When Venus leaves flamboyant Leo and moves into virginal Virgo on August 4th, 2024 until August 29th, 2024, you might expect the showbizzy, glamorous vibe to drop off – and indeed it does.
Surprisingly, however, when Venus transits Virgo, astrology suggests that sensuality increases and there’s really rather a romantic and sentimental air to this planetary shift.
Virgo is an earth sign after all, and therefore deeply connected to sensuality and to earthy pleasures. Although this complex zodiac sign gets its fair share of mean press, it really doesn’t deserve its reputation for prissiness.
Those in established relationships will find that the Venus in Virgo transit can deepen mutual understanding and respect.
As a zodiac sign, Virgo is loyal and committed, so it follows that Venus’ loving energy during this period favors stability, fidelity and tenderness.
If you’re single, however, a Venus in Virgo transit is not the best time to find new love. Virgo energy is perfectionist, so you may struggle to find someone who can live up to your standards.
Worse, you might inadvertently put off a new lover through constant criticism – because one reputation Virgo does deserve is that of being a sharp-tongued critic at times.
Even committed couples have to be careful when Venus is in Virgo not to try to hard to “improve” one another. This Venus transit teaches us to love one another warts and all, but the urge to “helpfully” interfere in your sweetheart’s fashion sense, working life or family relationships may be very strong!
Astrologers say that Venus transits don’t only concern love, but often money too. Here, the Venus in Virgo transit is useful for making practical, sensible, grounded financial decisions. Detailed analysis of your financial situation can be fruitful now, and you may uncover details you’d previously glossed over.
Over-thinking things can be helpful if you’re struggling with money, and this is a helpful transit for getting out of debt or getting back on the financial straight and narrow.
Such over-analysis is not helpful in love, however, so try not to analyze your relationships under a microscope. During Venus in Virgo, let your love life run its course and trust that you’re doing the right thing.
Horoscopes: How Does the Venus in Virgo Transit Affect Each Sun Sign?
In astrology, the transit of Venus through Virgo affects each sun sign slightly differently, often based on which astrological house Venus will be transiting for each sign of the zodiac in the year 2021.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
This Venus transit does bring out your critical side, Aries; where normally you would be content to shrug over a lovers’ annoying habits, now you may try to change them.
This normally ends in tears for an Aries – try to leave well alone and to remember why you fell in love in the first place! Love is not the place to strive for perfection – unless of course you can claim to be perfect yourself?
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
When Venus transits your fellow earth sign Virgo, Taurus, you’ll want to indulge your sensual nature more than ever.
This can be a very sexy planet transit for Taurus, and it’s perfect for spicing up your love life, trying new things with your lover and keeping the spark of magic alive. Head off on a naughty weekend and leave responsibilities behind for a few days!
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
This planet transit activates your family zone, Gemini, so you can expect to find a great deal of love and satisfaction within the family home.
There’s also a nostalgic attraction to the past here, and perhaps even the re-appearance of an old flame. You’ll find yourself drawn to childhood memories or places, so it’s a truly moving time for a Gemini to take an extended trip down memory lane.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
Idealism can be a mixed blessing for Cancer when Venus transits Virgo. It’s as if you can only see your sweetheart through the proverbial rose-tinted spectacles – and that means you’ll find it hard to know what’s truth and what’s fantasy.
On the plus side, this is a good few weeks for having an honest talk to your lover about anything you find difficult. Speak from the heart and with kindness.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 21)
This Venus transit activates your money zone and puts you in an even more materialistic frame of mind than normal – so you can expect some serious spending if you’re financially comfortable, or even if you’re not.
Avoid the temptation to try to buy love or affection during this transit. You cannot put a value on personal relationships, but Venus in Virgo may fool you that you can.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 22 – September 21)
Having Venus in your own sign brings out your charm and boosts your self-confidence. This is a great few weeks for making a wonderful first impression, so that’s very helpful both in work and in new relationships.
This is also a good time to switch up your personal image, if you feel like it. Make the most of yourself and don’t be afraid to make a completely fresh start.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Libra (Libra dates: September 22 – October 22)
Love, destiny, karma and spirituality are all in exaltation together when Venus transits Virgo, Libra. If you’re single, you may find yourself inexplicably attracted to someone who is most definitely not your normal Libra type – because of a karmic link.
Alternatively, in an established relationship, you may find that your soul purposes are becoming more aligned. Expect to deepen your connection one way or another.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
This Venus transit links friendships and love, Scorpio, which could be good news or bad news, depending whether you’re single or not!
It also helps to tone down some of your intense Scorpio emotion so that you can think more practically. You can use your charm now to influence others and to persuade people to back you. That’s considerable power to have, so use it honestly and wisely.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
This Venus transit can be difficult for you. Sagittarius is not normally bothered by status and superiority, but something niggles at you during these few weeks, and you’ll be very conscious of how your lover does or does not match up to what he or she is “supposed” to be like.
Your challenge is to ditch this nonsense and to value the person for who they are, Sagittarius – not how much they earn or what they look like.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 18)
It’s an intellectual rapport you’re looking for when Venus is in Virgo, Capricorn, much more so than a physical one. Spend hours talking with your lover about politics or philosophy or seek a new lover with views which challenge your own.
This Venus transit can feel very empowering for you, Capricorn, as it helps you to define your own self much more clearly, in comparison with others.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 19 – February 17)
Watch out for some weird obsessions while Venus in Virgo, Aquarius. This transit can trigger compulsive behaviors, especially those involving health or cleanliness.
You may also develop a fascination with something dark or morbid – but that could be a catalyst towards finding someone who better understands you. There’s quite a strange vibe for Aquarius during this transit, but ultimately, it’s a beneficial one.
Venus in Virgo in Gemini for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
When Venus is in Virgo, your love and romance zone is activated, so this should be a romantic and blissed out few weeks for you. Right? Right. Except – you may try to conquer your own feelings of Pisces insecurity by making others feel bad.
Try not to be too harsh with your partner during this transit. There is a lot of romance around, but it’s up to you to tone down the influence of Virgo’s trickier types of energy. If you can consciously be kind, Pisces, then this transit can be very warm and satisfying.