Solar Eclipses are important turning points in astrology, and the drama they bring is typically associated with events that took place earlier in that Eclipse cycle. This particular Solar Eclipse is special not only because it falls on a festive day for many, but because it has a particularly fortunate or lucky vibe around it.
The Solar Eclipse in Capricorn is conjunct Jupiter, the planet of good luck, optimism and generosity, and trine Uranus, a planet associated with surprises and out-of-the-blue opportunities. The powerful Jupiter-Uranus trine is itself very meaningful in our current astrological situation, but to have the Eclipse occurring on this sensitive point is a big thing indeed.
For many of us then, this festive celestial event brings a stroke of luck, a sudden and unexpected opportunity, a chance to do things differently, or the possibility to take a different path. Because the Eclipse occurs in Capricorn, the astrology says that these breakthrough moments may well involve a degree of unconventionality. To take up the opportunities this brings, we’ll have to move quite considerably beyond our comfort zone. Astrologically, Capricorn rules tradition and authority; the Eclipse overturns all that, bringing a certain degree of chaos and the discomfort of sudden change – but this is chaos and change which we can and should embrace. This is the very essence of that lucky break we all claim to want.
This Eclipse is also important for spiritual growth. Expect an increase in coincidences and synchronicity – the cosmos is sending you messages, if you care to notice and decode them. The Jupiter influence suggests that travel and study can both bring revelation, insight and growth during this period, but again, both of these options require us to think outside the box and to leave our current rigid confines. Freedom is a big theme here – we need to give ourselves the freedom to pursue the opportunities the eclipse offers.
Each Sun sign will experience the Solar Eclipse in Capricorn in a slightly different manner, depending exactly which points of the birth chart are activated, but it’s important that each zodiac signs works to create their own luck in the relevant area of their life.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
It may be the festive season, but you can anticipate sudden or unexpected news regarding a career issue, Aries. You may be thrust into the spotlight, and this can be unnerving to say the least. Grab this opportunity with both hands, however scary it may be. If you can prove yourself now, you’ll earn the respect of many for years to come.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
Doing what you feel is the right thing brings good luck and opportunities during this Eclipse, so don’t hesitate to take the moral high ground, even against the crowd. If you take a stand, people will respect your views and you’ll be heard. By contrast, if you say nothing, you’ll have missed the opportunity to be true to who you are.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
Give more than you get. Always a good rule during the festive season anyway, but with this Solar Eclipse, Gemini, the key is to give away what you need. Whether it’s energy, love, time or money, the more of it you give to others, the more will flow back to you. This cosmic event helps you to understand the value of gratitude in the spiritual order.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
It’s not about you; it’s about those you love and care for. This Eclipse brings you good fortune, Cancer, but you’ll want to use your sudden burst of luck to benefit your partner, your family, your pets or your friends. This won’t go unnoticed. Not only will your selflessness help you grow spiritually, but those you have helped will also, in turn, help you.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
Take a radically different approach to how you organize your life, Leo. The Eclipse encourages you to strip back to only what is necessary, so you have more time to focus on the essentials. This may mean giving up some activities or even some people, but as you do, you’ll feel that your load is lightened. Make your own luck by seizing more of your time.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
Your astrology says the Solar Eclipse teaches you that you can’t serve others until you’ve served yourself, Virgo. It’s time to do more of what makes you happy – and this realization may come to you as a very sudden shock. Spend some time focusing on how you can be happier within yourself. When you’re happy, those you love and care for are happier too.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Libra (Libra dates: September 23 – October 22)
Good fortune shines on your family and domestic zone, courtesy of this Solar Eclipse. This could manifest in a very mundane fashion, such as a successful home sale or the healing of a family rift. However, this zone of your chart is also associated with the past. Look to create good fortune in a karmic way too, by sending out kindness into the world.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
It’s time to put a long-cherished idea into practice, Scorpio. It may be the holiday season, but the astrology encourages a leap of faith in business or education. By taking a chance, you’ll be rewarded. Don’t spend time thinking about all the bad things that could happen. You spend too long second-guessing yourself. Yes, you may fall. But you just may fly.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
A financial crisis could be a blessing in disguise as this Solar Eclipse takes effect. Any reckless spending comes back to haunt you now, Sagittarius – but if you look at this philosophically, you’ll understand that you actually need far less than you think. This cosmic happening could revolutionize your attitude toward money, and that’s a valuable gift indeed.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
The Solar Eclipse in your own sign is a jolt out of your comfort zone, Capricorn. You may be on a well-established path and heading towards success, but don’t be surprised if you start to feel dissatisfied or bored. There are opportunities to change direction; you can see them, and you wonder about them, but you don’t dare take them. Why not? Spread your wings.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for an Aquarius (Aquarius date: January 20 – February 17)
This Eclipse may bring a hidden fear of yours to the surface, which can be quite distressing. However, this is your chance to heal, Aquarius, and to move forward free from that trauma. Embrace any tears or discomfort. It’s time to face what has held you back. You’ll have the support of those around you, and a new chapter can open thereafter.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
Join a new club or group or society. Join the human race. Get out of your social comfort zone by finding new people, a new tribe, new connections. Good fortune flows from new faces and new experiences right now, Pisces, so make a resolution to shake up your social life. If there are friendships that are holding you back, now is the time to cut those ties.