Nothing quite compares to the panic of reading a random Facebook post about the upcoming “Death Red Blood Power Solar Eclipse of 2022,” does it? Mayhem and terror break out as we read the astrological warnings: Don’t go out, don’t breathe, stop going to work, and be sure to break up with your long-suffering Muggle partner. It's worse than the stuff in your horoscope about Mercury retrograde! Yikes!
Is the hype really true, though? Is an Eclipse all it’s cracked up to be, and should we really be putting a tin foil hat on our heads and wait in terror for the aliens to claim us?
The short answer is “No.” Eclipses are major astrological events, but they happen every six months, so unless you want to spend the rest of your life hiding under a rock, you have to find ways to embrace the tumultuous energy they stir up.
A Solar Eclipse is the friendlier of the two kinds – the other is the Lunar Eclipse. (If we're honest, Lunar Eclipses doe warrant a bit of rock-hiding). Essentially, a Solar Eclipse is a super-charged New Moon. The Earth, Sun and Moon line up in nice, straight alignment, and announce very big new beginnings – not little ones like a regular New Moon. Big ones. Like moving to Austria. Emigrating to Peru. Re-starting your career. Getting married. That kinda thing.
The catch is that the Universe always sneaks some T’s & C’s . There’s something we gotta give up. Whether it’s our beloved kitties (god forbid) or the single life (just as sad), we have to be okay with a lil’ sacrifice.
Here’s a step-by-step guide for your zodiac sign – what new, sweeping changes astrology asks you to welcome, and what sacrifices you’ll have to make. Caveat: This is a general guide only, as each Solar Eclipse has a different flavor according to the zodiac sign where it occurs. When you get better at the astro-magic, you’ll tailor-make guide this to suit your specific Sun sign zodiac chart.
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR AN ARIES (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
1. First, release your need to hold on so tightly to whatever it is you’re holding onto. Just because it’s a challenge, doesn’t mean you have to “win” the thing. Sometimes, it’s just a sh*t situation. Let it go. It doesn’t mean you “lose”.
2. Now, apply for that job, Aries. Apply for the management position. Apply for the promotion. Even better, start your own thing. It’s a pleasure.
3. And finally, ask the gods for patience. Slowly, Aries, slowly. Life is not your mistress to direct and make move faster. She goes at her own pace, much to your frustration.
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A TAURUS (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
1. Oof. New Beginnings. Eeeuw. Why can’t it all stay the same, you wonder? Sorry, Taurus, but even you are subject to the movements of the cosmos. So, first, sacrifice your comfort zone. That’s right…slowly does it...uncurl your fingers. You got this.
2. Well done. This isn’t easy for your zodiac sign. But guess what? Now there’s space for new comforts. More money. More things. It was so worth the anxiety, Taurus.
3. For your last step, just get comfy. Make the new thing your comfort zone. Make it a routine, as fast as you can. Ah there, that’s the spot. It’s as if nothing ever changed, is it?
3 33 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A GEMINI (Gemini dates: May 21 –June 20)
1. Do you even need a guide, Gemini? You’re eagerly awaiting this change like a puppy whose owner has been at work all day – tail a-wagging, tongue lolling out. Okay, so if you had to sacrifice something, it would have to be… Your need to make sense of it all. How about turning your brain off and accepting that some things don’t have an explanation?
2. Now, manifest that course you’ve always wanted to take. You know the one. Yes. That PhD in chemical engineering you’ve been putting off. It’s the right time, Gemini. Or just start writing your damn book already.
3. And lastly, try not to give it up halfway. Stick it out. Make this one work. Your sign of the zodiac needs to develop staying power, so do it. You won’t be sorry.
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A CANCER (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
1. First, don’t be afraid. New Moons are good, Cancer. They’re better than Full Moons for you. Now that you’ve calmed down to a mild panic, think about what you need to release to make some space in your life. Maybe it’s time to realize that this home, this family, needs an overhaul.
2. Now, set about manifesting your perfect home space. Create your ideal family (friends, making babies, more pups – whatever family is for you). Maybe home is much farther away than the place your mama birthed you. That’s okay.
3. For your last step, take your steps. Little or big ones. And remember, home is wherever you are – that’s why crabs carry their homes on their backs. Bet you didn’t think of that, did you, Cancer?
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A LEO (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
1. For all the adventurousness you boast of, your zodiac sign can be a lil’ scared of change. It’s okay, no one knows. But first, for this Solar Eclipse, maybe realize that not everything is in your control. Now, breathe a sigh of relief that you don’t have to orchestrate the entire world.
