Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility (Aries dates: March 20 - April 19) & (Sagittarius dates: November 22 - December 20)
Do Aries and Sagittarius zodiac signs make a good match? Oh baby! This combination is as hot as it gets, literally and figuratively! When your two fire signs come together, a beautiful bonfire is lit – a bonfire of desire, adoration, and satisfaction that can be near impossible to put out. You resonate together with perfect ease, your shared sense of freedom, fun, and adventure complementing each other like few other astrological combinations! Aries, you’ll fall head over heels for the sexy Sagittarian’s sense of humor, exciting spirit, and spontaneous nature – they want all the same things you do, and you’ll feel as if you’ve hit the love jackpot! Together, you’ll explore brand-new territories, welcoming thrilling and fun-loving experiences – honestly, the good times could go on forever! Sure, you’ll have your moments of conflict, but your shared honesty and willingness to forgive, forget, and move on makes you a team that seldom holds onto a grudge for very long. You won’t cling to each other, nor will you make each other feel trapped – and because of this you’ll want to spend every free moment together. Bliss!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Aries and Sagittarius Dating Compatibility:
Are Aries and Sagittarius Soulmates? The short answer is yes! The Sun sign, in some circles of astrology, often symbolizes the Soul, and with your Suns both in a fire sign, things simply feel very natural – you support each other’s growth and desires, and you’ll always try to find ways to help each other grow. The dating phase is phenomenal – and can last a very long time. With you, the honeymoon period is definitely extended, even beyond that moment you decide to fully commit. Aries, you’ll truly feel as if you’ve found not only a lover, but a best friend, someone who is as truthful and “no filter” as you are, and you’ll love that directness and willingness to take action. It’s easy to fall in love here – forever.
Aries and Sagittarius Marriage Compatibility:
Can Aries and Sagittarius marry? It would be a surprise if you didn’t! Although you may also decide to simply do a commitment ceremony, or to be life partners. Whatever you do, it’s very likely that you’ll want to make that promise to each other, to dedicate yourself to each other – and you may move very fast indeed! Aries, you’re not a sign that waits, ever, and neither is your darling Sagittarius. Once you know, you know, and you’ll want to make sure that the world knows and celebrates with you! Perhaps it’s a good idea to be a touch more cautious – let the flames die down just a little before you move that fast – there’s no rush, and you can take your time to really get to know each other, inside and out.
Aries and Sagittarius Sexual Compatibility:
Are Aries and Sagittarius sexually compatible? Hands down, this is as good as it gets! That fire of yours, Aries, is well stoked by the fires and passion of your Sagittarius honey, and the only real challenge here is being able to keep your hands off each other long enough to take a breath. From wild bedroom antics, to doing it outdoors, on a plane, in the car or generally wherever is most exciting, your sex life will absolutely never lose its spark, and you’ll know exactly how to please each other. In fact, Aries, Sagittarius could give you a run for your money – they’ll pull tricks out of the bag that you probably have never even heard of – much to your delight! And the best part is that you’re both impatient, never groan about cuddling afterwards or have insecure hang-ups. Nope, you’ve got it really, really good.
Aries and Sagittarius Breakups:
How do Aries and Sagittarius star signs move on after a breakup? When an Aries-Sagittarius relationship ends, both of you will move on fast, though in the beginning, your tempers could flare and burn each other to shreds! Neither of you will hold back when you feel angry or rejected, and you’re perfectly matched when it comes to asserting yourselves. Aries, for once, this astrological sign can beat you when it comes to letting go and moving on, which may hurt you more than you realize. Sagittarius is a “mutable” sign, which means that they adapt to change fast and have no problem becoming friends right away, though you may nurse your ego for quite a while afterwards. Nevertheless, once all is said and done, you’ll be able to remember the good times and be friendly to each other, especially if you fall in love soon afterwards (which is often the case with your passionate signs!).
