Ah, sweet Venus – planet of romance, honey-delicious lovin’, beauty, values and art! Who couldn’t love this absolute babe of a heavenly body? She bestows grace, charm, flirtatiousness, affection, and gentle femininity to the mostly masculine pantheon of planets, and without her, we would sorely miss all that’s beautiful and tasteful.
Sure, some of us may prefer war-mongering, lusty Mars, or lucky Jupiter, although very few can resist the alluring charms of Aphrodite in full force! Even hardened Scorpios melt at her arrival, and when her minions – those frustratingly annoying, persistent cherubs who insist on poisoning everyone with their evil little love-filled arrows – get hold of you, you’re helpless under the spell of amor. No one escapes the pain-drenched, heart wringing, madness-inducing and tender passion of love. It’s what makes the world go ‘round, what gives life meaning, and what lifts us out of our more primal instincts (as luscious as those can be). Venus brings harmony and peace, dancing and making merry, and who doesn’t love a touch of pleasure? So, let us, together, explore what each zodiac sign finds irresistible (or irresistibly maddening) about this gorgeous goddess of love:
WHAT AN ARIES LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
Eeeeeeuwww! Romance! As a Fire sign, you’d rather have a hot, steamy and spontaneous adventure with that babe from climbing! Totally less complicated, right? Just kidding, Aries, but also not kidding. Your zodiac sign is well known for having starry-eyed, innocently naïve dreams about being the Romeo to someone’s Juliet (girls can be heroes too!) and once you realize that your latest crush isn’t as raspberry-sweet as you dreamed, you come down to Earth with a bit of a nasty bump, don’t you? And just as fast as you fell in, you’ve fallen out. Sure, you can be as loyal as anyone else – with the right person – but it’s not easy for you to float in a harmonious fairyland with bae, never fighting (like, what? No fights?) and play nice all the time. Your fiery nature ensures that the calming influence of Venus is cast aside and instead, you have a relationship fraught with skirmishes and all-out wars – but that’s the way you like it. That’s the way your future hubby or wifey will have to like it too. Sorry, not sorry!
WHAT A TAURUS LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Taurus dates: April 20 - May 20)
Oh, sweet Taurus! No one does Venus lovin’ quite like you! As your planetary ruler, she bestows such grace, charm and sensuality that it’s pretty easy for you to attract sweethearts. You love everything about this gorgeous, sumptuous and juicy planet, and when it comes to wooing the one you have your sweet doe-eyes on, there isn’t any stop you’re not willing to pull out, Taurus. The only issue with all this oozing sensuality, is your tendency to hold on too tightly, and though you preach about “taking it slow,” the truth is, deep down, you really wanna get married, pronto, and start setting up housie together (your fave!). Here’s the thing Taurus – not everyone you “fall in love” with is actually your soulmate. Don’t cling too hard – possessiveness ain’t sexy unless you have an equally intense Scorpio on your hands – but it’s also okay to show that you’re into them. How’s your lover supposed to know that your Venus-ruled heart pumps custard for them if you always talk about going slow?
WHAT A GEMINI LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
As you scratch your clever little chin and think of all the smart things you could say to your latest love interest, Venus stands there, hands on delicious hips, huffing and puffing that you’re just not catching on. Love, dear Gemini, involves a little more romance – a furtive glance under the lashes, a flirtatious touch of the hand, a gift of 12 pink roses. It’s not just a really great chat, even if it is akin to a good bedroom sesh (in your opinion, anyway). It’s also not only a brilliant joke nor is love something you can analyze and formulate onto one of your clever excel sheets. Flowery verbal declarations are gorgeous – and you’re one of the best, sweet Gemini – but sometimes bae also wants a hug, a little bit of mushiness, a sexy lap-dance, a sensual massage. It’s the little things. It’s tiresome, yes, but don’t worry, you can still chatter away whilst getting your touch on. Cool is cool, Gemini – but you’ve gotta know when your cool becomes cold.
