The astrological Neptune has a spiritual and mystical part to play in our human lives.
In astrology, Neptune is the planet of idealism, spirituality and compassion, but its energies also give rise to confusion, deceit, guilt and doubt.
Nebulous Neptune energies can sometimes cloud our thinking and our judgment, making it hard to see what is truly going on.
Neptune has been in retrograde motion for the last several months. It will turn direct on December 7th, 2024.
This means that, as viewed from earth, the planet has appeared to be moving backwards across the sky. This is an optical illusion – no planet ever moves backwards in its orbit – but it is the symbolism of the backwards motion which matters to our astrological interpretation.
In astrology, when Neptune is retrograde, we turn its compassionate gaze inwards and we are able to be that little bit kinder to ourselves, more forgiving and more self-tolerant.
Now that Neptune has turned direct once more, however, it’s time to allow that compassion and selflessness to well up and extend out into the wider world.
We must also consider the sign through which Neptune is transiting when we look at how the end of its retrograde motion is likely to affect us.
Neptune is in Pisces, where it has been since 2012 and where it will remain until 2025.
Neptune is very at home in this transit, as it is the ruling planet of Pisces – indeed, much of what we associate with Neptune, such as gentleness and spirituality, is also associated with Pisces.
This means that when Neptune turns direct, the well of empathy and compassion available to give to the world is even greater – so now can truly be a time when we put our arms around the world as one.
Horoscopes: What Does Neptune Direct in Pisces Mean for Each Zodiac Sign?
Each zodiac sign in astrology will feel the influence of Neptune turning direct in Pisces slightly differently, and for each individual, the effects will depend upon the strength and position of Neptune in their birth chart.
Overall, however, each zodiac sign at this time will feel drawn to show kindness to the world in one way or another. However, we may also experience an upsurge in confusion.
Neptune in Pisces for an Aries (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
You may start to experience feelings of guilt or self-blame as Neptunian energy turns direct in the most spiritual zone of your chart. Rather than seeking to avoid this, embrace it, Aries.
All of us have played some part in where we are now, and all of us have made mistakes. By owning and acknowledging your own mistakes, you clear some spiritual and emotional headroom and can invite yourself to make better decisions in the future.
Neptune in Pisces for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
You will feel very moved to give charitably when Neptune turns direct, particularly if there is a cause close to your heart. Consider giving your time, expertise or practical support as well as or instead of your money.
You’re being urged to make a personal connection with what you believe in, and you can’t do that by simply making a donation. Try to get involved where it matters most, Taurus.
Neptune in Pisces for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
You may feel dissatisfied with your working life when Neptune turns direct, especially if what you do for a living is not considered vital. If you feel a calling towards a different career, Gemini, sit with it for a while.
Meditate on it or sleep on it, or ask for guidance from your higher self. If you are truly meant to be doing something else, you’ll start to feel it now. If not, be happy where you are. Your job has value even if it’s less immediately obvious than some.
Neptune in Pisces for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
You can best spread compassion via intellectual challenge during this transit. Instead of tuning out views and opinions you disagree with, engage with them.
Instead of becoming angry or indulging in name-calling, try to educate people who you feel need to understand more of the world. You won’t always get a warm welcome, but if there’s even a chance that someone may listen, Cancer, you should do it.
Neptune in Pisces for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 21)
Your mission once Neptune turns direct is to help others through mentoring, or by sharing your own story.
You’ve been through a lot, and simply being honest and open about that can make the world of difference to someone who is struggling. Shine your light as only a Leo can, and shine it on the darkest areas of your life so that others can find a way out as you did.
Neptune in Pisces for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 22 – September 21)
Use your compassion to encourage those around you to dream, Virgo. When Neptune turns direct in your love zone, your role as an encouragement and support to your partner will be key.
Together, you can make sure that neither of you lose your dreams or your idealism. Don’t be put off by people who want to bring you back down to earth. Join forces with your sweetheart and fly.
Neptune in Pisces for a Libra (Libra dates: September 22 – October 22)
You can’t help others if you’re not organized and in control of your own life, Libra. When Neptune turns direct, you may easily lose track of details or become forgetful.
Make detailed plans to help avoid this, and be careful with your scheduling. It may feel regimented in the beginning of this transit, but at least if you pay attention to your plans, you won’t be missing anything vitally important.
Neptune in Pisces for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
When Neptune turns direct, your creativity is unleashed, Scorpio. Through the power of imagination and inspiration, you can reach all kinds of audiences now.
If you have children, or work with children, this can be an especially useful, compassionate and healing time. Draw, paint, make music, sing, dance or craft and show others, especially kids, how they can let their own feelings out this way too.
Neptune in Pisces for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
When Neptune turns direct, it’s important to avoid becoming over-protective of your family or loved ones. While you might wish you could wrap them up and keep them safe, that would be denying them their right to lead their own lives.
Advise and counsel by all means, Sagittarius, and be there to pick up the pieces if something goes wrong, but don’t hamper your loved ones’ independence.
Neptune in Pisces for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 18)
You may find it difficult to get your message across during this transit, because the emotional fog is clouding your words. If you have something important to say, try to put it in writing so that at least you can edit it.
Verbal communication risks you getting lost along the way, Capricorn. It’s a good idea to stay away from social media for a while too, as this has a way of twisting your words into something you really did not mean.
Neptune in Pisces for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 19 – February 17)
Neptune turns direct in your money zone, Aquarius, but this can bring confusion around your finances. Let your own money sort itself out and instead turn your attention to ensuring that others have enough right now.
You’ll find that if you are grateful for your own blessings, and for the blessing of others, more and more abundance will start to make its way towards you.
Neptune in Pisces for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
Neptune turns direct in the transit of your own sign, boosting your compassion, your empathy and your sensitivity. This is a wonderful time for simply being yourself, backed as you are by your ruling planet.
However, you could be easily overwhelmed by events in the world and you may struggle a little emotionally. Don’t hesitate to seek help if you need it. It’s fine to be sensitive; you have a heart, and you’re using it.