With the Full Moon in Virgo on February 24th, 2024, we can expect a full-on manifestation of Virgo’s hardworking, productive, highly organized energy.
This is a good time for simply getting things done, and particularly for tying up loose ends which really should have been completed some time ago.
We’ve all got plenty of those lying around, but this Full Moon means there’s no excuse for leaving anything undone.
Virgo as a zodiac sign is highly analytical, so one danger with this Full Moon is that many of us will spend too long thinking and not enough time actually doing. Resist the urge to procrastinate – make a decision and get on with it.
Another key Virgo trait is criticism, whether aimed at the self or at others. This means that a Virgo Full Moon can see many of us coming across as rather mean, if we don’t know how to phrase criticism constructively, or when to keep our mouths tactfully shut. We may also be very hard on ourselves, particularly by over-analyzing past failures or mistakes.
To use this Full Moon energy well, it’s important to get into a relatively detached frame of mind. Put emotions to one side for the moment, and simply move forward with whatever it is that needs completion.
Used well, this Moon brings high levels of efficiency and productivity. It’s a great time to take a hard look at your schedule and to use time management techniques to squeeze more from your day. It’s also a good period to look after your mental health.
Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of the mind, and a Virgo Full Moon inevitably highlights the state of our mental health. Make a resolution to look after yourself emotionally and spiritually better than you’ve been doing so far.
Each Sun sign will experience the Virgo Full Moon slightly differently, depending on an individual’s precise birth chart. However, the chance to supercharge your organizational skills is open to us all.
Discover how your zodiac sign can make the most of the Full Moon in Virgo - Register here for our FREE Zoom event.
Full Moon in Virgo for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
The Virgo Full Moon brings you the gift of multi-tasking, Aries – and then some! The clarity of mind and a boost to your organizational skills means this is the perfect time to power through a number of tasks, including those you’ve previously found too difficult or too boring. There’s a great sense of satisfaction during this period, but don’t stress out by trying to achieve the simply impossible. Look after your mental health.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
Creatively, the Full Moon in your fellow Earth sign Virgo huge for you, Taurus. Show off your artistic, writing or music skills, because letting your feelings and imagination out this way will be a major boost to your mental health – as well as a potentially lucrative side hustle for you. The Full Moon ushers in a busy period in your love life too; if you’re single and looking for love, this lunation may bring you into contact with someone refined and perhaps slightly old-fashioned – and love can bloom.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
The Full Moon in your family zone helps enormously with getting the family organized, or for scheduling the details around a house move or a renovation. Be wary of making family time just one more chore on your schedule, however. There’s a danger here that you make everything run like clockwork, Gemini, but in doing so you remove the fun, the love and spontaneity. Remember it’s not a boot camp.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
You can expect sudden clarity and a strong sense of purpose during this Full Moon, Cancer. The analytical energies of Virgo blend well with your own more intuitive approach, giving you the best of both worlds. If you work in a creative or influential industry, success is on the way, especially when you manage to mix your own imagination with the diligence and proactive vibe of this Full Moon.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
This Full Moon brings a very business-like vibe to your finances, Leo. Budgeting should get easier, and you should take this opportunity to organize your affairs and your business. Shop around for the best deals or make sure you’re working with a professional who resonate with your values. If you’re self-employed, this is a brilliant Full Moon for making real progress.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
The Full Moon in your own sign is a mini new year for you, Virgo. Look at how 2020 has gone for you so far and rethink your approach where necessary. You’re showcasing the very best of your sign now, so don’t hesitate to analyze, refine, reflect and adapt. At home, in your personal life, and at work, you can get more done, better, by simply taking time out to think about how you will move ahead.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Libra (Libra dates: September 23 – October 22)
This Virgo Super Moon activates your spiritual zone, Libra, so don’t be surprised if you find yourself questioning your faith or looking for more evidence and more proof. You may have to adjust your expectations, since, of course, proof of these things is not available. Instead of over-analyzing, try to rely more on your own subjective experiences. If you have experienced your faith, you have all you need to know.
Full Moon in Virgo for Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
You’re a very private person, Scorpio, but during this Full Moon you can expect to reach a crisis point if you try to isolate yourself too much. Reach out to friends and family. Date. Play. Socialize. Friendship and companionship are high on this Full Moon’s agenda – and if you don’t think you have time for that, look again at your schedule. You can – and really should – make time.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
This Full Moon activates your career zone, Sagittarius, and it’s brilliant for getting way ahead of your competitors. Keep your head down and focus, particularly on difficult or demanding tasks where you can make your mark. At the same time, don’t take criticism personally. Someone may have good, constructive advice for you, but if you put up your defenses, you may never get to hear it.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Capricorn Sun Sign (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
Time to stretch your intellectual muscles, Capricorn. The Full Moon in your fellow Earth sign Virgo encourages you to learn – even just for the pure pleasure of it. Sign up for a course, complete something academic you previously abandoned, or learn a new skill. Although you may think of these things as beginnings rather than completions, you’re actually completing a cycle which began six months ago.
Full Moon in Virgo for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
This Virgo Full Moon can help you to analyze any difficulties in your intimate relationships, Aquarius. A cool, clear, calm head will help you to keep things in perspective and perhaps find a practical solution. Avoid any temptation to criticize your lover, however, or to personalize the blame game. Talk things through and be prepared to adapt to each other's strengths and weaknesses.
Full Moon in Virgo for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
This Full Moon activates your relationship zone, Pisces. Before you start to criticize your sweetheart, remember that none of us are perfect, including you. Used constructively, this Full Moon energy can help free up more time for you and your lover to enjoy together. But used destructively, you may find yourselves getting on one another’s nerves and falling out over minute details. Try to keep a sense of perspective.