestyle, not them with yours. Sagittarians deal with break-ups very philosophically, but the best way to get this freedom-loving sign to commit is to give them space to breathe.. Your compatibility with Sagittarius will increase the more you can keep up with them and share their undying optimism about life.
Capricorn (Capricorn Dates: December 21st – January 19th)
Capricorns take commitment just as seriously as other aspects of their lives. They are often the one to initiate taking the relationship to the next level and suggesting marriage or monogamy. Many Capricorns will find themselves committing to someone they started dating at a young age and this zodiac sign is known for prolonged courtship. However, Capricorns must watch out for rushing into a relationship then realizing once they are in it that it’s not what they were hoping for. Capricorns can be quite demanding partners, but they are intensely loyal and will work hard to keep and protect a romantic relationship. They do not like dating around and dislike sappy romance. Long-term compatibility with Capricorn is more likely when you behave responsibly and uphold your side of the unspoken agreement you share.
Aquarius (Aquarius Dates: January 20th – February 17th)
Aquarius people are often slow to commit because they lack emotional openness. Aquarius lovers hate putting themselves in situations where they feel vulnerable and exposed. The feeling of being emotionally unstable scares them. For this sign of the zodiac, freedom and independence are also vital – this means that unusual relationships often work well for Aquarius. If you want to find lasting love with Aquarius, you’ll need to cope with them sometimes being confusing, indecisive, or even unreliable. With that being said, once Aquarius does find a partner that they trust, they are likely to seriously commit and open up their sweet and bubbly side to them. Aquarius people take pride in their unique personalities and it’s important to them that they will always be recognized as an individual. Being compatible with an Aquarius means accepting that you are not joined at the hip. They aren’t into cheesy romance but love that runs deep and helps them grow as a person.
Pisces (Pisces Dates: February 18th – March 19th)
This water sign can be slow to commit and a bit cautious when it comes to relationships. They don’t want to get hurt and they may worry about the intentions of the person they are dating. Once they learn to trust you, they won’t want to let go. This zodiac sign is very committed and monogamy is important to them. When a Pisces falls in love, that person becomes their life and their everything. This can make your Pisces lover quite clingy, so it’s important to encourage their independence. If you’re truly compatible with this gentle sign, you’ll know how to do this. Sometimes, Pisces people struggle to recognize that a relationship is no longer healthy for them. They are the most sensitive and romantic beings in the zodiac, so it’s vital that their soulmate treats them kindly.
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