The New Moon is one of the best known and best researched astrological phenomena. It occurs every month when the Moon reaches close to the same degree of the zodiac as the Sun, and therefore cannot be seen. When you look at images of a Solar Eclipse in the future, please note that this is also considered by astrology to be a New Moon, but the alignment of the Sun, Moon and Earth are much closer to exact.
A New Moon performs as its name implies; the Moon is reborn in the night sky and grows nightly until it reaches the Full Moon phase. It can cause tides not only in the oceans, but also in the atmosphere. It makes changes in Earth’s magnetic field, and actually moves the crust of the Earth.
The New Moon affects everyone on a regular basis. The reason most people don’t talk about it is because it presents itself in our circumstances in a fairly unnoticeable way. Plus, it affects an entire Lunar month of four weeks (and a little more) and according to the current placements of the planets, it will have different affects in every sign every year.
The New Moon occurs in Sagittarius on December 1st, 2024.
The overall theme of the New Moon in Sagittarius is “adventurism” and is seen in political behavior, space exploration and the like. People may seem to be bolder, as if they were taking extrovert pills make them more outgoing. Many will make mistakes due to overconfidence, impulsive behavior or poor planning.
The New Moon affects each of us differently, according to the house, or Zodiac sign, where it’s located. So let’s find out what area of your life the archer is targeting with his arrows!
New Moon in Sagittarius for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
This New Moon falls in your Solar ninth house. Although you may not notice this the moment the New Moon occurs, it will definitely spark your sense of adventure; you’ll feel like going to places you’ve never been or doing things you haven’t done. Because this Moon is in your ninth house, Aries, it brings good fortune in legal matters and in educational advancement. It’s also good for any self-cultivation practice such as meditation or yoga. If you have an opportunity to travel over the next few weeks, do so. It will be an enlightening experience for you, Aries, that you’ll cherish for a very long time.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
Sagittarius is your Solar eighth house, Taurus, and that is where this New Moon occurs. This house has to do with financial obligations, shared wealth or property, and Because the New Moon shows a beginning in this area, it’s best not to make any large purchases or increase your debt during the four weeks that follow. Also be especially careful about expenses. And don’t get involved with anything having to do with other’s money. A happy note is that this New Moon can sometimes be responsible for windfalls from insurance, investments and other sources.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
During the four weeks following the New Moon in your Solar 7th house, you can expect partnerships and negotiations to be the main focus. If you’re experiencing trouble with a close friend or partner, no matter how much you feel like you should, don’t put any unnecessary pressure on the relationship. Wait for two days at the very least; waiting for the next New Moon, which is in Capricorn, is the best option for making changes in your connections with others. In business or personal negotiations, you need to understand that this is a time for compromise, but not surrender. Seek win-win solutions now.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
Sagittarius is your Solar sixth Solar house of wellness, co-workers and tradespeople you hire. With the New Moon in this sign, you should be extremely careful about your physical wellbeing during the next few weeks. Don’t make any major dietary changes or change medications without consulting a trusted practitioner. Try to ignore any rumors or gossip, because if you engage with those who are involved they will only get more belligerent. Also, if you need some work done on your car or home, be careful who you work with, because as the Moon grows in size, your expenses may grow with it.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 - August 22)
The month that follows the New Moon in Sagittarius should be filled with fun and enjoyment, since it occurs in your Solar fifth house. During these weeks you might miss opportunities to have a good time because of circumstances beyond your control or that of your friends. The stricter you are about making your well-being, credibility or reputation your top priority, the more fun you will have. Even though people may be a little louder or pushy than usual, hosting a get-together for friends can be quite enjoyable. Just make sure you have what you need to take care of someone who’s too much fun.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
A New Moon in your Solar fourth house can be quite enjoyable. Since Sagittarius in your Solar house of matters concerning the home, you might find yourself focused on renovation, repair or extra duties there. Sometimes having a New Moon in the Solar fourth can result in a change of residence too, but there are many other factors that can make a difference in how pleasant these few weeks are. Real-estate transactions will go well at this time; if you’re shopping for a new home, these weeks will be a buyer’s market for you. You should avoid travel now.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Libra (Libra dates: September 23 – October 22)
When the New Moon appears in Sagittarius, your Solar third house, you can expect your communications, neighbors or local travel to become the center of your activity for the month. Communications can become more intense, blunt and direct than usual. Positive surprises may bring you happiness and excitement. You may get an unexpected call from someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, or a chance meeting during your daily routines can lead to further contact. It’s a good time for updating or replacing outdated technology or software. Neighbors may be more active than usual.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
This Moon occurs in your second Solar house, Scorpio. On the day after the New Moon and for the remainder of the Lunar month, this is a position that can be fortunate for financial matters. Things may come to light that add extra money to your income, or you might receive an award, bonus or salary increase. But it is rather important that you keep your financial books in order and restrain your urge to spend on unnecessary things. If there are things that you need, target your budget to include them. This is not a good time for lending your own money, Scorpio, but it is good for reclaiming money that is owed you.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
Since the New Moon happens in your sign, Sagittarius, the next few weeks look bright. You can expect to attract more attention, and people will tend to listen to your plans, proposals and ideas. But you can expect increased attention from haters and naysayers as well. Fortunately, their efforts are not likely to meet with success. Your attempts to get others to cooperate with you will work well, but this is not a favorable time to do anything that might upset your relationships with others unless it cannot be avoided. Things should go smoothly this month.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
Since the New Moon in Sagittarius falls in your Solar 12th house, you can expect the four weeks following it to be more private than usual. In fact, the best plan is to be as quiet as you possibly can about personal and financial matters. It’s important to stick to your personal routines and try not to be so forward or confrontational with others. This is a Moon that favors privacy, rest, meditation and self-examination, when you can discover your own role in issues that you’re facing, and act to prevent these errors from recurring. It’s possible that you’ll receive help from unexpected sources.
New Moon in Sagittarius for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
This New Moon in Sagittarius falls in your Solar 11th house, which has to do with friends, business associates and group activities. It is also the house of profits from business, so your focus may shift to creating new income streams, especially if you are in business for yourself. It’s a great time to seek out helpful people by consulting professionals that may have the answers you seek for career questions. It’s good for working with groups or associations that may be able to help you pursue your personal goals, or that can support your desire to fulfill your wishes.
New Moon in Sagittarius for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
Since this Moon in Sagittarius falls in your Solar 10th house of career, status and authority, it’s entirely possible that you will spend some time dealing with official agencies, parents, bosses and the like. Your focus will be primarily on career matters, and the more time you spend looking at ways to elevate your status, the greater the rewards. During this time, you can focus on personal goals, and you will find it easy to get the support you need. Sometimes a 10th Solar House New Moon can bring an increase in popularity, and if you play your cards right, it can happen for you.