What are the lunar nodes?
Unlike the luminaries - the Sun and Moon - and the rest of the planets, the lunar nodes are not actual celestial bodies; they are points in the sky, calculated and interpreted by astrologers. The Moon’s North Node is the point where the lunar orbit intersects the ecliptic - the ecliptic being the circle the Sun appears to trace across the sky as viewed by Earth. The Moon’s South Node is exactly opposite the North Node.
What is the astrological significance of the North and South Node?
The Moon’s North and South Nodes are spiritually significant in astrology. In your natal birth chart, the North Node represents your destiny - the life that is yet to be fulfilled by you. The South Node, on the other hand, represents your karma; your past and that which you have already experienced and cannot change.
Ideally, we will use what we learn from the Moon’s South Node in our birth chart to influence how we approach our destiny, as signified by the North Node.
The Moon’s nodes are not only significant in your birth chart, however. As the cycle progresses and the nodes shift from one pair of signs to another, our focus also shifts. The nodes teach us what skills and qualities we need to develop (the North Node) versus those which we are relying on too much or need to let go (South Node).
What is the significance of the North Node in Taurus?
The North Node will be in Taurus and South Node in Scorpio from January 18th, 2022, until July 17th, 2023.
The North Node in Taurus urges us to focus more on what brings us pleasure and satisfaction. The South Node, in Scorpio, reminds us that we have spent too long trying to please others and now is the time to instead focus on our own wants and needs.
That may sound selfish, and in some ways it can be, but remember that you cannot truly be of service to anyone else unless you are happy in yourself. As the North Node transits Taurus, it gives us a chance to rebalance our lives so that we can give to others, instead of giving to others at a cost to ourselves.
Sensuality is important when the North Node transits Taurus, as is grounded common sense, stability and emotional security. Where we have been hurt, we need to focus less on revenge and payback and more on healing for ourselves. It’s a good time for forgiving others, as only then can we attain the psychological comfort we need.
How does the North Node in Taurus affect each zodiac sign?
The way the North Node in Taurus affects each zodiac sign is subtly different.
North Node in Taurus for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
This North Node transit is about your relationship with materialism, money and values, Aries. You are being urged to let go of drama relating to money and to let go of your acquisitive nature. You need much less, materially, than you think. If you can’t voluntarily learn this lesson, the South Node in your debt zone may force a crisis that will teach you the hard way. Practice gratitude for what you have instead of longing for what you do not have. Learn to live happily with less, Aries, and to tread more lightly upon the earth.
North Node in Taurus for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
With the North Node now transiting your own sign, your task is to feel secure, comfortable and grounded in your own skin. The South Node, transiting your relationship zone, reminds you that you have relied for too long on your partner for your identity - it’s time to reclaim who you are, in your own right. This energy will help you to assert your own identity, in a dignified, calm and assertive manner. Once you are secure in who you are, you will be better able to relate to others.
North Node in Taurus for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
The North Node in Taurus urges you to seek calm, peace, serenity and quiet, Gemini. In your busy everyday life, this is easier said than done, but the South Node now transiting your everyday work life reveals the problem - too much focus on work and not enough on your spiritual wellbeing. Now is the time to take up meditation, journaling, long walks in nature or simply moments of mindfulness throughout your day. A greater focus on your own serenity will empower you to keep moving forward.
North Node in Taurus for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
This North Node transit is about fulfilling your role in wider society, Cancer. Join groups and campaigns, pour your heart and soul into collective efforts. The South Node in your individuality zone teaches you that you’ve had long enough of me, me, me - now it needs to be us, us, us. This is an excellent time for charity work or volunteering, and for making new friends too. Ensure that people you choose to mix with are on the same wavelength as you and walk away from those who are not.
North Node in Taurus for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 21)
It’s time to come out of your cave, Leo - this North Node transit urges you to engage with life beyond your comfort zone as much as you possibly can. This is also the time to focus on your career and your ambitions, because once you feel fulfilled at work you will feel stronger in other areas of life too. Develop your own personal authority and self-esteem and learn how to take the lead in a group of people. Your best qualities are being tamed; not eliminated, but channeled more constructively.
North Node in Taurus for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 22 – September 21)
This North Node transit challenges your understanding of truth and forces you to look at the world through different eyes - to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, effectively. You will learn a lot, Virgo, but don’t expect it to be a comfortable experience. You are also being asked to place your trust in a spiritual or higher power, whatever that means to you. Exploring religion and different belief systems is helpful and productive now.
North Node in Taurus for a Libra (Libra dates: September 22 – October 22)
This transit can be very challenging for you, Libra, as it requires you to face some intensely emotional situations and to remain calm and composed throughout. You may face a crisis in your love life or your family life, and it will be painful - but you have to get through this learning curve in order to understand that you do, in the end, survive and thrive. You don’t have to do this alone - seek help, therapy and support if you feel that you need it. Keep on going.
North Node in Taurus for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
Surrender and trust are key themes of this North Node transit. The South Node is in your sign, warning you that suspicion, jealousy and emotional angst have run their course now. It’s time for a more peaceful and positive view of your relationship, your love life and your personal interactions. Open your heart to your loved ones and don’t be afraid to show your vulnerability. Trust people unless and until they give you a valid reason not to.
North Node in Taurus for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
This North Node transit is something of a reality check, Sagittarius; it urges you to be responsible, to show up at work, and to be happy that you are earning your keep, even if it’s not your dream job. Take pleasure in small, everyday successes and the fact that you are doing the right thing. Too much daydreaming and too much irresponsible behavior have led you off track, as the South Node in your dream zone demonstrates. Now it’s back to work, with pride and satisfaction.
North Node in Taurus for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 18)
You have spent too long serving others, Capricorn to your own detriment. This North Node transits your joy zone and urges you to prioritize your own fun and pleasure, at all costs. You will also need to stand up for your individuality and your rights, because you may face sustained peer pressure from society or from a group you belong to. Let go of your need to fit in and do your own thing. From this joy, you will emerge much stronger.
North Node in Taurus for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 19 – February 17)
Simple pleasures, firm roots and home comforts will be very important to you during this North Node transit, Aquarius. In the eternal work-life balance, life needs to win, and in particular, your family life needs to win. Let go of the need for recognition in your career. That doesn’t mean giving up on your ambitions or leaving work, it simply means that you should stop chasing success and simply allow it to happen, while you focus your attention on your loved ones. A better balance can be found now.
North Node in Taurus for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
The North Node now urges you to listen and learn, Pisces. Let go of your need to be “right” or to argue your point; it’s time to hear others out and to find common ground where you disagree. It’s also a good time to study or to expand your mind, but for its own sake rather than for prestige or qualifications. Learn to value knowledge in its own right and learn to use your words to heal rather than to divide. You’ll also sense a growing feeling of belonging during this transit, which is very healing.