Aries and Scorpio Compatibility (Aries dates: March 20 - April 19) & (Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21)
Are Aries and Scorpio compatible in astrology? Where are we to even start with this passionate, powerful, intense, and sexy combination of signs of the zodiac? When it comes to traditional, ancient astrology, both Aries and Scorpio star signs are ruled by the planet Mars, planet of lust, desire, and raw primal energy. In modern times, Pluto has been given co-rulership of Scorpio, and Pluto is said to be a “higher octave” of Mars – basically, meaning that Pluto is Mars on steroids! These two planets are all about the animalistic desire side of human nature, and so when the two of you get together, the chemistry can be off the charts! However, these two planets are also about conflict, power, control, aggression, and selfishness, so there may be a darker side to your Aries-Scorpio union that tends to creep out when you each give in to it. Your challenge in order to stay together will be to tame your darker sides and not allow the desire for domination to become a toxic element in your relationship. When you’re a team, working together on the same side, you’re more than formidable – you’re a powerhouse!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Aries and Scorpio Dating Compatibility:
Are Aries and Scorpio Soulmates in the zodiac? It can definitely feel as if meeting each other has stirred up a side of you that is irresistibly drawn, almost as if there’s a compulsive nature to your attraction. This can indicate a Soulmate connection, and if you can each overcome the need for drama, you can have long-lasting compatibility and a loyal relationship. Dating is hot, hot, hot and you’ll be getting up to all kinds of wild and naughty things together – you’re both daring and dangerous, and the chemistry between you, throughout the dating phase and in a committed relationship, can be off the charts! You may try and “one up” each other, and Aries, Scorpio does tend to win, despite your best attempts at beating them – this can be a friendly competition or a fight to the death – your choice!
Aries and Scorpio Marriage Compatibility:
Do Aries and Scorpio have compatibility in marriage? It is very tempting to walk down the aisle with each other. Scorpio tends to play for keeps, Aries, so if you happen to fall in and out of love with them, be warned that it won’t end well! Scorpio is not a sign that trusts very easily, so when they open up, they are showing you a side of themselves that no one else – or at least, very few – have actually seen. You’ll have to honor that, protect it, and defend them, or else your marriage will end dramatically and messily, and the chances are high that you’ll be the one licking your wounds! Scorpio makes a devoted partner, and gives their all to the relationship. You do, too, Aries, but you can fizzle out when your attention is distracted or your needs are not being met. This marriage will be work, but it can be oh-so rewarding!
Aries and Scorpio Sexual Compatibility:
Are Aries and Scorpio compatible in bed? This is, hands down, one of the most sexually charged connections in the book! You’ve hit the jackpot, Aries – in Scorpio, you’ll have a playmate who will give you a run for your money! Scorpio has this smoldering, deep intensity that they carry into the bedroom, and they’ll be the ones to show you tricks you never thought existed! Your fire meets their water, and the result is powerful, long-lasting, crazy lust! You’ll have to be careful that this lust isn’t the only thing driving your bond, and take time to actually work through issues rather than ignoring them by getting physical. That said, sex can be a powerfully cathartic experience for you both after an argument, and can cool tensions considerably!
When Aries and Scorpio Relationships Break Up:
How do Aries and Scorpio star signs move on after a breakup? Oh dear! Chernobyl has nothing on you two! A nuclear force of nature, your breakup will be one that is not easily forgotten by either of you. You may have the type of relationship where you break up, get back together, break up, get back together. It’s hard to walk away, because you know you have something wonderful, and all you often need to do to make it work is overcome the desire to overpower each other and “win.” You’ll both try and “win” at breaking up, too, and you’ll have to be careful of games of jealousy and power bringing you both down. Scorpio is much more sensitive than you could ever know, Aries, and in their hurt, they can be vengeful and downright mean! You get angry, Aries, but you don’t have a malicious bone in your body and breaking up with a Scorpio can become very confusing for you to navigate!
