When entering a personal partnership or a professional one, financial matters are sure to be an issue. After all, whether you’re getting married or launching a business with someone — or both — the same questions arise: What are your partner’s views on money, including earning, saving, spending, borrowing and investing it? How do their views match up with your own? How might a business or financial relationship work if you have different Sun Signs, or the same sign? Perhaps you’re concerned about the way your partner handles money matters because it’s so different from your own approach — or maybe you’re actually too similar.
Whatever questions you have, look no further: Your Financial Compatibility will show you just how financially suited you are with your business or life partner. As long as you know your partner’s Sun Sign, you can find out just how it matches up with your own, and get the information you need about approaching money matters as a team.
Gaining a clear picture of how your partner’s financial attitudes mesh with yours can make all the difference. It’s said that money is one of the top subjects married couples fight about, and the same could likely be said of business partners, as well. But there’s no need to tear your hair out, or to watch your marriage or business disintegrate in the face of mounting debt. Your Financial Compatibility will show you whether you can expect smooth sailing ahead, or if you might need to negotiate terms that both you and your partner can live with.
Capricorn and Aries Money Compatibility
You approach money matters with a cautious, conservative attitude. You research credit terms, financial institutions and retirement plans carefully, and make sure you're getting the best return possible on your investments. You enjoy managing your assets and watching them grow, so your passionate, heedless Aries partner's spending habits could create tension between you. Since you're both naturally competitive, financial interdependence could become an issue. If one of you makes more money than the other, this could also create a feeling of rivalry. Learning to allow Aries their independence is essential, as is accepting that impulsive spending and irresponsible accounting are simply part of their personality. If you're gentle and cooperative, you can teach them better financial habits. In turn, they can teach you about taking the occasional financial risk that really pays off.
Capricorn and Taurus Money Compatibility
As fellow Earth signs, you and your Taurus partner both enjoy managing your assets and planning for a financially stable future. Thus, you're conscientious about contributing to your retirement plans, sticking to your budget and making wise, reliable investments. Still, your Taurus counterpart is far more self-indulgent than you are, and while you're both hardworking, they like to enjoy the fruits of their labor. To make this part of your relationship as smooth and equable as possible, you may have to reserve a healthy portion of your budget for personal indulgences. Remember, Taurus is famously stubborn, so arguing with them over their expenditures probably won't work out well for either of you. Instead, let them teach you the benefits of the occasional splurge, and you can teach them about handling their finances more responsibly.
Capricorn and Gemini Money Compatibility
You naturally take on the role of accountant in this relationship, Capricorn, in part because your high-energy and easily distracted Gemini partner considers it little more than drudgery to pay bills and balance the checkbook. Besides, as a security-minded Capricorn, you're naturally frugal and money-minded. You have plenty of good, if conservative, ideas for managing your finances, with long-term stability as your goal. But since Gemini is far less risk-averse than you are, you might clash over investment opportunities. Gemini's financial instincts might seem careless at best, but there's actually a method to their madness. They understand that sometimes, growing your money involves stepping outside your comfort zone and taking advantage of a high-risk opportunity or strategy that makes you uncomfortable -- but that ends up really paying off.
Capricorn and Cancer Money Compatibility
Financial security is a goal you and your Cancer partner share. You both believe in conserving your earnings and finding stable, risk-free ways of growing your funds. The problem with this approach, of course, is that it's too limited: Sometimes, a higher-risk investment is the key to maximizing your returns. Plus, you're both so loyal that you might stay with a bank, investment strategy or financial advisor, well past the point when the situation has stopped being lucrative. Still, as long as you're both satisfied with living frugally and taking the slow and steady approach toward building a solid financial profile, you make a fine team. Make sure you have solid savings and retirement plans in place, and cooperate on creating a budget you both can live with.
Capricorn and Leo Money Compatibility
You and your Leo partner share expensive tastes, and you're both utterly committed to the business or family you share. But that's where your attitudes toward finances diverge. Generous, indulgent Leo loves shopping and may quickly rack up credit card debt, causing tension between you. You're less concerned with momentary pleasures and more focused on the future, including goals like building up solid savings and retirement accounts and paying off debts over time. You prefer a conservative approach to investing your funds, but Leo likes a bit of risk and adventure thrown into the game. They can actually be a positive influence on you in this way, by encouraging you to take the occasional, well-calculated risk in order to maximize your returns.
Capricorn and Virgo Money Compatibility
As fellow Earth signs, you and your Virgo partner make a solid financial team. You're practical, thrifty and concerned with long-term stability, so you probably already have savings and retirement plans in place. Your only shortcoming as a duo may be your conservative approach to using and investing your earnings. Financial security is important, but sometimes taking calculated risks can grow your funds far more than taking a more traditional route toward wealth. Still, since you share that conservative tendency, this isn't likely to cause problems between you. You both find it easy to stick to a budget and resist your urges to splurge, so though you have to live frugally in the moment, as time goes on, you'll grow more and more financially comfortable.
Capricorn and Libra Money Compatibility
Your Libra partner's tendency to splurge on things you consider frivolous, like artwork, books, music and gourmet food, could drive a wedge between you. As a frugal Capricorn, financial stability is one of your primary concerns. You enjoy crunching numbers and drawing up a budget, and being in control of your mutual assets gives you a sense of security. So Libra's sociable, generous personality and their reliance on charge cards could seem like a direct threat to the solid financial profile you're trying so hard to build. To work this issue out, you'll have to meet each other halfway. Instead of pushing Libra to curtail their spending or report every expenditure to you, build a cushion into your budget for personal indulgences. And Libra should strive to live within their means instead of racking up consumer debt.
Capricorn and Scorpio Money Compatibility
Power struggles over finances could make your connection tense with your Scorpio partner. As a practical, security-minded Capricorn, you take a traditional, conservative approach to using, saving and investing your money. Scorpio is similarly interested in building a secure financial profile, but just like you, they want control over your assets. And counter to your instincts, they believe in taking investment risks in order to maximize your returns. You two might lock horns over investment strategies -- and if you find out Scorpio's been making their own plans without consulting you, you could really blow your top. It's important to focus on building trust and working toward your common goals as a team. You stand to make a lot of money together, if you can pool your strengths and positive ideas instead of working against each other.
Capricorn and Sagittarius Money Compatibility
Sticking to a budget is relatively easy for you, Capricorn. Though your tastes might be on the expensive side, you can resist the urge to splurge in the name of building greater financial security. You probably have solid savings and retirement plans already in place. It's probably frustrating to you that your Sagittarius partner isn't nearly as attuned to details as you are, nor are they as motivated by money. They're far more risk-tolerant than you are, too, so you may butt heads over investment strategies. But this is one area in which you can learn something from Sagittarius. Instead of always taking the conservative approach to growing your funds, try experimenting more often with calculated risks. Sometimes, the opportunity with the highest chance of paying off big is the one that makes you the most nervous.
Capricorn and Capricorn Money Compatibility
Financial planning, sound investments and slowly growing your assets are all right up Capricorn's alley. So two Capricorns sharing financial responsibilities must be a double-threat, right? Well, yes and no. You both have sound ideas regarding money and investments, you both want to work toward wealth and financial independence, and early retirement is a real possibility for you two. You share similar values in terms of seeking security rather than engaging in risky ventures. Still, trouble could arise between you in the form of competition. You both like being in charge. If one of you makes more money than the other, tension and rivalry could grow. Be sure to give each other plenty of respect for all the strengths and successes each of you brings to this partnership.
Capricorn and Aquarius Money Compatibility
As a steady, conservative Capricorn, you're all about tradition, trust and tried-and-true methods of asset management. Thus, you're most comfortable with slow-growing investment strategies that promise a steady, solid return on your money. Your Aquarius partner's financial instincts couldn't be more different from yours, which can make you really nervous! Their investment philosophy might include progressive start-ups and high-risk mutual funds, but they aren't averse to long-term planning, so as long as you take care not to butt heads over methods and ideologies, you should be able to work together in managing your funds. In fact, each of you has something important to teach the other: You can take a feather from Aquarius's hat regarding taking the occasional financial risk, and they can learn from your interest in security and protecting your assets.
Capricorn and Pisces Money Compatibility
You're likely to be the accountant in this pairing, Capricorn, in no small part due to your Pisces partner's tendency to forget their account PIN or misplace their checkbook, and their general disinterest in mundane matters like financial planning. Instead of letting this irritate you or hurting your sensitive Pisces counterpart's feelings with harsh lectures about their spending habits, you might do well simply to accept the responsibility for your shared money matters, and try to set a good example for Pisces in how to make sensible investments, contribute regularly to savings and retirement accounts, and build a solid financial profile. Pisces is flexible and well-meaning enough to go along with your plans.