Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility (Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21)
Do Scorpio and Scorpio make a good match? Well, when you put two Scorpions together what do you think you get? A little bit of drama, that’s what! But also, a huge amount of passion, an intense attraction and a deep, powerful emotional connection! It can be simply delicious here, although a little dangerous too!
After all, Scorpio is a zodiac sign ruled by the planet Mars, and Mars is all about conflict, fire and not a small amount of tension. Two Mars-ruled people can either adore each other or abhor each other. This is a classic love-hate relationship!
However, it’s important to note that very often, your two water signs can actually last the test of time, seeing as you are the types to crave that deep commitment – “until death do you part” would be an apt description for your relationship! As fixed water signs of the zodiac, your feelings run deep and you seldom take your love for granted.
However, you’d need to be aware of your poisonous stings, Scorpio. You both have the ability to really hurt each other when pushed, and it can get ugly here when things are bad. No one will ever know the depth to which the two of you go, and how dramatic things could become. Learning to be kind is ultra-important here, no matter what goes on in your relationship!
You’ll never, ever have to worry about physical attraction or the passion dying. In fact, you may have to worry about its opposite. That no matter what you do, you can’t seem to keep your hands off of each other!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Scorpio and Scorpio Dating Compatibility:
Are Scorpio and Scorpio Soulmates? You’re certainly going to feel that soul to soul connection here! You are made of the same stuff, and together, you could easily feel like you have found the “One” for you! You love the idea of merging and losing yourselves in each other, and the feelings between you can feel incredibly strong and irresistible.
The dating phase is equally intense for you two Scorpions. You both have major trust issues, Scorpio, which can make you play games. Yet, now, you have met your match and your mirror. Neither of you is willing to back down or give in first, which can make this a very interesting dance of courtship. One of you will have to eventually lower your defenses and let the other in, if you want this to really go somewhere.
Once you do, you’ll find that you share the same soft underbelly. That you are deeply sensitive, spiritual and emotional. That you share the same fears of betrayal and abandonment, which leads you to act in ways that seem jealous or even obsessive. If you can recognize your zodiac twin, you can connect. If you push away the truth about who you both are, this can get, well, messy.
It’s best that you two move as quickly as you can into commitment because this is where your shadow sides can rest and not make any trouble for you, where you can enjoy each other’s safety rather than question if you’re going to be abandoned or let down!
Scorpio and Scorpio Marriage Compatibility:
Can Scorpio and Scorpio marry? Whether you officially marry or decide to be life partners, your relationship shines so much brighter when you commit wholeheartedly. You both have that soft underbelly that desperately wants to be chosen, loved and cared for, and commitment is where that happens for you. Marriage, for the two of you, really resonates in terms of not allowing anything to come between you, unless it’s death, betrayal or something just as dramatic.
Barring one of these types of crises, the two of you should get along well in marriage, albeit some conflicts from time to time. After all, you are ruled by Mars and Pluto, the planet of War and the Planet of the Underworld, death and rebirth. Your marriage is anything but boring, that’s for sure!
Fortunately, because you are both possessive, you understand this behavior in each other, and don’t react too badly when either of you has a show of ownership. However, you do need to avoid playing games where you “test” to see if each other will get jealous. Any games like that will just not get either of you anywhere in this relationship!
When you fight – which could be quite often – try and always be on the same team. If you do, you’ll be absolutely formidable, to be reckoned with. If you don’t, your marriage could become a toxic mess.
Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility in Bed:
Are Scorpio and Scorpio sexually compatible? Well, your zodiac sign does rule sex, so where do you think that puts your sexual relationship, Scorpio? At the top, that’s where! Your sexual life should be hot, hot, hot and you’ll scarcely be able to keep your hands off of each other!
In your sex life, there are no rules, no taboos, no shame. You will try anything and everything, no matter how forbidden it is. BDSM is made for you two, where you can happily play out your issues of domination, control and submission. In fact, this is the place to deal with these personality traits rather than in day to day life. You’ll both be very, very satisfied here!
When Scorpio and Scorpio Relationship Breaks up:
How does Scorpio and Scorpio move on after a breakup? This is a messy one. People may not see what goes on behind the scenes, but it can get a little ugly here. The thing is, the two of you would seldom break up unless there was a serious reason to do so. If you’re the more evolved type of Scorpio, you’ll break it off and still be there for each other and be close.
However, if not, you’ll be dramatic, jealous, obsessive and intense. You may go out of your way to hurt each other, by, for example, hooking up with someone else. This is when you need to pull back and realize that your behavior is toxic and does nothing but harm. Cut yourself off, and give yourself some time to heal and come back to yourself, Scorpio.
Business Compatibility:
Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility in Business:
Does Scorpio and Scorpio have compatibility when it comes to work? Uh-oh! It’s best for the two of you to work in completely different areas and departments, Scorpio.
Being ruled by Mars means that you both need to be the boss and can be intensely competitive and dominating. You can just imagine what happens when either of you gets involved in the other’s projects! It’s safer to say that you’re not exactly team players, so just give each other plenty of space, okay?
Friendship Compatibility:
Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Scorpio and Scorpio good friends? You can be the very closest of soul-friends! you know each other’s deepest, darkest secrets, and you’ll never tell a soul the things you divulge with each other. Trustworthiness colors your relationship in every way, and you have each other’s back completely.
However, there may sometimes be issues of jealousy here, especially when there are love interests. Whether you’re jealous of the time that your Scorpio buddy spends with their partner or you’re fighting over the same person, it can taint your relationship. Be as generous as you possibly can! It’s not worth giving up a friendship like this for a passing love attraction.
Family Compatibility:
Scorpio Parent and Scorpio Child Compatibility:
Are Scorpio and Scorpio compatible when it comes to family? Your Scorpio parent is your zodiac twin, Scorpio – you know that, right? They mirror everything about you, and it will drive you crazy at times. In fact, you could live in denial until you’re an adult, that point where you realize you are carbon copies of each other! You can be as thick as thieves here, and you probably will be.
Your Scorpio child is never going to share all of their secrets with you, Scorpio, no matter how much you try. Respect that, and respect their space. Never try and force them to reveal all, nor dominate their choices. Focus instead on the incredibly strong emotional bond between you, and trust that!
Scorpio and Scorpio Sibling Compatibility:
How do Scorpio and Scorpio siblings match up in the family environment? It’s a major competition here for who’s mommy and daddy’s number-one child, It can even get a little traumatic, in all honesty, the rivalry between you. You’ll stop at very little to one-up each other, which only fades a little as you grow up.
However, you’ll also always have each other’s backs, no matter what sort of games you play with each other. You trust each other, for the most part, and you have the same souls, Scorpio.
Scorpio and Scorpio Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Scorpio human and a Scorpio pet get along? Well, the two of you will get along like a house on fire, really. You simply know how each other works and your intuition for each other’s feelings is very strong. You know when each other is down, and know just how to cheer one another up.
Your Scorpio pet will know all your dirty secrets, Scorpio, and you’ll know theirs. You trust each other wholeheartedly, and your bond is one that is unbreakable!
Scorpio and Sagittarius Compatibility
Scorpio and Capricorn Compatibility
Scorpio and Aquarius Compatibility
Scorpio and Pisces Compatibility
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Scorpio and Taurus Compatibility
Scorpio and Gemini Compatibility
Scorpio and Cancer Compatibility
Scorpio and Virgo Compatibility
Scorpio and Libra Compatibility
Scorpio and Scorpio Compatibility