Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility (Sagittarius dates: November 22 - December 20; Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21)
Do Sagittarius and Scorpio make a good love match? You can definitely find each other incredibly attractive! There’s huge potential for passion here, and for some Sagittarius/Scorpio couples, you won’t be able to keep your hands off each other!
However, do remember that, as with all fire/water pairs of the zodiac, there can be some friction. But hey, maybe that’s what gets your engine revving! As the water sign, Scorpio can sometimes rain on your happy parade, Sagittarius. It’s not that they’re negative, but they can be terribly broody, with intense moods.
You’ll have to be aware, Sagittarius, that your sometimes no-filter way of communicating can tread on your sensitive Scorpio’s feelings, even when they don’t show it. They’ll respond by being snappy and defensive, sometimes even rather cutting. When you do engage in conflict, it can be dramatic between the two of you!
With all that said, you will find each other undoubtedly fascinating. Your conversations will always veer on the deeper side of life, and as your Scorpio sweetheart begins to open up more and more, you’ll soon see the incredible insights they have. They spark a different side of you, Sagittarius – a side that really makes you think about things.
As with all water and fire zodiac sign combinations, you’ll also be the classic introvert and extravert relationship. Sagittarius, all you want to do is go out to party and travel, and all your Scorpio love wants to do is entangle you between the sheets! You’ll have to work to find a balance!
Be very aware, Sagittarius, that Scorpio people can be ultra-possessive and fearful of being betrayed. Your nature is to be somewhat fickle and casual, especially at the start of your relationship, or even years on. Try and realize that it hurts and scares your Scorpio deeply when they feel as if you don’t care or commit.
Of course, they will also have to rein in the side of themselves and not try to manipulate you. Your direct, honest way of being will hopefully inspire them to be more open with you, too. The best comes out of Scorpios over time, Sagittarius, as they build trust with you. Be patient – yes, hard for a fire sign of the zodiac – and as gentle as you can. There’s nothing quite like the loyalty of a Scorpio – or the passion – once they’re all yours.
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Scorpio Dating Compatibility:
Are Sagittarius and Scorpio Soulmates? You could be a love match, you know. There’s fire and passion between the two of you, and you might feel as if there’s a magnetic pull that you just can’t quite resist. Will it last? Well, that’s completely up to you, Sagittarius. Your Scorpio wants something long-term and stable, but you can be a bit of a commitment-phobe.
Your dating styles do also differ – Scorpio approaches all new relationships the same way a cat approaches water – gingerly and not without a lot of fear. They might even play games with you, Sagittarius, to determine whether or not you're going to hurt them or let them down.
Game-playing isn’t really your style, so you’ll be more upfront and straight about things. In dating, you act quickly, reactively and passionately. You’re enthusiastic right away, and keen to just have fun and “see where things go”. These are probably the worst things to say to a Scorpio, who will feel inner terror at the instability of it all.
And so, you’ll have your work cut out for you. Sagittarius, you’ll have to be a touch more steady, and Scorpio will have to back off and relax a bit. Besides that, your dates will be filled with sexy moments and long days and nights of passion and fascinating conversations!
Sagittarius and Scorpio Marriage Compatibility:
Can Sagittarius and Scorpio marry? Well, as a fixed zodiac sign, Scorpios generally do value the concept of marriage and see it as a place of security and stability. Their end game is more than likely tying the knot, and they’ll definitely, at some point, at least hint at it, if not outright propose!
What about you, Sagittarius? Well, you can be a bit off and on. You are passionate and loving, warm and loyal, but you need your freedom first and foremost. You are often scared that committing will tie you down and stop you from living your best life, which is why you hesitate.
Be careful, Sagittarius, that this attitude doesn’t hurt your Scorpio too much They can get quite mean when they feel insecure and play all kinds of games, create all kinds of drama. If you do commit, you may find that your Scorpio is the cuddliest, sweetest, most loving and loyal partner you’ll ever find.
And once they fully trust you, you’ll see that they will give you the freedom. They’ll have their moments of jealousy sure, and it will be important to check-in with them. But the longer you’re together and the more stable you are, the easier it gets.
Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility in Bed:
Are Sagittarius and Scorpio sexually compatible? Here, the two of you soar! The sexual connection between the two of you is uncomplicated and deeply passionate. Sagittarius, you have a fiery, powerful libido, and your Scorpio does, too. Together you do crazy things, and are open to pretty much anything!
In fact, even if your relationship does ever crumble, you may find that the physical side is the hardest to let go of. You never, ever forget each other, and the way that you could always be as experimental and wild as you wanted. If you stay together, your sex life will just become that much juicer over time!
When a Sagittarius and Scorpio Relationship Breaks up:
How does Sagittarius and Scorpio move on after a breakup? You tend to bounce back quite quickly, Sagittarius. However, your Scorpio lover does not, and it can get messy. Both of you have tempers, and whilst yours dies down and you forgive and forget fast, your Scorpio ex will be plotting your murder ten years down the line.
So, try not let things get dramatic, Sagittarius, and never, ever let Scorpio know how fast you moved on or that you’re seeing someone else. This will spark the worst in then, and the game-playing will reach a whole new level of toxic.
Business Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility in Business:
Is there Scorpio and Sagittarius compatibility when it comes to working? You have very different approaches, Sagittarius. Whilst your Scorpio is highly ambitious, intense and absolutely dedicated, you are more of a happy-go-lucky kind of employee and colleague.
You may rub each other up the wrong way, with Scorpio thinking you’re reckless, Sagittarius, and irresponsible. You’ll probably think they’re a control freak, and you are both correct. Try not to step on each other’s toes, and instead, celebrate the differences that each of you brings to your work environment! You can do this!
Friendship Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Sagittarius and Scorpio good friends? You’re not the most likely of friends, put it that way. Water and fire signs can get along, but you’ll have very specific areas where things work, and where things don’t.
For example, Sagittarius, Scorpio will not appreciate your brash honesty in their more sensitive moments. They need a shoulder to cry on, or a friend to plot revenge with, not someone who tells them to “look on the bright side”.
However, your conversations will always be deep and interesting, and you’ll find more of a spiritual connection with each other.
Family Compatibility:
Sagittarius Parent and Scorpio Child Compatibility:
Is there Scorpio and Sagittarius compatibility when it comes to family? Scorpio parents are intense, Sagittarius – as you well know! They are deeply protective and loving of you, and they seem to know all your secrets, so don’t try and get away with things with them! They may also try and control you, which you’ll have none of, especially as you get older!
Your Scorpio child is secretive, Sagittarius – you’ll have a sense of when they’re telling the truth or hiding something, but never try and force them or control them. Let them learn to trust you, and allow them to grow a bond with you. When they feel fears of being abandoned, these children tend to act out in huge ways.
Sagittarius and Scorpio Sibling Compatibility:
How do Sagittarius and Scorpio siblings match up in the family environment? You’ll have big fights, that’s for sure! Your temper is hard to control, Sagittarius, so you will probably come out on the losing side most of the time! Your Scorpio sibling knows just how to plot and plan so that they blindside you driving you insane!
Things get better the older you get, but you will always have a way of triggering each other. That’s just something you learn to live with – and maybe even come to love.
Sagittarius and Scorpio Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Sagittarius human and a Scorpio pet get along? Scorpio pets are intensely loyal, Sagittarius. They are protective of and will literally be by your side until “death do you part”. They can be aggressive, but more out of fear, and that sense of needing to “own” what is theirs (which is you).
In many ways, Sagittarius, your Scorpio pet is the boss, so you’ll just have to live with it!
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Sagittarius and Scorpio Compatibility