A Lunar Eclipse in astrology is a Full Moon, but one in which the Earth, Sun and Moon are exactly in line, with the Sun and Moon on opposites sides of the Earth, so the Moon falls entirely within the Earth’s shadow.
Lunar Eclipses are important astrological moments and they tend to be associated with highly emotional events – often endings of some kind. This particular Lunar Eclipse occurs in sentimental Cancer, an astrology sign that’s attached to the past, so we can expect this Eclipse to bring some regrets or repressed memories to the surface for many of us. However, this Eclipse may also be more dramatic than most, because occurs in almost exact opposition to the powerful Saturn-Pluto conjunction. With the Sun also conjunct Mercury, there’s a sense that communication is being manipulated or shut down in some way.
All Lunar Eclipses – like all Full Moons – bring a degree of tension; after all, they’re essentially Sun-Moon oppositions in astrology. On this occasion, the position of the Moon represents a cycle, that’s ending, while the position of the Sun hints at the events that have brought us to this inevitable point.
With the Lunar Eclipse taking place in Cancer, there’s likely to be an emphasis on family dynamics, as well as on emotional literacy, intuition, and sensitivity. It may bring a lot of tears and what is about to end may be dearly missed – but Cancer energies are shrewd and more practical than you might think. With the Sun on the other end of this Lunar Eclipse in down-to-earth Capricorn, help is available – if we ask for it.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
The Lunar Eclipse prompts big change at home, Aries, and you may feel intense guilt over your work-life balance – or rather, your lack of it. Family tensions rise if you can’t be at home as much as you would like, but astrology says that events brought by this Eclipse may force your hand. Once the dust settles, the situation will have improved.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
Inter-generational links are important during now, Taurus. What you need may come from a grandparent or a child, so being around those who love you is important right now. No matter how experienced in life and love you are, someone has sage advice that you would do well to implement.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
What you need from this Lunar Eclipse is confirmation that your values matter, Gemini. However, you’re unlikely to get it – because what this event is really trying to teach you is that you must turn within for answers. Validate your self-worth internally. Don’t look to others for support, because what really matters is what you think of you.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
An Eclipse in your own astrology sign is your chance to have your emotions heard and honored, Cancer. Things you’ve been wanting to say for a long time can find a voice now, and repressed emotions may flood to the surface. This won’t necessarily be very pretty, or a great deal of fun, but it’s an important catharsis and you will feel lighter once you open up.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
This Lunar Eclipse deepens your empathy with others. Your sign is known for being quite “me, me, me,” Leo, but now it’s time to put other people first and to put your own needs to one side. If you can reach out to others, this is a time for you to counsel, heal, listen and understand. Less talking, more feeling – that’s the way to go.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
The Lunar Eclipse brings you leadership responsibility of some kind, Virgo – and that may well be rather unwelcome. Whether it’s at work or at home, extra responsibilities scream worry and anxiety as far as you’re concerned – but the eclipse teaches you to remember how very fortunate you are. What you’re feeling apathetic about, others would dearly love.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Libra (Libra Dates: September 23 – October 22)
Career developments may impact negatively on your family during this Eclipse. Perhaps a promotion means more time away from home, or perhaps your family is being judged because of what you do. Stand strong and ask for the support you need from within your company structure, Libra. It’s right that you should pursue success, but it must not come at a cost to your loved ones.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
Something that occurs during this Lunar Eclipse highlights a situation where you've been bluffing – and now you’re caught out. To make sure this doesn’t happen again, get educated, Scorpio. It may be time to go back to school to gain extra qualifications, or simply to re-train in something which speaks to your heart. Don’t pretend to be something you’re not. Step into what you are meant to be.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
The Eclipse reminds you to pay your debts, Sagittarius, be they financial, emotional or practical. In order to move forward now, you must release yourself from long-overdue obligations to others. These debts are holding you back spiritually. If you need real financial help, reach out to organizations that can advise and support you. Don’t struggle on alone.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
This Eclipse occurs in your love zone, Capricorn, and it can bring drama within your relationship. There could even be an ending, if one has been a long time coming – or, conversely, a renewal and a revival of an older love. This is not an easy period, but if you follow your instincts and let your heart lead you, you’ll come out safe – and happy – on the other side.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
The Lunar Eclipse empowers you to find a new routine and a new way of life, Aquarius. This is a good time to break the rules – who says that things must be a certain way? You know differently. Let your inner rebel come out to play and start to organize your life according to your own priorities and principles. Find a new tribe that respects and understands your position.
Lunar Eclipse in Cancer for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
This Lunar Eclipse may bring good fortune, Pisces, although it almost certainly won’t feel like it at the time. Look out for chance encounters with a potential new partner, or risks you take which pay off more richly than you could have imagined. Go with the flow of life and say yes to things where possible. You never know where that might lead.