Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility (Pisces dates: February 18 - March 19; Capricorn dates: December 21 - January 19)
Do Pisces and Capricorn make a good match? You make a really wonderful match, Pisces. Capricorn is exactly what you need in your life, the perfect balance for you. You see, Pisces, Capricorn is a little bit mystical and magical – did you know that?
The zodiac sign of Capricorn is known as the “sea-goat” in astrology. This means that they are half goat, half fish, and the fish half is what they have in common with you. This part of them represents their mystical, magical side, their sensitive side, the side of them that loves fantasy, imagination and creativity. The part that makes them dance around with you in the living room, or explore spirituality with you.
The magical thing about Capricorn, Pisces, is that they are able to live in both the physical the mystical worlds with ease, whereas you tend to live in just one (it’s easy to guess which!). The part of Capricorn that is at ease with the material world is the part that you need the most in your life, as much as you enjoy their playful side.
Capricorn people love to work hard and take care of the admin of life. They are very business-like, but when it’s time, they let that side of themselves go and play as much as you do, Pisces. You’re just so glad that you’ve got someone who both seems to know how to deal with responsibility as well as relax when the time calls for it. They want to look after you, and you happily surrender yourself to their care!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Pisces and Capricorn Dating Compatibility:
Are Pisces and Capricorn Soulmates? Capricorns seem to put up quite a front to the world at large, Pisces, but when you get to know them better, you’ll see that they do actually believe in the concept of Soulmates. And although it could take a long, long time for them to let you knew that they believe you’re the One, they will feel the powerful connection between the two of you and wonder to themselves, privately, if they have found their Soulmate.
You don’t have to wonder, Pisces. You’re open to the idea instantly, and don’t hold back when you feel it. This may be a little disconcerting to the reserved Capricorn at first, but your easy vulnerability helps them to also open up and believe in miracles.
Just be patient, Pisces, because your Capricorn is not going to leap into a relationship with you right away. They need to first test you a little to see if you have staying power. In fact, they may seem a little bit cold at first, or even unfeeling, even if they are very courteous towards you.
Give them time to warm up, Pisces. You’re not exactly going to chase them anyway – you are happy to be receptive to their attention, and available when they suggest hanging out. You are a bit of a slippery fish yourself and don’t like to always commit right away.
However, expect your dates to be lovely and tasteful – Capricorn pulls out all the stops, Pisces, making you feel lavished upon!
Pisces and Capricorn Marriage Compatibility:
Can Pisces and Capricorn marry? The deal with Capricorn, Pisces, is that they are earth signs and, thus, seek out a secure relationship. Marriage is something that most Capricorns totally believe in, no matter how modern times have gotten. So, Pisces, expect this topic to come up if you have been with a Capricorn for long enough – and it does take a long time. This is not the type of person to leap into marriage, so don’t expect them to drop the knee or want you to propose too early on. You have time, Pisces, to truly see the reality of this person and whether or not you want to be with them!
You, on the other hand, dream about your wedding day and happily ever after, and may quite easily jump into marriage early on if you had half the chance. However, you do tend to fantasize about it more than really see what marriage is about, so manage yourself, Pisces before you tie the knot and feel disillusioned!
Once your Capricorn makes up their mind, you finally marry, and you get over the hump of seeing that marriage is very much “chopping wood and carrying water” – ordinary life, so to speak – you’ll settle into an easy rhythm. Your Capricorn will usually be the worker bee, whereas you are happy to make house and support them in any way that they need.
This works well for both of you, even if your Capricorn sometimes gets annoyed at your unwillingness to be responsible and structured. That’s what they’re good at, after all!
Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility in Bed:
Are Pisces and Capricorn sexually compatible? As reserved as they may seem, Pisces, don’t forget that your Capricorn, as an earth sign, is extremely sensual and sexy! They are one of the most primal zodiac signs you could get, and they just love to indulge all of their senses in the bedroom with you! They usually make great lovers, and are patient and slow.
You are a sacrificing lover, Pisces, and you will give all of yourself to the act of lovemaking – provided you feel emotionally safe and connected. If not, you just can’t get yourself to open up, no matter how hard you try. Make sure you have that heart-to-heart bond first, and you will have a sex life that blows both of your minds!
When Pisces and Capricorn Relationship Breaks up:
How does Pisces and Capricorn move on after a breakup? Capricorn people may take it very badly, Pisces. Their way of taking it badly includes completely withdrawing from you and acting cold and vindictive. You may be very hurt by their behavior and wonder how they went from sweet to harsh in the blink of an eye.
Your tactic is usually to withdraw from the hurt you have either caused or are experiencing, Pisces. This can inflame your Capricorn ex even more, but seldom will they come running after you.
Business Compatibility:
Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility in Business:
Is there Capricorn and Pisces compatibility when it comes to work? Not entirely, Pisces. Whereas you are quite compatible in romance, you may be a little less so in business. Capricorns are the CEO types – extremely structured, responsible and often the manager. They work overtime and will push themselves to their limit in the pursuit of their professional goals.
You, on the other hand, Pisces, tend to lack that drive and responsible nature. – unless you are really inspired. If not, the Capricorn will see you as somewhat useless, and you won’t understand why they throw their lives away on work. It’s best you stay out of each other’s way if this is the case.
Friendship Compatibility:
Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Pisces and Capricorn good friends? Capricorns make wonderfully steadfast and reliable friends, Pisces. They are grounding, wise and always the person to turn to when you feel overwhelmed and under the weather. They’re also great party mates, once their hard work is done!
Show them the same loyalty, Pisces, and you will reap the rewards of a rich and nourishing friendship for years to come!
Family Compatibility:
Capricorn Parent and Pisces Child Compatibility:
Is there Capricorn and Pisces compatibility when it comes to family? Capricorn parents can be a bit stern and strict, Pisces. They may even seem a little distant or controlling, but at heart, they love you very deeply and will do anything for you. They provide you with the much-needed structure that gives you a great head start in life, as much as you chafe against the restrictions.
A Capricorn child needs a huge amount of stability, Pisces. They need rules, regulations and discipline, and that may be hard for you to provide. You, instead, nurture their creative side, and support and love them unconditionally, which is a great quality, too. Just be sure that they don’t end up parenting you, as that may have them growing up a little bit too fast.
Pisces and Capricorn Sibling Compatibility:
How do Pisces and Capricorn siblings match up in the family environment? Your Capricorn sibling will be like a parent to you, Pisces, sheltering you and protecting you from the world. They will also boss you around like there’s no tomorrow, and act like they are the older one, even if they are younger!
Your soft and adaptable nature is a good complement to their sterner personality, which is why you shouldn’t fight too much. You have wonderful imaginations together as children, and growing up, you are able to forge a close friendship and have a good time together. You will always turn to your Capricorn sibling when times get tough, Pisces. They are your rock.
Pisces and Capricorn Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Pisces human and a Capricorn pet get along? Capricorn pets kind of take care of you, Pisces, instead of the other way around. If it weren’t for them, you may forget to eat and relax, or have any kind of routine!
You see, Capricorn pets deeply need structure in life, and they will make sure that you give it to them – or else they will become brats! Remember to give them lots of nature, Pisces, and create a solid feeding routine for them to be happy.
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Pisces and Pisces Compatibility
Pisces and Aries Compatibility
Pisces and Taurus Compatibility
Pisces and Gemini Compatibility
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Pisces and Virgo Compatibility
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Pisces and Scorpio Compatibility
Pisces and Sagittarius Compatibility
Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility