Hold onto your hats because Mars will be retrograde! From October 30th, 2022, until January 12th, 2023.
Once every two years, for around 80 days, the warrior planet turns on his heels and moves more slowly – a lot more slowly – than usual.
As you may know from Mercury Retrograde, these periods are a little frustrating, to say the least. That’s because whatever the retrograding planet represents is being restricted, withheld, slowed down, halted.
Is there a method to this madness? Or are we powerless in the face of this cosmic chaos?
There is absolutely a reason and a purpose. Being a world that’s forever moving forward, trying to get ahead, and moving upwards in a non-linear fashion, we actually need these retrogrades to give us a moment of pause.
With Mars Retrograde, it’s all about pressing the pause button on our use of physical energy. It’s about slowing our bodies down, as well as our tempers. If Mars had his way, we’d forever be at the grindstone, churning out goals and achievements.
But that’s simply not sustainable, is it?
During this Mars retrograde in intellectual Gemini, instead of becoming snappy, angry, and sulky, let’s think and reflect on our actions – before we take them.
Collectively, let’s slow down to smell the roses and make our plans that we can put into action once Mars resumes normal speed.
This is the ideal time, for example, to strategize in detail what our next steps will be. Gemini is a master thinker and never skips a beat in details.
Sure, logistics and facts may not be entirely on our side right about now, but that is precisely why we should not be taking any significant actions whatsoever. If we do, we’d best be prepared for obstacles.
Because Gemini also rules communication, we’ll need to watch how we fight our verbal battles. Things may be said that cannot be unsaid in the heat of the moment.
Instead of exploding in a sarcastic fury, write a letter and hang onto it. Read it once you’ve calmed down. You’ll thank yourself.
Now for your horoscopes – here’s what Mars will have in store for you and what you’ll need to learn:
Aries & Aries Rising (Aries Dates: March 20 – April 19) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
Mars is your planetary ruler, Aries, so get ready for a bit of a doozy! Think back to two years ago and two years before that, and what those years were like. That should give you a clearer picture of how this is likely to feel. More particularly, Mars retrograde will affect your communication and logistics area. This means lost emails, strongly worded texts, and problems getting from A to B. No one dislikes delays as much as you, so this will be a real test of your patience.
Taurus & Taurus Rising (Taurus Dates: April 20 – May 20) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
Mars will retrograde in your financial zone, Taurus, and nothing gets your gander up more than having material chaos. It could feel highly frustrating that you can’t seem to move forward with any kind of decision right now, and you’ll have to be careful of losing your cool. Don’t be tempted to blow through what you have, and make it your mission to get a side hustle. Multiple income streams seem to be where it’s all at for you. If you’re feeling more insecure or panicky than usual about what you don’t have, try not to let it get to you. This is your moment to do some fine-tuning.
Gemini & Gemini Rising (Gemini Dates: May 21 – June 20) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
A Mars retrograde in your sign! This doesn’t come all that often, Gemini. Once every two decades, really. One thing you’re likely to experience is a heightened amount of physical energy, much more so than the rest of the zombies around you. In fact, you could have so much energy that you don’t quite know what you’d like to do with it, so make sure to have a physical outlet. Take up boxing if you need to. This will also help calm down the more aggressive side of this transit and generally make you a nicer person.
Cancer & Cancer Rising (Cancer Dates: June 21 – July 21) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
As a sign that generally avoids conflict, this Mars retrograde isn’t exactly going to help you find your inner warrior, Cancer. In fact, that inner warrior may go into hiding over these few weeks, become repressed, or even completely suppressed. That only results in simmering annoyance and self-destructive explosions. So, instead of brushing it all under the carpet, find spiritual activities to throw your energy into. Get aggressive about praying. Do hot vinyasa yoga. Dance wildly. Determinedly visit a retreat. Pour your energy into being alone, and don’t let anyone tell you what you’re about.
Leo & Leo Rising (Leo Dates: July 22 – August 21) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
You’re a sign that generally likes to lead the pack, Leo. And often, you have a harem of followers, drawn to your warmth and magnetism. Yet, you might make more enemies than friends with this retrograde, even if you’re pouring energy into being liked. Be careful of becoming aggressive in your social circle and getting into pointless debates. Beware that you may also be juggling just too many goals all at once, and while you are very capable, even you may find this exhausting.
Virgo & Virgo Rising (Virgo Dates: August 22 – September 21) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
Gemini rules your career zone, and Mars rules work, so this is a double-whammy of energy for you, Virgo, professionally seeking. And it could be quite a positive experience, seeing as you’ll be getting quite a lot done – almost too much, in fact. You might be holding any number of projects up in the air at one time, which may become tiring after a while. With this in mind, be discerning about what you take on. Work solo if you can do so. You can do plenty of talking, but the actual carrying out of work should be done independently, or you may run into conflict.
Libra & Libra Rising (Libra Dates: September 22 – October 22) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
With this retrograde, Libra, Mars will be sitting in your long-distance travel zone for quite a while. Around several months, in fact. This could initially create plenty of opportunities to explore, yet during the retrograde, you may experience a couple of hitches here and there that frustrate you enormously. Now that you know, check and double-check your itinerary or anything related to overseas matters. And if you’re studying or teaching, you’re going to hit some roadblocks. Don’t take it out on your students. Instead, spend some time reviewing and going over the knowledge you thought you already knew. There’s much more to learn.
Scorpio & Scorpio Rising (Scorpio Dates: October 23 – November 21) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
You’re likely to get into an argument over finances in these next few months, Scorpio. Now that you know, you can prepare yourself accordingly and gird your loins. Instead of reacting to every material hiccup, think about communicating more clearly, without getting your back up. You see, the area that’s being triggered is the area where you share resources with others. Sharing is caring, but you don’t really feel like it very much right now. Nevertheless, getting into a ‘mine versus yours’ conflict will be draining.
Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising (Sagittarius Dates: November 22 – December 20) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
Gemini rules your relationship zone, Sagittarius, so get ready – this is going to be a doozy! While you may have increased passion for your romantic connections, you’ll also have moments where you genuinely want to strangle each other. They say that this is a sign of true love, but you’ll have to be careful of toxic anger. Don’t get your back up about everything, and learn when it’s time to let go and not overreact to others. Don’t allow anyone to bully you into submission, either. Not that you would.
Capricorn & Capricorn Rising (Capricorn Dates: December 21 – January 18) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
Mars will be retrograding in the area of your Astrology chart connected to routine, lifestyle, and wellness. Ancient astrology says that he ‘joys’ in this sector, so you should perhaps have an easier time than others. Make the best use of this by getting into a sport or activity that makes you feel alive and stimulated, and take control of your physical health. Beware that work might be a bit all over the show, Capricorn, so don’t over-schedule yourself, even if it’s tempting to work harder than ever right now.
Aquarius & Aquarius Rising (Aquarius Dates: January 19 – February 17) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
Ooh, la la! Mars retrogrades in your romance and passion zone, Aquarius, making these next few weeks quite sexy for you. However, it’ll come with its price tag, as you’re also likely to get into heated conflicts with the one you love and care about. New connections can be formed, and you could be feeling extra flirty – just don’t let it be to your detriment and avoid becoming aggressive if your overtures aren’t returned. Creatively speaking, you’ll be on fire but might be a little too ambitious about what you can realistically do.
Pisces & Pisces Rising (Pisces Dates: February 18 – March 19) During Mars Retrograde in Gemini
This Mars retrograde is all about the home and family space for you, Pisces. Now, you’re not a conflict-prone sign, but you know how to fight if pushed. Be aware that family issues may be a major trigger over these few weeks, and find a place to go where you feel safe – be it a room or a space in your home. Avoid spending too much time with family if you can help it, and don’t get into silly arguments with your housemate or lover. Write them a letter, and if it still seems legit in a few days, give it to them. This is a better way to handle problems than becoming passive-aggressive.