WHAT A CANCER LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
For a typical Cancer, Venus induces a kind of eye-rolling, love drenched lunacy in your life – and you love it! You adore the goddess of love and everything she stands for – connection and closeness are totally your jam, and there’s no one quite as imaginative and mushy as your zodiac sign when your heart has been captured. You know how to use the sensual gifts of this delightful planet, and make your lover feel like they’re the only one in this whole, big, wide world. And bae better know that you expect the same treatment! A Cancer scorned is the crabbiest of all crabs, and all that Venusian harmony will go out the window when you feel neglected or abandoned. You have all the benefits of this glorious planet but risk all the pain, too – it’s totally a double-edged sword. Yet, dear Cancer, you wouldn’t give it up for all the money in the world. Love, for your sensitive, Moon-ruled soul – is the ultimate peace, the holy grail, the reason why you get up, every time, and are brave enough to face Cupid’s arrows again and again.
WHAT A LEO LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
Ah. Leo. The proudest, warmest and most huge-hearted of all the zodiac signs! You lap up the gifts of lady Venus with relish, licking your lips, and savoring the taste of someone’s undivided attention! Venus's gifts of love mean you get to play in the spotlight unashamedly and receive all the validation and affirmation you have ever craved. Plus, you get to give and give – there’s something to be said about a lion's generosity. Well, as long as you do get that spotlight, that is. The love of Venus is ever so painful when you’re ignored, left, neglected or pushed aside, and there’s no roar quite as painful and heart-wrenching as yours when love dies or is rejected. Thankfully, Venus always manages to snag you with her wiles once more, and that great big muscle in your chest – that warm blooded heart – becomes stronger with every tear. And when the right one comes along, you revel in her gifts of pleasure and affection – like only a Leo can.
WHAT A VIRGO LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Virgo dates: August 23 - September 22)
Contrary to what you think, dearest Virgo, Venus and her love is not all about sacrifice and service. It’s not giving up everything you are and everything you enjoy to be available at the beck and call of your lover. It’s not always washing the dishes and doing the chores – and although you love showing your golden-hearted goodness through these selfless acts, sometimes you just gotta make way for a lil’ pleasure, a bit of indulgence (gasp and horror, yes, indulgence), a touch of excess – in your eyes at least. Venus wants you to experience her lush, careless, devil-may-care lust for simple touch, for spending your hard-earned dollars on a rich experience rather than on something useful for the house. Your sign of the zodiac doesn't exactly adore this mistress of delectation, and truthfully, you’d rather make a to-do list than go to the theater, but you’ve gotta remember that even if you don’t exactly turn a kind eye on Venus-like extravagance, your lover needs a lil’ romancing. Grocery shopping isn’t a real date, Virgo – as thrilling as that might be to you.
WHAT A LIBRA LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Libra dates: September 23 - October 22)
Where does one ever start with this, Libra? You’re ruled by this delectable and delicious goddess after all, which means that basically, you are Venus. You are the epitome of the bewitching, sensual seductress of hapless men and women, and there’s few who don’t fall under your charming spell. Smoothly diplomatic, sweetly spoken and often a total hottie, your zodiac sign is love royalty. You’re seldom without an adoring lover, Libra, and an admiring audience. You can’t help that people think you’re flirting when you’re just having a conversation – you have no idea that your throaty laugh, the swish of your perfumed hair or the sexually magnetic body language you carry is a turn-on for even the most asexual among us. You possess and bestow the gifts of Venus-like pleasure wherever you go, and you delight in the arts, in rapturous experiences of pleasure, from a shimmy on a dance floor, to a luxurious trip to some exotic island, replete with delicious cocktails and a gorgeous thing hanging off your well-toned arm. No one does Venus like a Libra. No one.
WHAT A SCORPIO LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21)
Like pretty much everything in life for you, Scorpio, your relationship with Aphrodite is a love-hate one. Like, you totally love being in love – you crave emotional connection with a hunger, an intensity, that could rival even the relationship master, Libra – yet when you are pierced with Cupid’s arrows, you immediately step into a place of inner terror – because love makes you vulnerable. Love makes even your strong armor melt off, exposing your soft, tender underbelly, threatening you with a deathlike desire to hold on and never let go. Venus does love passion, but she’s not big on possession, nor is she good with fear. She hates conflict, and she doesn’t do drama, and for a typical Scorpio, love is often a blood-soaked battlefield of relentless emotional passion. Truth be told, you only love Venus when you feel safe – when there’s little to no chance of betrayal. When hurt by love, there’s no one who hates Venus quite like you, no one who declares war on her like the wounded Scorpion. Love and Hate. It’s a fine line.
