Mercury moves into Leo on June 26th, 2025.
Time for some very big ideas!
Mercury will turns retrograde at 15 degrees Leo on July 17th, 2025. It will turn direct at 4 degrees Leo on August 11th, 2025.
In astrology, Mercury is the planet of ideas as well as communication. Leo energy is very grand indeed, so ideas that are born during a Mercury in Leo transit are sure to be epic, off the scale, and very appealing!
During this astrological transit, details are not very important, or so it seems, because Leo energy is all about the bigger picture not the nitty gritty.
It’s Mercury in Leo’s job to envision a greater future and to paint an inspirational picture – not to route map how to get there, that’s more a Mercury in Virgo thing. We’ll get to that shortly once Mercury arrives in Virgo on September 2nd, 2025.
Mercury in astrology represents how we think, so, during Mercury in Leo, it’s a time for confident thinking, positive thinking, larger-than-life thinking, and can-do thinking.
However, Leo is a fixed sign, and this energy can be quite dogmatic. There’s a danger of tunnel vision during this transit, as we tend to think that our ideas are the best way or indeed the only way to proceed; that’s Leo's arrogance for you.
The astrological Mercury also rules communication, and when Mercury transits Leo communication is likely to be theatrical, dramatic, and attention-grabbing for sure.
Leo energy knows how to tell a story and how to sell a story too, so this is a great period for getting others on board to back your ideas. Where others may disagree, however, we’ll likely see tempers flare. Nobody disagrees with Leo energy – how dare they!
How Does Mercury Direct in Leo Affect Each Zodiac Sign?
Mercury turning direct in Leo will affect each Sun sign slightly differently, depending on which solar house is emphasized during the transit, and how the energies of Leo and the other sign mesh together.
Aries During Mercury in Leo (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
It’s a very creative time for you, Aries, and you’re probably bubbling over with brilliant ideas. Some of them, you’ve probably been sitting on for a while, especially during the recent retrograde period, but you can use the organizational excellence of Mercury turning direct to actually get started. It’s a great time for art, writing, dance, music, and theater, so let your imagination run wild and enjoy!
Taurus During Mercury in Leo (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
This would be a good time to start writing your life history, Taurus, even in just informal notes for your family. There’s a nostalgic vibe mixed in with intellectual and communication ability, so what better way to use this energy than to celebrate your own roots? Genealogy is fun during this period too, and you’ll also enjoy revisiting childhood haunts.
Gemini During Mercury in Leo (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
Mercury is your ruling planet, Gemini, and now it’s transiting your communication zone – so your already top-notch skills are off the scale now. If you work in sales, media, marketing, PR, or similar industries, push yourself forward and show off what you can do. In your personal life, you can make use of Leo’s spirit of generosity to get back in touch with someone who has wronged you.
Cancer During Mercury in Leo (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
Mercury’s presence in your money zone is helpful, Cancer, and should mean you can avoid too much impulse spending, even given Leo’s luxury-loving energies. Now is a good time to shop around for better deals on your credit cards or insurance, or even to draw up a budget. However, don’t rationalize yourself out of any treats at all. It’s OK to allow yourself some joy.
Leo During Mercury in Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 21)
Mercury turning direct in your own sign enhances your powers of self-expression – you will certainly stand out, even in a crowded room! You’re showcasing all that is best about your zodiac sign’s communication gifts, including tolerance and a warm-hearted willingness to give people another chance. Lead the way, Leo.
Virgo During Mercury in Leo (Virgo dates: August 22 – September 21)
Be careful with social media for a while, Virgo. Mercury is transiting your privacy zone, and Leo’s energy is not exactly known for wanting to keep things to itself – so the risk of “over-sharing” is considerable. This is also an astrological transit for enjoying your own company. Don’t feel that you have to socialize if you don’t want to.
Libra During Mercury in Leo (Libra dates: September 22 – October 22)
Do great minds really think alike? This is your chance to find out, Libra! Mercury is transiting your social zone, so sharing ideas, plans, and strategies with friends and colleagues alike should bring some excellent results. This is fiery Leo energy though, so watch out for a tendency to hog the conversation. You may gain more from listening rather than speaking.
Scorpio During Mercury in Leo (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
Mercury in Leo transits are strong on organizational skills, which is just what you need right now, Scorpio. Think long-term strategy, both for work and for your personal life. It’s not about the day-to-day grind now, it’s about visualizing where you want to be in five or ten years; the astrological energy of this transit will help you take the initial steps toward that long-term goal.
Sagittarius During Mercury in Leo (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
Free your mind to tackle some of life’s bigger questions, Sagittarius. Mercury is now direct in your philosophy zone, so what you ask is more important than the answers you may or may not receive. Find joy in thinking beyond limits, and don’t allow others to pen you in or pigeonhole you. You’ll certainly be able to defend your opinions during this transit – and then some!
Capricorn During Mercury in Leo (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 18)
Dig deep, Capricorn. There’s something which fascinates you and you want to find out as much as you can about it. Mercury turning direct in Leo will certainly help with that because this astrology is triggering your research zone. This is not a time for superficialities, so absorb as much knowledge as you can in your chosen field. You could potentially become an expert in something significant.
Aquarius During Mercury in Leo (Aquarius dates: January 19 – February 17)
Mercury turning direct in your love zone brings you a thoughtful approach to romance. This astrological transit will help you to communicate better, Aquarius, because you can be a little distant with words at times. Pour your emotions into heartfelt words and let the Leo energies showcase your love on a grand scale. Let a special someone know exactly how much you care.
Pisces During Mercury in Leo (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
Get set for a busy time as Mercury turns direct in your routines zone, Pisces. It’s a great time to catch up with overdue errands or to get ahead with demanding mental work. You have a good eye for time management during this transit, so you can fit more into your days than normal. Make the most of that, and of the burst of energy and enthusiasm this Leo energy provides.