Business Compatibility:
Aries and Scorpio Compatibility in Business:
Do Aries and Scorpio have compatibility when it comes to work? If you’re a team, working on the same side, then you can be the best team ever! You’re both intensely ambitious, action-orientated, love to one-up other people, and will fight to get your company’s name out there in the world! It’s essential that you’re always completely open with each other. Aries, you tend to be very trusting, and you might think that Scorpio is just as open — but they’re not. Scorpios can be downright sneaky, and they have lots of secrets. However, if they’re on your side, and they know that you have their back, your Scorpio colleague, boss, or employee will treat you with the greatest of loyalty and respect, and there is very little you value more than loyalty, Aries. Scorpios are winners, and you like being on the side of a winner!
Friendship Compatibility:
Aries and Scorpio Compatibility as Best Friends:
Is there close friendship compatibility for Aries and Scorpio? When you’re not competing, you can be very loyal, trustworthy and fast friends! You appreciate each other’s passion and drive in life, and you can spur each other on to greater and greater things. There will always be a sense, however, of competition in this relationship – you both secretly want to beat each other at everything, which may or may not poison your bond as time goes on. However, when things are good, they’re great, and Aries, you know that Scorpio will keep all of your secrets and be as consistent as the sun coming up in the morning. Scorpio is a fixed sign, which denotes their profound loyalty, unless you betray them. And that’s unlikely with you, Aries, because you’re the type of friend that is honest and open – and although you can be tactless and impulsive, you don’t have a single bad intention in your body, which your Scorpio friend will know about you, and love.
Family Compatibility:
Aries Parent and Scorpio Child Compatibility:
Do Aries and Scorpio zodiac signs have compatibility when it comes to family relationships? Although you’ll have your moments of confrontation and conflict, of chilly silences and frayed tempers, at heart you have each other’s backs, and will defend each other until your very last breath! Aries, your Scorpio child will have many secrets, so don’t try and force them out – let them be who they are, and allow their natural vulnerability to lead the way when it comes to opening up and sharing their hearts with you. They are as strong as the mountains, though, so when you decide to lay down the law, Aries, be prepared to meet with resistance! When it comes to having a Scorpio as your parent, they’re loving and protective, and although they won’t always understand your fiery, reactive nature, they will love you no matter what and do their utmost to be the best parent they can be. They may be a little controlling, which is something you’ll tend to buck against with all your fiery Aries might!
Aries and Scorpio Compatibility as Siblings:
Are Aries and Scorpio siblings compatible in the family environment? In childhood, you’re either going to be as close as you can possibly be to another human being, or you’re going to fight 24/7! With Mars and Pluto ruling your signs, you are born to be warriors, both of you, and Aries you’ll hate how underhanded and sneaky your Scorpio sibling can be! Your tactics tend to be impulsive, while theirs are carefully calculated and planned. Deep down though, your Scorpio sibling is devoted to you, and unless you do something truly terrible to betray their trust, they will be ever so attached. Although you can step on their toes with insensitivity sometimes, Aries, you’ll be quick to make up and forget – though your Scorpio sibling may carry a grudge for many years, much to your surprise!
Aries and Scorpio Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will an Aries human and a Scorpio pet get along? Scorpio pets are as mysterious as Scorpio humans – and just as moody! A Scorpio pet is very much all-or-nothing, and they’ll either adore you, or hate you – there’s just no in-between! Your Scorpio pet, as a water sign, needs lots of close, emotional bonding, and while you might want to get out and get active, they may need more of your affection and closeness. Scorpio pets are usually loving, but sometimes they can have a bit of a vicious side to them. Make no mistake, Scorpio pets know how much power they have to nip you where it hurts if you cross a line! They’ll match you in temper, Aries, which usually earns your respect!
Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility
Aries and Capricorn Compatibility
Aries and Aquarius Compatibility
Aries and Pisces Compatibility
Aries and Taurus Compatibility
Aries and Gemini Compatibility
Aries and Cancer Compatibility
Aries and Scorpio Compatibility