For the last three weeks, Mercury has been Retrograde. Once Mercury turns direct in Aquarius on February 20th, 2021 and starts to move forward again, all zodiac signs will experience a change in Mercury’s energy, and a subtle shift in thinking patterns.
With Mercury turning direct once more in Aquarius, our thinking processes will suddenly switch back on. Aquarius is a very intellectual and mentally agile zodiac sign, and one which trades in ideas and innovation.
Those problems we’ve tried to ignore for the past few weeks now suddenly don’t seem so un-doable after all.
Using the power of Mercury in Aquarius, we can find strategic or even innovative solutions which would never have occurred to us previously.
The downside of this transit is that Mercury in Aquarius energy is emotionally aloof, and so although we can make progress with problem matters now, we may do so in a rather cold or even calculating manner. Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius is self-contained and a lower emotional level that can bring problems of its own.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
You’ve felt lost in a spiritual void for a short while, Aries, and now is the time to re-connect with others and get your social mojo back. Be aware that politics and other controversial topics are back on the discussion agenda – and you’re done playing nicely.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
If you’ve been struggling with groups and social issues for the last few weeks, Taurus, you’ll be relieved to be feeling back to your normal self. Take time now to focus on your career and get your ambitions back on track. It’s a good time to renew your teamwork efforts.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
Career matters may have been on the back burner during Mercury Retrograde, as confusion reigned, and you ended up saying the wrong thing. The good news is that you can now create a more positive impression at work, Aquarius, and within your community too. Dig in and take ownership of new project so that you have something positive to work on.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
It’s been an uneasy couple of weeks for you and you may have lacked direction and focus during Mercury Retrograde. Now, however, your intuition has strengthened, and you have a much better sense of where you’re heading. Trust your gut instincts, Cancer, and don’t dwell on what you might have missed.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 21)
Your intuition has been AWOL for the last couple of weeks and as a result you’ve probably judged people and situation wrongly. You can make amends for that now by reaching out in friendship. Show genuine remorse and honest affection for people, Leo, and you’ll quickly be forgiven.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 22 – September 21)
Mercury Retrograde has probably played havoc with your love life, Virgo, leading to misunderstandings and arguments at home. Now however, your hard work has led to an increase in free time, so you can reconnect with your sweetheart and start to rediscover the magic.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Libra (Libra dates: September 22 – October 22)
Responsibilities have been tricky to handle during the past few weeks, Libra, and you may have felt resentful that so much seemed to rest on your shoulders. The good news is that with Mercury turning direct you’re now set for some fun and creativity. Shake off the stress and throw a party.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
Creative blocks have likely been an issue during Mercury Retrograde and your work may have come to a standstill for that reason. As Mercury turns direct, Scorpio, look to family members for advice and inspiration – a group brainstorming session may just clarify things in your mind and give you new impetus for moving forward creatively.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20
Family communication breakdowns and mischievous home appliances have made this past few weeks interesting, to say the least. You can breathe a sigh of relief now and settle back into your normal routine. Speaking of which, Sagittarius, use this energy to help you appreciate “normal” more – because you certainly missed it when it wasn’t there!
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 18)
Mercury Retrograde directly targeted your communication skills, Capricorn, so it’s been a difficult few weeks for getting your point across. No such problem now that block has been cleared, however, so now is an excellent time for showcasing your talents and pushing ahead at work. Make up for lost time while you can!
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 19 – February 17)
Weird dreams and strange coincidences may have freaked you out over the last few weeks, but with Mercury now turning direct in your sign, Aquarius, you’ve got your intellectual mojo back. Head on out with confidence, because you have plenty to say and people are listening to you with rapt attention.
Mercury Direct in Aquarius for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
When Mercury was Retrograde in your zodiac sign, you may have felt very lost and at sea. Now that this planet has turned direct again and moved into your resources zone, your confidence should be increasing. You’re starting to understand how much you have to offer, Pisces, so learn to value yourself the way others value you: Highly.