Leo and Libra Compatibility (Leo dates: July 22 - August 22; Libra dates: September 23 - October 22)
Do Leo and Libra make a good match? Well, you’re definitely one of the most glamourous couples to ever grace the world of astrology! It’s a contest to see who’s the most charming, good looking and fun to be around, and you should have no shortage of good times with each ether!
You both just love to shake your tailfeather and be out on the town – dressing up and looking good comes naturally to you both! You’ll find each other both physically attractive as well as having good taste, and there’s no end to the pleasure you will find in your lives with each other!
Is it all as shallow as it seems? Of course not – your bond goes far beyond just the surface. You’re both looking for long-term love, and you’re both the type of people who will give their all when they get into the right relationship.
Leo, you’re ruled by the Sun, and so you like to be the center of attention, of course. Libra does make you the center of their universe, always flattering and complimenting you, validating you and affirming you. In other words, Libra is happy to fluff up your ego, and in return, you lavish all of your considerable devotion on them! There’s nothing you won’t do for your lover when they put you first, Leo!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Leo and Libra Dating Compatibility:
Are Leo and Libra Soulmates? Both of you are the type of people who will believe in the concept of a soulmate, and there’s definitely that feeling between you! With your ruling planet as the Sun, the symbol of the identity, Leo, and Libra being ruled by Venus the symbol of love, its’ easy to feel like you have found the One!
The dating phase is pure heaven, as you go out of your way to woo and charm one another and give each other what you’ve got! Libra flatters you, Leo, and you gave them warmth and affection, so it’s an easy two-way street!
Both of you will also have expensive taste, so your dates themselves should be lavish and indulgent! You’ll love a good dinner, as well as a night out on the town – as long as you’re having fun with each other! Libra is also happy to let you take the lead, Leo, and as a naturally compromising person, you should seldom have any issues deciding what to do!
Leo and Libra Marriage Compatibility:
Can Leo and Libra marry? Marriage is a very comfortable topic for both of you! Leo, you always play for keeps, and being a fixed zodiac sign makes you amongst the most committed and reliable partners you get! Your loyalty is second to none, and you’ll put all your effort into your married life!
Libra is known as the “love” sign of the zodiac, which also makes them prime candidates for commitment. The only problem with Libra, Leo, is the fact that they can be indecisive when it comes to, well, everything! It may take them a few years before they make up their minds about marriage, which can push all your buttons!
Don’t take it too personally, Leo. It’s often not about you – the Libra is just built that way! What you can take comfort in, however, is that once the Libra has decided it's time, they will be all-in. Libra’s, more than anything, yearn to have that sacred bond between the two of you and just need to consider all the consequences of their actions!
Once you do settle down, your relationship can be strong. Your main challenge, Leo, is to remember to put your Libra first as much as they do for you. Libra people are often overly giving and people-pleasing, at their own expense.
This can make them harbor resentment towards you, and they’re often not sure how to ask for their needs to be met. If you’re being selfish, Leo, recognize it and go out of your way to ask the Libra what they want and need.
Leo and Libra Compatibility in Bed:
Are Leo and Libra sexually compatible? Your sex life should be just as passionate as every other area, Leo! You have a sky-high libido, to be sure, and anyone would be hard-pressed to keep up with you!
However, because your Libra partner aims to please, they’ll go above and beyond in the bedroom. They will always try and keep you satisfied, Leo, and they’ll do everything you ask for and more!
As with everything else in your relationship, Leo, try and consider the Libra’s sexual needs, too. They might never ask for much, and if they do, it’s your job to sit up and take notice! Like you, they just want to have fun when it comes to the bedroom, and they aren’t known as the love sign for nothing!
When Leo and Libra Relationship Breaks up:
How do Leo and Libra move on after a breakup? Neither of you will have an easy time, though you may come off a bit more buried, Leo. Being a fixed sign of the zodiac, you do tend to struggle to let go, even when you try. You’re such a fighter, that its’ hard fry you to accept that something is over.
The Libra may also struggle, but they do move on quickly, and many Libra’s are serial monogamists – meaning they go from relationship to relationship. Does this help them to really move on? No one knows, Leo, but you can rest assured that you’re much stronger than you think, and in many ways, stronger than they are by far!
Business Compatibility:
Leo and Libra Compatibility in Business:
Do Leo and Libra have compatibility when it comes to business? You’ll be excellent workmates! You do best in some sort of creative partnership, where beauty, fashion and making things look good is your specialty! You each excel in these industries, as well as PR and events, where you get to have a good time, all the time!
The best thing about your working relationship is that you get to be the leader, Leo, and Libra doesn’t mind you having that role. The truth us, Libra is the one that’s often really in charge, but they just make you think it’s your idea – and that works for both of you!
You should also be good friends, as well as colleagues outside the office. There’s no one like a Leo and a Libra to get the party started, and the office is always far more fun when the two of you are around!
Friendship Compatibility:
Leo and Libra Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Leo and Libra good friends? You’ll be the very best of friends! Because you both enjoy being social, you’re going to create very special memories out on the town together! For a Leo and a Libra, there’s nothing as great as dressing up and looking ravishing!
You’ll be the type of friends that everyone wants to be around, too. Charming and easy to get along with, you each shine in your own special way. There’ll be moments of jealousy, however, especially from you, Leo. Libra does take the spotlight, often without meaning to, and you’ll have to be gracious in allowing that to happen – sometimes!
Family Compatibility:
Leo Parent and Libra Child Compatibility:
Are Leo and Libra compatible when it comes to family? A Libra parent is lovely, Leo. They teach you all about how to be more balanced and to compromise with others, rather than demand your own way – an invaluable lesson!
You’ll have to accept, however, that a Libra parent will often put their relationship with your mom or dad ahead of you, which is not a bad thing at all and makes for a loving family environment, even if you feel jealous sometimes.
Your Libra child is often beautiful, peaceful and non-confrontational. They don’t have your fiery temper, but they are creative, like you, and they will make you proud. Guiding them in matters of the heart is important, as well as teaching them that they don’t have to please everyone all the time.
Leo and Libra Sibling Compatibility:
How do Leo and Libra siblings match up in the family environment? Your Libra sibling won’t compete with you, luckily, Leo. However, even if they don’t overtly compete, they still seem to often be “the favorite child”, simply due to their willingness to please.
You, on the other hand, are a bit of a rebel, Leo, and being a fire zodiac sign, you’re stubborn and unwilling to change for anyone. In some ways, your character is a bit stronger than the ever-changing Libra, but you’re both beautiful and accomplished siblings.
You’ll grow up enjoying each either as adults, where it’s likely you could be good friends and really enjoy a night out with each other.
Leo and Libra Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Leo human and a Libra pet get along? Libra pets are often the most beautiful of them all, which makes you very happy indeed, Leo! They’re charming, pretty, and always willing to please you in some way.
They love luxurious and indulgent surroundings, just like you do, Leo, and they need harmony and peace inside the home. If there’s conflict, they are more likely to run and hide, and in particularly high-empery environments, they’ll be very unhappy. So, it’s best you keep things peaceful, Leo!
Leo and Sagittarius Compatibility
Leo and Capricorn Compatibility
Leo and Aquarius Compatibility