Each of the zodiac signs can point to different tendencies in love, friendship, and career, but did you know that they can also shape the way that you care for your children? Parenting can be one of the toughest, yet most rewarding experiences in life. Interactions in the family can be very interesting when there is a mix of several different zodiac signs/personalities. What does your child’s sign say about what kind of parent you should be?
Your Aries Child (March 20th - April 19th)
As a parent, you need to be aware that Aries traits include assertive, confident, and competitive behaviors. The family dynamic will likely tend to revolve around meeting the needs of the Aries child (there will be a lot of them). Sibling relationships will need careful watching, therefore, to avoid jealousy from your other children. Because the Aries personality type is confident, you may struggle to discipline your child. You’re going to need an authoritative parenting style here. Remember that you are the parent. Model love and respect towards your child but make it clear that you mean what you say when you draw boundaries. Your Aries baby is going to have a knack for leadership, so let that blossom by providing many outlets for building, learning, and growing!
Your Taurus Child (April 20th - May 20th)
Calm, emotionally in tune, and respectful – your Taurus child is probably quite self-sufficient, as earth signs tend to be. This down-to-earth Taurus personality can be very pleasant. You should have minimal parenting issues in terms of behavior and your child acting out. Your parenting style should try to bring out the leadership qualities in your child. Encourage any activity that involves expression of opinion. Your child will likely thrive in situations where they get to dance, sing, or read. A stable family life is important to a Taurus child, because change is not always well received. If all of these things are present early on, your baby will grow up to be a practical, reasonable, and balanced individual, who will retain strong family ties throughout adult life.
Your Gemini Child (May 21st - June 20th)
Because a Gemini child always has a lot going on mentally and imaginatively, you are going to need to be a patient parent. Your baby will love to be around people, siblings, family, strangers – everyone! Air signs like Gemini are strong on intelligence, wit, and vigor. Your little Gemini’s sociable personality is charming and you’ll probably be your child’s best friend – but remember to be their parent too. Becoming too lax with the rules can sometimes lead to disobedience. Allowing your child to engage in plenty of physical activity is one of the easiest fixes for this – a tired Gemini is less likely to create chaos! Be sure to create a wide circle of friends for your young Gemini. This child’s relationship with his or her peers is an essential bond that cannot be overlooked.
Your Cancer Child (June 21st - July 21st)
Cancer traits can include wavering moods, solitary leanings, and being emotionally guided. This sun sign is one of the most sensitive in the zodiac. When dealing with a Cancer personality, you should encourage communication so that you child doesn’t clam up and keep their worries to themselves. Encourage your child to express their feelings via something musical or artistic. Your parent-child relationship should be warm and loving but remember that you Cancer child may be quite clingy. Encourage independence by giving your child emotional space. As time goes on, encourage your child’s natural nurturing traits by involving him or her in the care of a sibling or a pet. Family bonds will always be intensely important to Cancer, and your child will love nothing more than good old fashioned family time together.
Your Leo Child (July 22nd - August 22nd)
Your Leo child is nothing if not charismatic! A real show stealer, your little one loves to be the center of attention. Leo traits are defined by a sense of confidence, dominance, and independence. Parenting this sun sign can be a challenge, especially when you reach a rebellious stage. Allow your child the freedom to use leadership skills, but keep in mind that firm boundaries must be set. A Leo has dramatic leanings if things do not go as planned, so you can expect tantrums aplenty, right into the teen years. Family influence is important in helping your Leo child to channel their passions constructively, so your parenting style should be as calm as possible. Model how to handle disagreements with a cool head and as little drama as you can muster. Your skills in your Leo child’s upbringing will be key in allowing this talented youngster to grow to their full potential.
Your Virgo Child (August 23rd - September 22nd)
The Virgo personality can be defined by discipline and the desire to help others. Your child will have the wonderful Virgo traits of being detail-oriented, observant, and quick-thinking. These same traits can also present challenges, however. When your child is growing up, he or she may be a little shy or introverted, so you are parenting style should include encouragement to try new things and make new friends. Allow your baby the chance to experience as much as possible. Virgo is one zodiac sign that benefits from pushing boundaries, so don’t come down too hard on your young Virgo when they do act up. They need to learn assertiveness somewhere, and the family environment is the best and safest place to do so. Virgo children are secret worriers, so watch out for tummy upsets or mysterious headaches as a sign that something is bothering them.