Business Compatibility:
Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility in Business:
Do Aries and Sagittarius astrological signs have compatibility when it comes to work? Absolutely! Your fiery characters ensure you both get the job done, and get it done fast. Granted, Aries, Sagittarius may love partying a bit more than they love working, and their difficulty accepting responsibility and staying on time might drive you a little crazy. However, if a Sagittarius enjoys their job and believes in the philosophy of the company, they will go above and beyond, and their good humor and willingness to always adapt can be a real joy to be around. Sagittarius is also happy to take orders from you, Aries, so long as you’re always honest with them, and keep inspiring them. You will have fights – big ones – but neither of you will take it personally and within a little while, you’ll be hanging out for after-work drinks, all animosity forgotten.
Friendship Compatibility:
Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility as Best Friends:
In astrology, are Aries and Sagittarius close friends? You have compatibility and can be the best of friends, Aries. You will absolutely adore and cherish your Sagittarius friend’s brilliant sense of humor and easy-going nature, and how they are always up for anything! The endless adventures – and mischievousness – you have together will create a lifetime of memories, and even into your adult years, you’ll love getting up to no good, much to everyone’s exasperation! You won’t think twice about staying out all night together, partying up a storm, doing a 5-day hike (you love being active together), or jumping on a plane for an adventure. You’re also totally open and honest with each other, which is the foundation for any great friendship, and you’ll always say it like it is. Aries, be careful of taking things too personally right away, and know that your Sagittarius friend is just looking out for you. You may doubt whether their loyalty is as strong as yours, Aries, and you’ll have to accept that Sagittarius can be fickle, even if that stings.
Family Compatibility:
Aries Parent and Sagittarius Child Compatibility:
Are Aries and Sagittarius astrological signs compatible when it comes to family relationships? You can be two peas in a pod, which may or may not create a ton of friction! However, either way, you’ll totally get where each other is coming from, and you’ll have an innate understanding of each other that’s hard to replicate anywhere else. In fact, you could have your own little team of two that can leave the other family members out, so remember to be inclusive, Aries. You and your fiery child, or parent, can step on all sorts of sensitive toes and create havoc in an otherwise peaceful family environment. You’ll always tell each other the truth, which will be a huge relief, especially if Sagittarius is your child, Aries. You may get grey hairs as Sagittarius grows up and roams the world, dances many nights away, and generally doesn’t handle any responsibility you give them. But you adore and trust them anyway. As a parent, Sagittarius is very permissive, a great teacher, and though self-righteous at times, is willing to give you all the independence you need!
Aries and Sagittarius Sibling Compatibility:
How do Aries and Sagittarius siblings match up in the family environment? You’ll fight a lot, that’s for sure, especially when you’re little. You both have hot tempers, and you’ll say things that would make any parent want to wash your mouths out with strong soap. As you grow up, you’ll be excellent teammates, have a wonderful foundation of openness together, and perhaps you’ll even be best friends as well as siblings. You’ll still compete from time to time, and you’ll also lose your heads occasionally, but you’ll always move on, and there’s seldom an issue that you can’t resolve and let go. You tend to have a lot of fun together, and you enjoy each other’s passion for life and the way that you each go out in the world and “do.” You’re immensely similar, Aries, so make the most of what you have!
Aries and Sagittarius Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will an Aries human and a Sagittarius pet get along? Perfectly, that’s how! Your Sagittarius pet is the most adventurous, affectionate, fun-loving, and willing to try anything in the world kind of animal! Whether cat, dog, bird, or anything else, a Sagittarius pet is forever young, and forever fun! This is one of the best combinations for human and pet, Aries – you love being active and doing fun things, and your pet needs to be able to get and understand all of that. You’ll also be an ultra-affectionate pair, and you’ll have plenty of cuddles and warmth. Your Sagittarius pet has a special kind of wisdom, Aries, that you’ll absolutely love and adore!
Aries and Capricorn Compatibility
Aries and Aquarius Compatibility
Aries and Pisces Compatibility
Aries and Taurus Compatibility
Aries and Gemini Compatibility
Aries and Cancer Compatibility
Aries and Scorpio Compatibility
Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility