Aries and Taurus Compatibility (Aries dates: March 20 - April 19) & (Taurus dates: April 20 - May 20):
In astrology, does Aries have compatibility with Taurus in relationships? Do these astrological star signs make a good love match? Despite being two of the most hard-headed, obstinate, stubborn signs in the entire zodiac, you can make this work – and you can make it last! Aries, it’s not so much that you’re stubborn, you’re just used to leading and don’t really respond well to being told what to do. That’s putting it mildly. Taurus, being a fixed earth sign makes you, well, unshakeable. No matter what your feisty, hot-headed Aries says, if you’re in the mood to say no, then no it is. And it ain’t changing, baby! Once you learn to work around each other’s “no’” and “I wont’s”, then life does get easier and this relationship can be incredibly sexy. Aries, you are ruled by Mars, which is pure, lusty sexuality, while Taurus is ruled by Venus and brings all that charm and affection in. This can be a relationship that feels balanced, tender, fiery, lazy and inspiring all at once, and you’ll find ways to work around your inflexibility. In fact, it may be what you come to love about each other!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Aries and Taurus Dating Compatibility:
In astrology, are Aries and Taurus Soulmates? The dating phase of this delicious relationship can be something out of a fairy tale, though the pace at which you each want to move are worlds apart! You’ll be pursuing your sensual Taurus relentlessly, and their caution and unwillingness to move at the speed of lightning might be more than a little frustrating to you – but it will keep you wanting more! Although you may think your Taurus is playing hard to get, they’re just scared of change and they sure don’t trust your head-over-heels idealism and puppy-dog eyes. They’re waiting for you to calm down before they’ll make a commitment to you – and when you really take a moment, Aries, you’ll realize that this is the best thing ever. Soulmates? Sure. Sweetness and sexuality are a divinely tempting mix here and it feels incredibly magnetic!
Aries and Taurus Marriage Compatibility:
Are Aries and Taurus signs of the zodiac that can marry? Absolutely, yes! Taurus is primed for marriage, and this is all they want in life. A honey to snuggle up to on the couch while binging on your favorite series is a win-win situation for you. Though there is a snag – Aries, you won’t want all the couch time, so Taurus will have to get your adventure on, at least once a month. You get bored easily and need a whole lot of excitement to get your blood roaring. You’d rather be at the gym than making house, so you’ll have to find that (uneasy) balance. The easiest way is to simply accept that you have different ways that you like to spend your time – and when you can find a moment to share your favorite things, your marriage can grow stronger, and you more loyal to each other. Sometimes, there’ll be earthquakes. And sometimes, butterflies. Take the good with the bad.
Aries and Taurus Sexual Compatibility:
Do Aries and Taurus have compatibility in the bedroom? Well. Where to start. First, Aries, you’re ruled by Mars, the planet of lust, sexuality, and raw passion. Mars is the type of planet that drags a honey to their cave and gets hot and heavy without need for words. Taurus, on the other hand, is ruled by Venus, lady of love, beauty, flirtation, affection, and foreplay. They make the cave pretty and say sweet things before engaging in a bedtime romp. Hint: they don’t always like it rough. Outdoor sex is great – if they are comfy and well fed, that is. Otherwise it’s just a pain in the butt – literally. Sensuality meets fire in this potentially earth-shattering sexual coupling. You’re either going to love it or hate it. Probably both. Yum, yum!
Aries and Taurus in Breakups:
How do Aries and Taurus move on after a breakup? Differently. Aries, you’ll be as furious as all hell, hurt, hating rejection (if your Taurus uncharacteristically broke up with you) and mourning the ashes of your broken dreams. But also, you’ll move on, like, pronto. After a brief mourning period, which includes temperamental texts and threats of burning their house down, you’ll find a new darling upon which to pin your high hopes. In the meantime, Taurus will be holding on, scared to let go, and reluctant to hold on. It takes so much more time for these committed signs to heal their hearts, so be sensitive. There is no need to be buddy-buddy just yet, because even if you’ve gotten over the breakup drama, they probably haven’t. And they probably don’t want to be friends.
