If you’re a Facebook user – which most of us are – you’ll probably have a pretty unique way of using this social media platform. Are you the type of person who loves to troll, enjoying how reactive people get? Are you more of a social media activist? Or do you just love connecting with your friends and family? Some of us know only about ten people on our friends list, and that suits us just fine!
Here’s a fun guide to the type of Facebook user you are according to your zodiac sign:
HOW AN ARIES USES FACEBOOK (Aries dates: March 20 - April 19)
Being an Aries, you’re very likely to be the Facebook user type that actively seeks conflict on social media. Why? You’re blatantly honest, that’s why, and you absolutely hate subterfuge of any kind, plus, you’re not afraid of a fight – why people are afraid of confrontation is beyond you – why not get it all out? You’re not exactly a sensitive interactor, Aries, and your zodiac sign may need to simmer it down just a touch – you may not always realize whose toes you step on in your bid to fight the good fight! Also, you’re the King or Queen of selfies, and you’ll have a veritable library of hot AF profile pics.
HOW A TAURUS USES FACEBOOK (Taurus dates: April 20 - May 20)
Lying on the couch and watching Netflix is a blatant invite for your zodiac sign to browse social media. You’ll probably find yourself flicking through your newsfeed more often than not, though whether or not you interact will depend on if something is pretty enough to make the grade. Posting is a lot of effort, and you’re not much of a fan of using unnecessary energy – and so, your Facebook profile will either be a touch dormant, or littered with tasteful moodboards from Pinterest. You may not realise it, but others will be really inspired by your classy, creative taste. You also love sexy art, which extends to the pictures of yourself that you choose to have on your profile. You’re a gorgeous sign, Taurus, and the world will know it.
HOW A GEMINI USES FACEBOOK (Gemini dates: May 21 - June 20)
The internet – social media especially – was made for you, Gemini. Your lightening quick mind can absorb information at a breakneck speed, and you’ll make sure that you know every functionality that Facebook has to offer! From reading every article on just about anything, to shopping on marketplace, to trolling random people and causing often hysterical online arguments, you’ve got it sussed. Hashtags? Old news. You’ve probably already figured out a better and smarter way to link your accounts. Also, there’s the matter of gossip. You love it. You love it so much that you have fifteen chat windows open all at once with people who may not know that they know each other but they do, and you happen to know all their secrets. Oh, how juicy!
HOW A CANCER USES FACEBOOK (Cancer dates: June 21 - July 21)
For your zodiac sign, there’s pretty much no better use for Facebook – or any social media account – than to actually connect with your loved ones. Especially – you’ve guessed it – with your family. Whether you’re still in the same country, or far, far away, you’ll make it your business to regularly post pictures of you and your dog, you making tea, you with your friends or you graduating so that Grammie Annie can have an in into your life. It’s your duty, see. Also – mom posts. The world has to know just how special your mamma is, and she really likes it when you publicly declare her extraordinary mothering skills. You may also post a lot about your bae, because you love them almost as much as mamma. It’s advisable for a typical Cancer to avoid the Book when you’re in a mood – passive aggressive is just not a good color on you!
HOW A LEO USES FACEBOOK (Leo dates: July 22 - August 22)
The world may not be aware of this, but you know that Facebook is just one step away from fame. Every celebrity has to start somewhere, and you, Leo, are the master or mistress of leveraging your social media account to get as many followers as possible - those likes are hella important. In fact, you’re probably an influencer – and a good one at that. Not only are you brilliant at knowing where the best places and parties are, but you’re also fabulous at making others salty that they’re not there. As if that’s not enough, you are practically the inventor of the Selfie. You’ve mastered it to a point where it looks as if you’ve got your own personal paparazzi who just “happened” to be there taking that pic of you at that super glam, exclusive event. Humble brag!
HOW A VIRGO USES FACEBOOK (Virgo dates: August 23 - September 22)
Facebook is a major no-no for your zodiac sign. Why, you ask? You know why, Virgo. It makes you overanalyze just about everything, from your lifestyle (no, you don’t need to only eat organic greens and nut cheese to be healthy), to your friends (don’t worry, they will always love you), to your career choices (yes, you’re amazing at what you do). If you’re really smart – which you are – you’d stay far, far away from this fearmongering tool and rather focus on the things you can actually fix. When you do venture online, it’s to criticize, correct or advise someone on a poorly sourced piece of fake news and supply the poor soul with the right information. Sorry (not sorry!).
