Jupiter and Pluto form a conjunction with one another approximately every 19-20 years. This year, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn becomes exact three times, on April 4th, June 30th and November 12th, 2020. Although the conjunction itself occurs in one sign or another every couple of decades, it hasn’t occurred in Capricorn since 1771, so this is a rare event indeed.
Because Capricorn energy is associated with structure, stability and the status quo, this conjunction is even more likely to be associated with fundamental changes to the systems which make up our way of life.
In astrology, Pluto’s energy is all about transformation; nothing survives an important Pluto transit in quite the same form as it started out. Jupiter’s energy, meanwhile, is about expansion. This is where we overcome boundaries, or we transform those boundaries into positive footholds rather than restrictive prisons.
Freedom and opportunity beckon over the other side or what is about to be transformed, and we will, collectively, get there.
Although changes to our way of life sound stressful – and they may be, while they are taking place – this conjunction is believed to be very fortunate on an individual level. Yes, something we take for granted is nearing an end, but what will come in its place will allow us greater independence – as Jupiter demands – and will bring us prosperity and peace.
Pluto as a planet tends to tear things down, but only so that they can be re-invented, recycled or re-purposed. Jupiter’s astrological influence, meanwhile, is almost always positive and benign – this is a sea change which may feel rocky and unstable for a while, but which will bring us advancement and positive improvements, both on the world stage and in our personal lives.
How Does the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction Affect Each Zodiac Sign?
Each zodiac sign will experience the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction slightly differently, depending exactly where it occurs in the natal chart and which area of life is being affected.
Aries Sun Sign (Aries Dates: 20 March to 19 April) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
For Aries, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction highlights ambitions, careers and public status issues. You may change career path altogether, or perhaps opt for a life which brings you less attention and less emphasis on status. During this period, you will almost certainly be challenging the powers that be and trying to overcome authority – but expect to have your own authority challenged too.
Taurus Sun Sign (Taurus Dates: 20 April to 20 May) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction transforms your personal ideology, challenging many of the preconceptions, prejudices or beliefs you’ve held for the last couple of decades. Experiencing new cultures and new people opens your eyes to possibilities you’ve never considered before. You may emigrate, or conversely return to the place of your birth. You’re on a quest to find a place which resonates with your soul values.
Gemini Sun Sign (Gemini Dates: 21 May to 20 June) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
The transformation brought by the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is an internal one for you, Gemini, as it transforms your sense of self-worth. You may want to be come debt free, not only in terms of money but in terms of emotional or practical debts too. This is a time for shedding old trauma and self-limiting patterns. Through self help or professional input, you can transform how you think and feel from within.
Cancer Sun Sign (Cancer Dates: 21 June to 21 July) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
For you, Cancer, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is about a shakeup in your love life, or at least in your attitude towards love and companionship. This is a growing-up and maturing period, during which you’re refining what you really want and need from a relationship, and indeed what you are willing to offer in return. Relationships may fade or may be refreshed; if you’re single, this major conjunction suggests a karmic meeting is not far away.
Leo Sun Sign (Leo Dates: 22 July to 21 August) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction here operates on quite an abstract level, transforming your sense of wellbeing and wellness. It’s likely to affect both your physical and your mental health, and you should now be able to overcome barriers linked to disability, addiction, illness or psychology. Start a quest to become ‘well’ in the truly holistic sense of the word and don’t give up on yourself, ever.
Virgo Sun Sign (Virgo Dates: 22 August to 21 September) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction for Virgo is all about creativity and joy. This is a time for shaking off responsibility, or at the very least adapting so that it doesn’t rule your life. Break the rules, break out of a rut and gain the confidence to do whatever you please. For a sign which is sometimes taken for granted by others, this energy is about standing up and doing what’s right for you.
Libra Sun Sign (Libra Dates: 22 September to 22 October) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
For you, Libra, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction speaks to emotional stability. You will need to look at what makes you feel safe and how your past has influenced that. Connected to this, family life will undergo a transformation, but this will be an improvement not a collapse. By understanding yourself and your past better, you’ll start to feel more confident and you’ll be able to operate from a place of stronger emotional security.
Scorpio Sun Sign (Scorpio Dates: 23 October to 21 November) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction for Scorpio ushers in a brand-new way of thinking. An infusion of positivity, this is can-do energy, which will allow you to overcome obstacles you’d previously have balked at. No longer content to accept your lot, this is astrological energy which helps you to find a way around, under, through or above. With growing confidence, your intelligence will see you through.
Sagittarius Sun Sign (Sagittarius Dates: 22 November to 20 December) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
It’s time to transform your relationship to money and finances, as the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction shakes up and restructures your understanding of materialism. Your sign is never particularly money-motivated, but you’re now starting to understand money as an energy exchange. This opens doors to all kinds of possibilities, especially relating to manifestation and creative visualization of the life you want to lead.
Capricorn Sun Sign (Capricorn Dates: 21 December to 18 January) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
For you, Capricorn, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is especially potent, occurring as it does in your own sign. This energy enables you to step into your true destiny as a leader. Whether you like it or not, you’re likely to be put into a position of prominence within your community or your job – and through that initially unwanted pressure, your true gifts will begin to emerge. Exciting times are ahead.
Aquarius Sun Sign (Aquarius Dates: 19 January to 17 February) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
The Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is about spiritual transformation for Aquarius. Use this energy to learn more – much more – about your spiritual nature. This astrological event gives you the confidence to understand your own mystical experience and to reach out to others who are experiencing similar things. Your pathway as a lightworker is opening up, and life is unlikely to ever be the same again.
Pisces Sun Sign (Pisces Dates: 18 February to 19 March) During the Jupiter-Pluto Conjunction
For Pisces, the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction is about transforming your role in society. It’s time to embrace other people, however reluctantly. You have become slightly isolated, but now you’re being called to re-join your tribe and to start to make a difference. Work with community ventures, charities or simply like-minded friends to achieve positive change, wherever and however that matters most to you.