Aries and Aquarius Compatibility (Aries dates: March 20 - April 19) & (Aquarius dates: January 20 - February 17)
Do Aries and Aquarius make a good match in astrology? Are you compatible in relationships, from love to work to family? Your two zodiac signs were born to be together, Aries! Like Bonnie and Clyde (but less violent), you’re the original rebel pair, always ready to push the system and break the rules! It’s so much fun when the two of you get together — your zodiac signs share positive energy, a fun-loving nature, and an independent spirit that make you a near-perfect combination! Air sign Aquarius fuels your fire, Aries, and helps you to get all of those brilliant ideas of yours off the ground – and although the two of you can be a bit over-idealistic, there’s a sense that you can really make waves in the world and in your own lives when you put your heads together! Aquarius will also ground you to a certain degree, Aries – they are cautious and careful, but not so much that they cramp your style or bore you. In fact, their brand of cautiousness still feels like you’re rebelling. An Aquarius tends make up the rules as they go along, and they don’t care about what anyone thinks, which you love! This sign also keeps you on your toes, Aries – they’re so delightfully unpredictable, deliciously weird, and so airily detached that you always feel like you’re chasing them down – and as much as you may deny it, the thrill of the chase is what keeps you coming back for more. An Aquarius is totally committed, and though that makes you feel that they are not all that easy to pin down – yum!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Aries and Aquarius Dating Compatibility:
Are Aries and Aquarius Soulmates? There’s definitely a Soulmate vibe in this relationship, Aries. You have met your love match in the zodiac when it comes to needing independence and being a free-spirit, and you’ll never have to worry about your Aquarius, an air sign, clinging onto you or stifling you! They let you be exactly who you are, and accept every part of you, which makes you feel totally loved and adored. The dating phase is pure fun. Though you’ll both settle down to a regular routine at some point, there’s a sense of mischief when you first meet, which always bubbles up over the years you spend together. You want to have adventures together, and if Aquarius is not into it, they’ll never stop you. Your passions can stay your passions forever, which is what makes this relationship so very special.
Aries and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility:
Are Aries and Aquarius compatible in marriage? Absolutely, a thousand times, yes! You’ll want to pin this airy-fairy down, Aries – they tantalize you far too much for you to easily let them go, and you know that you have a loving and faithful companion in your Aquarius. They are your best friend and your lover, and they will have your back until the very end, just as you have theirs. You love their idealism, their intelligence, and the way they make you feel both safe and excited at the same time. Guaranteed, you’ll never be bored with a zany, wacky, and totally original Aquarius at your side, and you’ll want to lavish them with your loyalty in the form of your commitment, whatever shape that may take. A typically independent Aquarius may resist walking down the aisle for a while – but you’ve never lacked in persistence, Aries!
Aries and Aquarius Sexual Compatibility:
Are Aries and Aquarius on the same page in bed? Are your zodiac signs sexually compatible? Aquarius is a mental sign, Aries – you’ll have to seduce their minds long before you get their hearts and bodies. If you don’t appeal to their highly intelligent brain and are able to hold an intellectual conversation, they might have very little physical attraction to you. However, if you can – and you will – you’ll find in Aquarius an experimental, open-minded lover, willing to try anything and eager for variety. An Aquarius has all sorts of kinks, Aries, and they need your fire and passion to warm them up and get their engine running! Don’t be angry if you feel rejected by their seemingly uncaring detachment from sex – keep trying and you’ll find a real little deviant under their cool, calm surface! Sex can be a whole lot of fun with this sign, if you keep it interesting.
Aries and Aquarius Breakups:
How do Aries and Aquarius move on when a relationship ends? After a breakup, it can be a shock to the system to see how easily an Aquarius can detach from you, Aries. They’ll simply cut their feelings off and transition to being the best of friends, sometimes much faster than you ever anticipated. This may have you feel all kinds of bruised, but remember that it’s just your ego. Aquarian exes make excellent buddies, and because you also move on fast, there should be no animosity, and you should be able to carry on a lovely connection sans the physical stuff. Your ex-Aquarius sweetheart will still be your best friend, and they have no qualms about making friends with your new lover. This can be one of the least dramatic breakups you’ll ever go through, Aries – if it ever happens, of course.
Business Compatibility:
Aries and Aquarius Compatibility in Business:
Do Aries and Aquarius have compatibility when it comes to work and the office? You may not have ever realized it, Aries, but you’ve always needed an Aquarius colleague or boss in your life. They are as idealistic as you, will dream with you, and give you more energy to pursue your goals. At the same time, they’re structured and grounded enough to actually make your ideas a reality. You can be guilty of starting a million things, Aries — and then getting bored with the admin. Your Aquarius co-worker will be there to pick up the slack and maintain some sort of consistency. You’ll be friends on and off the job, have immense respect for each other, and never cramp each other’s style. Aquarius can be a bit of a know-it-all though, Aries, a quality which may annoy you at times!
Friendship Compatibility:
Aries and Aquarius Compatibility as Best Friends:
Are Aries and Aquarius close friends? You are absolutely the best of buddies, and it’s unlikely that your friendship will disintegrate that easily. Despite their free-spirited nature, Aquarius in the zodiac is incredibly reliable and consistent as a friend, and will always be there for you, be willing to help you, and get up to all kinds of bad behavior with you! Aquarius is the friendship sign, after all, and you’ll feel blessed to have them in your life. You’ll teach them the value of taking risks, of giving in to passion, and push them out of their comfort zones — which they may not like at first, but will always appreciate later. The loyalty and love between you two runs deep, and though you can – and will – argue at times, you always maintain a huge amount of admiration for each other.
Family Compatibility:
Aries Parent and Aquarius Child Compatibility:
Are Aries and Aquarius compatible when it comes to family relationships? An Aquarian parent is the best, Aries – count your lucky stars! They have no interest in holding you back in anything, and although they tend to be a little on the bossy side when it comes to carrying out their ideas about things, they are still open minded and willing to let you have your way. They give you all your independence, and are never really stressed when you get into trouble – as you usually do. An Aquarius child is much the same – they’re totally independent, friendly, sweet, caring, and have countless friends. In fact, this sign as a child or parent may sometimes make you feel a little less than important as they go about their myriad activities, so you’ll have to get used to not having all the attention, Aries!
Aries-Aquarius Compatibility as Siblings:
How do Aries and Aquarius siblings match up in the family environment? You have great compatibility – your extreme competitiveness, Aries, doesn’t bother Aquarius in the slightest – they’ll let you have all the glory as they do their own thing, not particularly bothered whether or not they’re the favorite child. They will be your friend first and foremost, and although they can be a bit authoritative — especially if they are older — they will usually be a ton of fun, and together the two of you will probably give your poor parents grey hairs! You’ll grow up with the usual amount of fights, and sometimes it can feel like your Aquarian sibling is just too cautious, but they help to balance your recklessness, Aries, while you encourage them to have an adventure and not sweat the small stuff!
Aries Human and Aquarius Pet Astrology Compatibility:
In astrology, will an Aries person and an Aquarius pet get along? Are you compatible? You’re all about cuddling, Aries, and your Aquarius pet – well, not so much. They will want to do their own thing and can spend hours away from you making other animal friends in the neighborhood, or just being weird on their own. Aquarian pets are strange, Aries – you’ll find yourself immensely entertained by their unusual habits and quirks, and they’ll always keep you interested! They are special animals, usually very intuitive and just want to be your best friend. They will enjoy hanging out with you and will warm up to your affections over time, just as long as you don’t over-cuddle or coddle them! They are also usually up for adventure, though they will need a solid routine, too.
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Aries and Aquarius Compatibility