2. Welcome in a change of identity. Did you know Madonna is a Leo? Be more Madonna. Be someone you want to be, right now. Your identity isn’t frozen, so shine, baby, shine!
3. Finally, swagger. Show dem how woke you are, Leo. How progressive. How with it. You are totally owning this.
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A VIRGO (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
1. First, clean everything. From your room, to your house, to your body. Juice-diet it. Marie Kondo it. Prepare your temple, inside and out, for the coming changes.
2. Create the space to bring in some more health and happiness into your life, Virgo. Healthy body, healthy mind (yes, less critical judge-y vibes, more kindness – to yourself, mainly). More running. More routine. More yoga.
3. Lastly, settle in. There’s nothing your sign of the zodiac likes more than a total clean out and setting up some new routines that make you feel oh-so good. Now everything is sparking joy.
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A LIBRA (Libra dates: September 23 –October 22)
1. Take a look at your relationship, Libra. Where could you manifest something new? Do you need an upgrade? Or does bae need to step up? Do you? One of you may have to let go of old habits, old emotion or old bad behaviors to make it come to pass.
2. Tell the universe you want romance. That you want equality. That you want a lover who will share it all with you – the good and the bad. Then stand back and let it happen.
3. And finally, stop looking back. Embrace what you’ve created, Libra. Bask in the feeling of being cherished, either by your gorgeous self (self-love is totally a thing) or by the one you’ve chosen.
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A SCORPIO (Scorpio dates: October 23 –November 21)
1. You’re more of an ending kinda gal (or guy), Scorpio, but okay, new beginnings. See where in life you have to let go of control, or of needing to win. Isn’t it exhausting? Your zodiac sign know that the biggest changes come when you surrender. So scary. But so worth it.
2. Now, ask the Universe for a big change. A chance to totally transform something in your life. Maybe a new bestie. A new love. A new career. Remember, you first have to let go.
3. Now flow. Take joy in the new you. A new life. A feeling of freedom. Feels good, doesn’t it, Scorpio?
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A SAGITTARIUS (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
1. Worried, you? Not a chance, Sagittarius! Your zodiac sign knows there is an opportunity in every change, a silver lining in every proverbial cloud. It’s rather annoying really. There’s not much you’ll have to let go of, except for the need to say, “I told you so,” to everyone.
2. You know what you want to welcome, obviously. More fun. More freedom. More travel. There must be at least one city you haven’t seen, so pop that on your wish list. You’re welcome.
3. The final step would have to maybe be to let your lover, friends, and boss know that you’re off, again. Bye Felicia!
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A CAPRICORN (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
1. First, sacrifice an inch of your empire. Yes, that’s it, Capricorn. Delegate. Let that poor underling learn by doing for once. Ah yes, now you have a bit of space to manifest…
2. More work! While the rest of the world clamors to work less, your sign of the zodiac jumps for joy when your plate is loaded. Even better is if you can make all the dollars as CEO so you can start that other company. Make it happen.
3. Lastly – and this sounds contradictory – take a rest, Capricorn. Like, remember that bae and mom and dad and your kids are the really important things in life. Yes, it’s deep. But this is important.
3 STEPS TO DEAL WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR AN AQUARIUS (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
1. Put on the tinfoil hat and wait for the aliens, Aquarius. It’s your moment to show the world that you were right. If they don’t come this time, they will the next. For now, look at giving up your need to be right. The world will catch on, eventually. When the mothership finally comes.
2. Maybe it’s time for some new friends. Ones who believe in aliens. Make it happen. There’s your new beginning.
3. Now try and convince them about the coming apocalypse. The cycle starts all over again. You can do this forever Aquarius, because eventually, the whole world will be looking for the aliens – because you’ve told them.
3 STEPS TO DEALING WITH A SOLAR ECLIPSE FOR A PISCES (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
1. Sacrifice comes easy to you, Pisces. Like breathing. Next step.
2. Perhaps this Solar Eclipse is a time to really set out and help the world. The Earth Mother needs you. Pisces. Wounded kids and animals need you. Not your dodgy ex. They don’t need you. They need to get woke. Fast.
3. Lastly – don’t go back to old habits, Pisces, as tempting as it is. You’re not the one that’s supposed to fix them. Let some other poor soul do that. Fix yourself. Fix the planet.