Business Compatibility:
Aries and Taurus Compatibility in Business:
Do Aries and Taurus have compatibility at work? It’s probably best to work separately – unless you, Aries, are the boss and the Taurus your employee. If that’s the case, pay your Taurus the best salary you can muster, boost their self worth, give them creative projects, and make sure they have time off. They don’t want to be challenged. They certainly don’t want change. And they hate risks. They’re the employee who will take those brilliant ideas of yours and make them into a reality – they’ll do your hated admin, help you to manage your life, and find some kind of routine. However, don’t ask them to leap into the unknown with you – they would rather die, thanks. Business partners may not be the best combination for you, though if you learn to listen to Taurus and heed their caution, it could go far. But also, Taurus sometimes needs that spark of Aries to drive them and light a fire under their lazy butts!
Friendship Compatibility:
Aries-Taurus Compatibility as Best Friends:
Are Aries and Taurus compatible as close friends? Well, you can definitely be lifelong friends, that’s for sure! Taurus loves having people and situations in their lives that never change, and no matter how much the crazy and impulsive Aries shifts identity, they’ll pretty much always be there for them, reliable and solid, like a mountain. Aries, if you have decided that Taurus is your friend, then you’ll stand by them and defend them to your last breath, believe in them, and motivate them. You’ll hate how lazy they are and maybe you’ll not spend that much time together, but you’ll always know that your Taurus buddy is there when you need them, when you need some grounding calmness in your life. Aw, sweet!
Family Compatibility:
Aries Parent and Taurus Child Compatibility:
Are Aries and Taurus compatible in astrology when it comes to family? You’ll probably need a buffer in all honesty! Aries, no matter how much you try and get your indulgent Taurus child moving, they will stubbornly do things their way, which probably involves plenty of time at home, drawing, gardening, watching TV, and messing around in the garden. No, they don’t want to climb Kilimanjaro with you, nor are they that interested in a tennis match. Bungee jumping is way too risky, and they also don’t want to learn how to ride a motorcycle. Let them be, Aries. Don’t try and tell them what do, as much as you like to be the boss. Your Taurus child is remarkably strong and strong-willed, and they will go head-to-head with you if you try and force them. Inspire them, motivate them and drop a few, gentle (not impatient) suggestions here and there to get them into the world. It’ll slowly pay off.
Aries and Taurus Compatibility as Siblings:
How do Aries and Taurus siblings match up in the family environment? You’re kind of like oil and water. Aries, you’ll be the competitive, daring one, full of adventure, spontaneity, and thriving on change! Taurus is the calm, steady one, the one who just wants their meal at the same time every day, for the fridge to be full, and no major life disruptions. They won’t compete with you, Aries – you can take that number one spot. But good luck getting your Taurus brother or sister to do what you suggest. They won’t. They’ll take it into consideration, and maybe, after an incredibly long time, they’ll come around. But in no way are you forcing them to your way of doing things, so don’t even try. Let it go, Aries, and simply enjoy their steady, sweet, and loving nature. You adore each other.
Aries and Taurus Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will an Aries human and a Taurus pet get along? As an Aries, you are active. Super active. You love climbing, and running, and jumping and competing. You could spend all day being active. Your Taurus pet isn’t about that noise. They just want to be at home, and they’re probably scared of heights. They want lots of food, plenty of cuddles, and have to sleep with you in your bed. They don’t like surprises and they don’t ever want you to move to a new house. You’ll be given, hands down, the most love and affection in the whole world, but as for random road trips, well, unless you have gourmet food three times a day, don’t expect your Taurus pet to be too happy about it. They’re all about the chill, Aries. Can you do chilled? Maybe.
Aries and Gemini Compatibility
Aries and Cancer Compatibility
Aries and Scorpio Compatibility
Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility
Aries and Capricorn Compatibility
Aries and Aquarius Compatibility
Aries and Pisces Compatibility
Aries and Taurus Compatibility