WHAT A SAGITTARIUS LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Sagittarius dates: November 22 - December 20)
As far as you’re concerned, Sagittarius, the best thing about Venus is the pleasure she unlocks for you – your zodiac sign is unrivaled when it comes to shaking your booty at a club, and when it comes to having a good time. The problem with all this love stuff is the commitment Venus expects. She doesn’t take too kindly to your flighty fickleness, nor does she do well with your brutal honesty. Bae didn’t need to hear the truth quite like that, Sagittarius – even if you were simply trying to be open. Venus asks for tact, for diplomacy, for sweetness and for affection, and though you can try, it’s hella hard sometimes. Your fire wasn’t made to behave, nor are you willing to put aside your desire to be straight up with that hook-up and tell ‘em it was just a fling. And why can’t they stop texting you? It’s not like you’re in the same country anymore anyway. Okay, jokes aside – you can do the love thing. You don’t appreciate mushy but if there’s passion and freedom, then you’ll grudgingly allow those love-tipped arrows to find their mark.
WHAT A CAPRICORN LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Capricorn dates: December 21 - January 19)
Venus has her work cut out with you, Capricorn. Oooh, there’s a word to perk your hardworking ears up. Work! That’s what relationships – and everything else in life – is all about, right? The thing is, dear Capricorn, Venus wants you to open up and stop being such a scaredy-cat. You don’t have to keep it together in love, you know. You are allowed to take off that professional mask and that attention to responsibility and be mushy and gooey. You’re also allowed to experience unbridled pleasure, and spend your money on delicious experiences. Let Venus in, Capricorn – she has so much to show you. And she loves your willingness to commit. She loves that you want marriage, even if that entails vulnerability. And you love that she brings softness to counteract your hardness, that she melts away your resolve, makes you smile, and makes love an experience that allows you to forget your toils and indulge in that sensuality that you possess – even if you didn’t know it.
WHAT AN AQUARIUS LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
The mere mention of sexuality probably makes you wrinkle your refined nose and throw up your well-manicured hands in despair wondering why everyone has to get so intense and emotional – and why can’t you just be friends? Because, Aquarius, love feels nice even to your icy heart, and when you let Venus in, you’ll find your emotions coming out of the freezer and warming right up. You, of all people, need a bit of Venus in your life, and will find that she’s not so demanding after all. Your sign of the zodiac does love connection, in any case – it’s just all a bit uncomfortable when people start catching feels and you have to dig deep into your guarded heart and play along. Here’s a secret, Aquarius – you aren’t that cold. You aren’t a robot. You need love, just like anyone else. And you love the commitment of Venus – you love the companionship. You don’t need to fake it anymore – you just have step closer, come out of your detached ideals and realize that your dreams are right in front of you, in flesh and blood form.
WHAT A PISCES LOVES ABOUT VENUS (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
Oh lordy, here we go again. Onto the white horse you leap, snuggling up to your knight or hugging your sweet damsel in distress – and off into the sunset you go, to the envy of everyone else. Pisces, you froth for the gifts of Venus, you embody this love goddess’s sweetness and idealism – your love for the very idea of love is like sugary honey dripping off your delicious lips. You live and breathe Venus, and no matter how many times your vulnerable little heart is bashed, you get up and love again, believing, each and every time, that this is the one. They’re all one, in the end, Pisces, and yours is the only zodiac sign that is capable of absolute forgiveness. You and Venus are as thick as thieves, and you are the reason why people believe in the fairy-tale. Here’s the thing, Pisces – while love is love and everyone deserves love, not everyone deserves your love – you need to know to hold back just a tad. Just a smidgen. At least wait a week before heading down the aisle for the fourteenth time.