Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility (Capricorn dates: December 21 - January 19; Virgo dates: August 23 - September 22)
Same, Same
Do Capricorn and Virgo make a good match? You know that saying “same, same, but different”? Well, that applies to you, without the last part! You two really are peas in a pod and you will respect, admire and appreciate each other enormously.
Sure, you may be a little short of the squishy romance thing, but you make up for it by being a sensual couple in private, as well as a couple who will stand the test of time, no matter what challenges life throws at you. Your shared level-headed groundedness makes you the type of pair who just complement each other perfectly!
What you’ll also have going for you is your sense of humor. Most people don’t know it, but you, Capricorn, have quite a dark mind and a tongue to suit it! Your Virgo is witty and quick on the uptake and will get you like few others do. You’ll spend lots of time chatting and making each other really laugh, especially after a tough day at work!
Speaking of work, that’s a majorly big deal to you both. You are earth signs, after all, and so you will strive to bring material and physical security to your worlds. You understand the blood, sweat and tears that go into a job well done, and you will admire and respect each other’s strong work ethic. It just makes you that much more attracted to each other, in all honesty!
You’ll have to be sure that this focus on material security doesn’t override the romance in your relationship, however, Capricorn. Yes, it’s important to be secure. But, it’s also important to put each other first to keep your love strong.
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Capricorn and Virgo Dating Compatibility:
Are Capricorn and Virgo Soulmates? On short – yes, yes you are! You are made of the same stuff, Capricorn, and as un-romantic and pragmatic as you are, you’ll know, deep down, that your Virgo sweetheart is The One.
You’ll take your sweet time in getting to know each other, too, not rushing anything and slowly savoring the lush attraction between the two of you. You’re both quite restrained in a lot of ways, so astrology suggests you won’t exactly be all over each other – at least not at first! And, although your Virgo seems reserved and quiet, Capricorn, you’ll soon come to find that they are chatty and very naughty in their own way!
As you get to know each other, you’ll come to very much appreciate what each other stands for and you’ll take each other seriously – and that is a great foundation for any relationship! You generally want the same things – stability, security and success in your work life. This helps to understand where your relationship will go and gives both of you a sense of peace knowing you’re on the same track.
Your dates themselves will be classy and tasteful, with both of you taking care of all the smallest details – especially your Virgo sweetheart. Being earth signs, you’ll both have a serious love for food and delicious yummies, so you’ll choose incredible restaurants to enjoy together when you go out. You’ll also spare no expense for the right kind of place!
Capricorn and Virgo Marriage Compatibility:
Can Capricorn and Virgo marry? It would be quite surprising if you didn’t, in all honesty! Being both earth signs just makes you both made for marriage, and the two of you really will be excellent spouses towards each other, fully understanding the responsibility that you owe one another.
You, especially, understand the ties of marriage, Capricorn. You make an incredibly devoted spouse, with your loyalty being completely unquestioned. You, of all the zodiac signs, have the staying power to make it all the way to the end without faltering, no matter what challenges life throws at your relationship.
And those challenges will be there, just like they are in any marriage, Capricorn. You’ll both be workaholics, which is the main challenge in your marriage. Spending hours and hours at the office chasing success can make anyone feel neglected, even though your Virgo is more understanding and supportive than most.
So, be sure to romance each other, and touch each other often. Go on dates, spoil each other, gift each other like only earth signs know-how!
You’ll also be a good spouse in terms of calming your anxious Virgo down and grounding them, Capricorn. They do overthink, and need someone to remind them to get into their bodies, take care of their bodies and calm their systems down.
In fact, you’ll both do better when you get into nature just as often as you possibly can, Capricorn. When you finish work, go for walks together, or get away on nature weekends, into the mountains and forests, where you’ll rekindle your love and passion for each other. It’s a guaranteed medicine to bring life back into your marriage if – and when – you get bored.
Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility in Bed:
Is there Virgo and Capricorn compatibility when it comes to sex? My, my, my, Capricorn. If everything else was falling apart in your relationship, at least your sex life will never be bad! The worst that can happen here is falling into a routine of cuddling instead of being sexy or working too hard that you are too tired for sex.
However, your sex life itself – well – it’s outstanding, when you put the effort in! Earth signs are known for being primal, sensual and sweaty, no holds barred! Virgo particularly is known for being shy in the streets and crazy in the sheets!
When Capricorn and Virgo Relationship Breaks up:
How does Capricorn and Virgo move on after a breakup? The chances are rather low that you’ll actually break up, Capricorn – it’ll take quite a lot to pull the two of you apart, in all honesty. So, if you do split, it would have to be quite serious.
Both of you will pull back emotionally very sharply, with your Virgo ex overthinking everything, and you just shutting off. They may need to communicate, whereas you are the type to withdraw, feeling a deep sense of vulnerability and pain that you have to hide at any cost – even at the expense of hurting the Virgo.
Business Compatibility:
Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility in Business:
Is there Virgo and Capricorn compatibility when it comes to working? Yes, one thousand percent! Everyone loves having a Virgo at work, Capricorn. Yes, they are as controlling as you are, but they’re a lot more flexible and less authoritative. They’ll happily let you take the lead, and be pleased to be that person at your side who can support you and organize your entire life. This gives them more joy than you could ever realize, Capricorn. Virgo colleagues have zero egos, and they're not there for the glory like you are.
This working partnership has every chance of being a major success!
Friendship Compatibility:
Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Capricorn and Virgo good friends? You will be the best of friends. Loyalty underpins your relationship, as well as good communication and a sense of total security that the two of you can always lean on each other no matter what happens.
Whether it’s getting together for a glass of vino and a moan about your day, or a trip to the countryside to get away from it all, you’ll enjoy every moment that you spend together. This friendship feels easy, and it’ll stand the test of time.
Family Compatibility:
Capricorn Parent and Virgo Child Compatibility:
Is there Virgo and Capricorn compatibility when it comes to family? Virgo parents are worrywarts, Capricorn, but they really do have your very best interests in mind – even if they drive you absolutely crazy sometimes! They respect your independence, and are proud of how hard you work, likely instilling a work ethic into you from a very young age!
Your Virgo child needs a lot of support, Capricorn, especially when it comes to their anxiety. This is a child who thinks they need to be perfect to be worthy, which results in them controlling every aspect of themselves and their lives. Helping them to relax and reminding them that it’s fine to have flaws and make mistakes will be important for their future happiness.
Capricorn and Virgo Sibling Compatibility:
How do Capricorn and Virgo siblings match up in the family environment? The thing is, Capricorn, the two of you are like peas in a pod. And that’s probably what makes you argue more than anything else.
As you grow up, you’ll come to realize that your Virgo sibling is a bit like you too, and you’ll appreciate what they bring to your life. The bond between the two of you is extremely strong, and it’s likely that you’ll become great friends.
Capricorn and Virgo Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Capricorn human and a Virgo pet get along? Astrology suggests that Virgo pets can be very fussy, Capricorn, and they need a routine more than anything else in their lives. They can also have highly sensitive digestive systems, so you’ll need to feed them with extremely specific foods!
However, aside from that, your Virgo pet really is your spirit animal. They are intuitive, humble and loving and they just want to be at your side walking in nature, which always calms them down.
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Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility