Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac and is definitely a sign on a mission. Planets in Sagittarius express their energy very philosophically and freely, although sometimes quite tactlessly. Sagittarius planets are focused on the truth – as is the Sagittarius personality when Sagittarius is the Sun sign.
Key Facts About Sagittarius
Symbol: The Archer and the Centaur
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Traditional Color: Purple and Navy Blue
Traditional Gemstone: Topaz
Energy Expression Keywords: adventurous, optimistic, free, philosophical, expansive, honest, careless, irresponsible, restless
Sagittarius Sun Sign Personality Traits
Sagittarius Sun sign people are optimistic and enthusiastic, always seeking adventure, always seeking the next challenge. Positive and upbeat, they rarely see the negative in anyone and have an enviable zest for life. Sincerity is a strong Sagittarian trait and with this zodiac sign, what you see truly is what you get.
As a fire sign, the Sagittarius personality is not averse to risk – in fact, these individuals positively love to live life on the edge. There is a reckless streak to the Sagittarius Sun sign which can be at once exciting and admirable but also worrying and irresponsible.
The Sagittarius personality is bright and breezy, with good humor and a strong grasp of the bigger picture. Indeed, this ability to see the whole vision is a key strength for this zodiac sign, which is not one to get bogged down in details.
With a philosophical, easy-come, easy-go approach to life, the Sagittarius personality is generally jovial and happy, even when times are tough. This Sun sign is very hard to pin down, however. Sagittarius loves to explore and to travel and often does not put down roots until late in life, if at all. Freedom is very important to Sagittarius, who won’t be told what to think or what to do.
A strongly intellectual zodiac sign, Sagittarius people are concerned with truth and justice and seem to spend much of their lives on a quest to promote truth. Very straightforward and honest themselves, Sagittarius people cannot abide dishonesty.
Sagittarius in Love
The Sagittarius Sun sign in love is larger than life, expressive, exuberant and enthusiastic. Passionate and loving, they like to share new experiences in a relationship and will bore quickly if the spark fades. However, although this is a highly sexed zodiac sign, intellectual companionship and friendship are just as important to the Sagittarius lover.
When dating, Sagittarius people will be full of bright ideas for exciting, adventurous dates – it won’t be boring, that’s for sure. However, a fear of losing their freedom and independence can make Sagittarius seem a little commitment-phobic at times.
In a committed relationship, the Sagittarius personality will need a good deal of freedom. Not to be unfaithful – this is a sincere and loyal sign – but to have their own independent interests, friendships and life.
If a relationship does go wrong, Sagittarius will try their best to fix it. Blunt honesty is a very Sagittarian trait, however, so if you love a Sagittarius, you’ll have to get used to being told how it is, without any effort to soften the blow.
Best Sagittarius Compatibility
Sagittarius love compatibility often works well with the other two fire signs, Leo and Aries. The air signs, Gemini, Aquarius and Libra are also well-matched for the Sagittarius personality. Sagittarius enjoys the intellectual rapport with the cerebral air signs, and in turn Sagittarius meets their ideas with enthusiasm and a ‘let’s do it!’ approach.
However, Sagittarius may sometimes struggle in a relationship with a Taurus or a Cancer. Neither of these two zodiac signs will tolerate Sagittarius’ freedom-loving independence. Meanwhile, Sagittarius thinks Taurus is too staid and solid and finds Cancer too moody and melancholy.
As ever, however, it’s vital to remember that Sun sign compatibility is only a tiny part of what makes a relationship work, so don’t panic if the above descriptions don’t seem favorable to you!
Sagittarius at Work
Sagittarius people love a challenge and so tend to thrive in difficult, demanding jobs. However, they also bore easily and can feel trapped in routine work. Ideally, the Sagittarius personality would like a career where they can enjoy the great outdoors, although they’re also attracted to careers which involve life-long learning or study.
As a boss, Sagittarius is a great entrepreneur, always willing to take risks and always willing to recognize and reward talent and flair in others. As an employee, their greatest gifts are their vision and their joviality – people simply like dealing with Sagittarius, which is always a plus in any public facing role.
The typical Sagittarius restlessness and boredom can result in several career path changes or even sudden and dramatic resignations and about faces. Sometimes this zodiac sign needs to remember that their family is affected by their career too, and many people would prefer a little more stability!
Great career choices for Sagittarius people include sports coaching or leadership, farm work, ranch work, park ranger, forestry, publishing, the law and academia.
A Sagittarius in the Family
Sagittarius Children
Sagittarius children are bright and breezy by nature, and often bold and brave too. Into everything, the urge to explore is very strong and they will quickly adapt to any new situation – this is a mutable sign after all. Young Sagittarius children can be quite boisterous and may not realize that they need to be gentler with young siblings or pets.
At school, the Sagittarius child can be quite rebellious, as they do not like the restrictions placed on their freedom in the average educational setting. The key is to find out which subject fascinates them and to allow them to focus on that. This zodiac sign loves to learn and will accept rules and regulations in context if they see the point.
Some Sagittarius children can be extremely restless. As much as they may protest against it, having a set routine and fixed bedtime, for example, can help to provide some much-needed structure in their lives.
Sagittarius Parent
As a parent, the Sagittarius personality is very relaxed, often allowing their children to be quite ‘free range’. Some Sagittarius parents struggle with the concept of discipline, but instead are able to explain to their children the philosophy or right and wrong and trust them to know the difference.
Sagittarius Health
Traditionally, Sagittarius as a zodiac sign rules the hips, so care should be taken to protect this area as the Sagittarius individual gets older.
Typically, the Sagittarian reckless trait may emerge in a love of extreme sports or very fast cars. In fact, all sports are much loved by this zodiac sign, but definitely the faster or the more dangerous the better. Sagittarius also has an affinity with horses and with wildlife in general, so spending as much time as possible outdoors is good for them in body and soul.
The Sagittarius personality tends to have quite robust mental health and actively embraces change, which is a very positive thing. Sometimes, however, they push this too far, deliberately provoking change in an unsettling way, and at these times even Sagittarius can struggle to cope with the chaos which ensues.
One of the most therapeutic things a Sagittarius can do is to meditate. The simple act of sitting still and contemplating the here and now, instead of what may lie over the next horizon, can be empowering and grounding for them.