HOW A LIBRA USES FACEBOOK (Libra dates: September 23 - October 22)
Whether you’re single or attached, Libra, Facebook is totally your playground to flirt and get all the adoration you thrive on. Be real – you love the attention, and you’re hella good at getting it. The camera loves you, and you love it – there’s never a shortage of hot (but classy) profile pictures of you. In fact, you probably found bae on Facebook, and if this bae doesn’t work out, you’ll find the next one. Like bees to a honeypot - effortless. You’re also very fond of the occasional debate, and a major fan of artsy Pinterest pics – you want your page to look pretty and will casually delete any post that doesn’t align with the “aesthetics” of your wall. When it comes to your zodiac sign, you’ve got the matchy cover photo and profile pic thing down. Haters gonna hate!
HOW A SCORPIO USES FACEBOOK (Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21)
With your fake (and brilliantly believable) profile Scorpio, you’re one of the most accomplished Facebook stalkers of them all. You know exactly what happened when bae “went to see family” on November 7th, 2011, and you’ve put it all away in a folder on your desktop called “admin” – which is a folder within another folder called “recipes”. On your real profile, your zodiac sign is totally all “bae is the best” but inside, you’re planning your great revenge. Also, your ex may think that you’ve forgotten all about him or her, but you know that they went to Malta a few days ago – alone – much to the delight of your dark (yet tender) little heart. And you’ll never get caught because you turned chat off when you created your profile. All the better to spy, you see.
HOW A SAGITTARIUS USES FACEBOOK (Sagittarius dates: November 22 - December 20)
When you actually remember to log on, Sagittarius, it’s probably from some tucked away little internet shop in the middle of the Himalayas. And to check if there are any Full Moon parties around. Oh wait, that’s Thailand. Okay, so you decide to post a picture of you meditating with one of the local holy men. Or a picture of you funnelling a beer – it all really depends where you’re at right now in life. Maybe you’ll post a pic of you achieving the summit of Everest, who knows! You’ll make sure you also post a great philosophical one liner, something like “Nama-stay woke” or some such. You’re also a great fan of really funny memes and checking your Facebook profile is like a fun trip down to the local comedy club.
HOW A CAPRICORN USES FACEBOOK (Capricorn dates: December 21 - January 19)
When you log on – maybe once a year – it’s to make sure your Facebook profile is still linked to your LinkedIn profile, because you know how some companies like to check their people out on social media. Classy is how you keep it, Capricorn, and you’ve got no time for silly jokes - unless they are dark and somewhat macabre. Articles may be of interest to you, but you prefer the news for that, because you know it’s all mostly fake news, and you can’t abide by stupid people who believe everything they read. You also understand that young people these days (even though you’re the same age) use Facebook to get ahead in their career, and so you may create a few events here and there although you don’t really need it. Those who know, know, and don’t need to find you online.
HOW AN AQUARIUS USES FACEBOOK (Aquarius dates: January 20 - February 17)
You, of all the zodiac signs, truly understand the true ideals behind social media. What could never be more important than connecting with others and making friends - and how wonderful that you don’t even have to really “see” people to talk and share your opinions?! (not that anyone else is ever right, but luckily, you’re there to teach them). Facebook is also the ideal place for your sign to expound your chosen cause, and whether it’s veganism or women’s rights, you’re totally all over it – online activism is your jam! Sometimes you like posting seriously meaty intellectual articles that you (kind of) read and need the world to know about, because you know it will help someone, somewhere. You’ve got an altruistic heart, Aquarius, and the wise quotes on your wall show this.
HOW A PISCES USES FACEBOOK (Pisces dates: February 18 - March 19)
You, of all the signs, truly lamented when Myspace was done away with. How else can you share your incredibly fine-tuned musical taste? Now, you’ve got to settle for YouTube, and that’s not really fashionable anymore. So here you sit, with all this great music, and no one to know. Oh well, you’ll post something inspirational instead, perhaps a poem, some lyrics or a sad story about a broken heart – or maybe you’ll showcase that photography collection you’ve been hiding. You’re not shy to show your soft heart online and may garner plenty of support for when you’re having a tough time. However, you’ve got to remember that Facebook, for your particular zodiac sign, can be a dangerous escape from reality and it’ll be your challenge to avoid the social media addiction. Get into the sea, go dancing, do some yoga – there’s still a world out there, Pisces.
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What Type of Facebook User You Are According to Your Zodiac Sign?