Your Libra Child (September 23rd - October 22nd)
Libra children are intelligent but sometimes rather indecisive. Loving, giving and kind, this sociable youngster is a friend as well as a child, but needs encouragement to take responsibility and to make decisions. Allow your child the opportunity to solve puzzles and think critically, to further enhance their developing brain. Libra children can have a tendency towards laziness, so develop a parenting style which models sports and physical activity. If you have other children, family physical games are great fun and a good way to start to keep fit. Do watch out for a tendency to lie, however, as Libra is adept at passing the blame. Reassure your child that you love them, and that telling the truth will not get them into trouble.
Your Scorpio Child (October 23rd - November 21st)
If your child is a Scorpio, you’ve probably got your hands full. Your child has a lot of love to give and is probably passionate about many interests. The Scorpio personality wavers between being sensitive and strong, so your parenting style will need to adapt according to what kind of day your child is having. Scorpios can be jealous, so be scrupulously fair between your young Scorpio and your other children. Scorpio children can have a sarcastic or even spiteful way with words at times; teach your child how to be assertive without being mean and be firm that spite is not allowed within your family. As your child grows up, encourage a love of learning and research – Scorpio kids are naturals at finding out what they want to know.
Your Sagittarius Child (November 22nd - December 20th)
Being a parent to a Sagittarius baby means being energetic and always ready for adventure. Your Sagittarius child is brave, curious and restless, always preferring independence to rigid rules. Because of this, you might feel as though your child is demanding at times. An argument won’t settle anything with a child with this sun sign. Instead, use distraction and motivation to steer your child’s behavior in the right direction. As long as you have a plan, you should stick to it, and your child will grow to appreciate the wisdom that you have to offer. Sagittarius children need a lot of physical exercise, so do encourage sports and outdoor pursuits, as well as a love of nature from an early age. Your youngster has a natural sense of fair play, so you may have to mediate carefully among siblings – if not, your own little police officer will quickly let you know that something’s not right!
Your Capricorn Child (December 21st - January 19th)
When you have a Capricorn child, you can expect to encounter a strong-willed demeanor. Capricorn children are generally outwardly confident, but inwardly insecure. It’s important to encourage friendships and social ties from an early age, so that your youngster doesn’t feel isolated. A natural leader, your young Capricorn will want to call the shots in the family home, but it’s important that he or she learns to respect the rules you set. Capricorn children are very practical and show this in a caring manner, always wanting to fix things for their siblings, or to put right something which is upsetting someone. Encourage this compassion but help your child to understand that it’s not their fault if someone is sad.
Your Aquarius Child (January 20th - February 17th)
The most unpredictable of the zodiac signs, Aquarius children enjoy engaging in spontaneous and unpredictable behavior. Your challenge as a parent will be keeping your child on track. Your little one is likely to be innovative and curious, as well as friendly and sociable. “Why?” is their favorite expression and without fail they will come up with a better way to do something – even if it’s unrealistic. Building and understanding how things work will likely hold your Aquarius baby’s attention. Be sure to provide plenty of outlets for intuitive thinking and exercising freedom. Sometimes your Aquarius child has trouble expressing their emotions, so it can be helpful to hold regular family meetings as your child gets older, and to ensure that he or she gets a fair hearing.
Your Pisces Child (February 18th - March 19th)
Your Pisces child is super-sensitive, with plenty of compassion, creativity, and empathy. Your child probably has innate talent in music, dance, writing or painting. It’s important to encourage this creativity, but make sure that you keep your kid grounded too; it can often be hard to disconnect from the imagination, even after playtime ends. Small Pisces children can sometimes be a little bit reclusive. Encourage spending time with other children that are the same age. As an impressionable zodiac sign, modeling good social skills yourself is a key way to show your child how to interact with others. Within the family, your Pisces child is probably the first to be hurt but also the first to forgive. Help him or her to express this empathy by helping or caring for others in an age-appropriate way.
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