Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility (Sagittarius dates: November 22 - December 20; Taurus dates: April 20 - May 20)
Do Sagittarius and Taurus make a good match? In all honest truth, astrology suggests that the two of you aren’t exactly the most celebrated couple in the zodiac. Your paths seldom cross, and so, you don’t often find your two zodiac signs together. You’re too busy traveling the world, Sagittarius, having grand adventures, whereas the grounded Taurus is happily snuggling on the couch in their peaceful sanctuary of a home.
Can it work? Sure it can, but it’ll take – well – work. You’ll both have to step out of your own comfort zones to adapt to each other’s way of life. And that’s not always easy especially for your more stubborn Taurus sweetheart. Taurus likes things their way, you’ll quickly realize, Sagittarius, and they have a tendency to dig their heels in.
It’s not that Taurus doesn’t like adventure - but they will want to know where it is, how long it’ll be for, if there’ll be food and whether they’ll be comfortable. They won’t like bouncing along on the back of a truck in the middle of nowhere, in other words.
This may put a dampener on your fire, Sagittarius, but at the same time, if you’re ready, this can be the most secure, stable and loving connection you’ve ever had. Your Taurus holds the fort, and if they feel that the relationship is safe, they’ll never stop you from gallivanting around on your own. Plus, it’s nice to come back to a warm hug, a delicious meal and some calm, right, Sagittarius?
Just be sure that you treat them right. Taurus people can be very controlling and possessive when they feel their relationship is insecure, and with your flirty nature, it’s easy for them to be triggered, Sagittarius. You have to show them you are totally trustworthy, and you can have all the fun you want. In fact, Taurus often joins you for an indulgent party, which is where the two of you really shine!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Taurus Dating Compatibility:
Are Sagittarius and Taurus Soulmates? You may grow into Soulmates, but at first, it may not feel very much like the Soulmate type of love. Again, it takes work with the two of you. Your initial responses to dating are usually quite different with you jumping in quickly, Sagittarius, and Taurus holding back.
See, Taurus doesn’t always trust spontaneity, and instead, takes their time with love and relationships. They may take forever to show feelings or even commit, which can suit you well for a while, as you don’t like to “label” things too quickly either.
You’ll also soon realize that Taurus is one of the most romantic zodiac signs out there, Sagittarius, and they may easily sweep you off your feet! They know just how to woo you, wine you, dine you and make you feel like the most special person in the world! And with your fiery, passionate nature, you’ll fall hard and fast!
You’ll be the one to bring the spontaneous dates, Sagittarius, whilst your Taurus sweetheart likes to do the tried-and-tested sort of thing (which is just as lovely).
Sagittarius and Taurus Marriage Compatibility:
Can Sagittarius and Taurus marry? Here’s where you’ll probably agree – neither of you will rush into getting married, but for different reasons. Taurus genuinely wants to be married and have that security and stability, but they are cautious. They don’t do anything impulsively, ever. However, over a few years, if they see you are going to stick around, they’ll make it happen, and be wonderful and committed spouses.
Your reason for holding back is just because you’re a free spirit, Sagittarius. You hate the idea of being tied down, and although you may have some impulsive moments of wanting to walk down the aisle, you’ll likely not go through with it, mainly because Taurus won’t be keen.
Once the two of you are ready to tie the knot, you’ll have to bear in mind your different traits and lifestyles. Taurus is concerned with building security in one place – usually their childhood neighborhood – and working hard for financial security.
You, on the other hand, don’t care about material things and would prefer to live out of a backpack forever. You’ll meet somewhere in the middle, though your Taurus will usually be the one to get most of their own way!
Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility in Bed:
Are Sagittarius and Taurus sexually compatible? Astrology suggests this is a great area for the two of you! Taurus is one of the most sensual and primal signs of the zodiac you can imagine, Sagittarius. They have powerful, long-lasting libidos, and are some of the only ones that are able to keep up with you!
However, Taurus can also be lazy, and routine-bound, Sagittarius, which can feel like there is a lack of spontaneity when it comes to the bedroom. That’s where you come in – so whilst there’s never a lack of passion, you may still have to keep the spark alive and not let your Taurus lover get too far into their comfort zones!
When Sagittarius and Taurus Relationship Breaks up:
How does Sagittarius and Taurus move on after a breakup? Taurus partners tend to hold onto the relationship long after it’s done and dusted. They’re stubborn to fall in love, and stubborn to fall out! This can make it more difficult for you, Sagittarius, because you tend to move on fast once you’ve realized it’s no longer working.
Try your best not to hurt your Taurus ex in this way, Sagittarius – it can come off as fickle and uncaring. And whatever you may believe about the Taurus,whateve they have done – it’s likely they cared for you very deeply and saw you in their future, not as a part of their past.
Business Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility in Business:
Does Sagittarius and Taurus have compatibility when it comes to work? Well, in some ways, and in some ways not at all. You can both be a little avoidant of more responsibility than you care for, for different reasons.
Taurus is only there to make money usually unless the work is creative. And you, Sagittarius, you'd prefer to be backpacking through Asia and are likely just making money to do that. However, you can also be very passionate if you love the work, if a little less structured and reliable than Taurus (which drives them crazy!).
Friendship Compatibility:
Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Sagittarius and Taurus good friends? You’re unlikely friends, but what you will have going for you is the fact that you both really, really like to indulge! You can party hard, drinking the best of wines and eating the most delicious foods.
Plenty of fun can be had when the two of you get together, sometimes a bit too much! And, Sagittarius, your Taurus buddy may find your lack of reliability a real thorn in their sides, so. Do try and be on time for your dates! Respect is important here, even if the two of you are often worlds apart.
Family Compatibility:
Sagittarius Parent and Taurus Child Compatibility:
Are Sagittarius and Taurus compatible when it comes to family? The Taurus parent may seem like literally the most boring person on the planet, Sagittarius, making you want to run away from the routine-bound existence you grew up in. However you’ll eventually come to appreciate the wonderful stability and grounding they gave you, and the unwavering reliability they have.
Your Taurus child, Sagittarius, is also very different from you, so be careful of forcing them into adventure. Whilst you may find it very enriching, they won’t. All it gives them is a sign of anxiety when you encourage them to be spontaneous. Respect that your child needs more security than you ever did, and go out of your way to make them feel safe. Be ready for a stubbornness that will never, ever give it, no matter how much you lose your temper!
Sagittarius and Taurus Sibling Compatibility:
How do Sagittarius and Taurus siblings match up in the family environment? You’re not exactly the tightest of buddies, and there will be fights and flare-ups between you two, like any other pair of siblings. You’re both extremely convinced of your own way, which does cause problems!
Your Taurus sibling is stubborn, and you are hot-headed, Sagittarius, so staying out of each other’s way is important. You will have loads of good times together, too, especially when you’re old enough to party and have fun! In fact, you may become friends over time, but it’ll take some distance and space between the two of you to get there.
Sagittarius and Taurus Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Sagittarius human and a Taurus pet get along? Taurus pets are ultra-reliable and cuddly. They love giving and receiving affection, and they will be at your side forever and ever. However, they need total routine and stability to be happy, or else they may act out. Your chaotic lifestyle could make them very insecure so you need to be really sure you can provide some semblance of routine for them, Sagittarius.
These are also very lazy pets, so whilst they love nature, they’re not going to very much enjoy overly long hikes the way you do. Taking them out of their comfort zone just feels, well, uncomfortable.
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Sagittarius and Taurus Compatibility