Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility (Taurus Dates April 20 - May 20; Aquarius dates: January 20 - February 17)
Are Taurus and Aquarius a good love match? It’s a funny thing, this relationship. Although your two zodiac signs really should not be all that compatible — earth and air signs seldom are — this is one of those extremely common pairings in astrology, and this coupling tends to last a very long time! You are worlds apart, Taurus, and your Aquarius practically lives on another planet, while you happily have your feet firmly planted on the ground and are very much a citizen of planet Earth! And perhaps that’s what makes your relationship magical. It’s your differences that make you fascinating and attractive to one another and those differences add spice and value to each of your lives. Make no mistake: you will argue, and often! You’re both fixed signs, which means you are equally stubborn, and good luck trying to get your Aquarian sweetheart to ever agree with you! For all their open-mindedness, Aquarius is a star sign with strong opinions, and you’ll be the first to hear it when they simply don’t agree. You’re not all that flexible either, Taurus, and your Aquarius will throw their hands up in frustration many a time at your unwillingness to change. Over the years, however, you can slowly adapt and learn to lay down your swords, becoming more and more comfortable with each other.
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Taurus and Aquarius Dating Compatibility:
Are Taurus and Aquarius Soulmates? In some ways you really have love compatibility, though that may only come with time. You will have to learn each other’s ins and outs, and as you do, you will discover what kindred souls you have. Your zodiac signs are both immensely consistent and reliable, and you take love and relationships seriously. Your Aquarian sweetheart is a space cadet, to be sure, but you, Taurus, are the one who grounds them and helps them to understand the world and how to do worldly things. In turn, your Aquarius will help you, Taurus, to move out of your comfort zone and to balance mind and body — after all, they are the intellectual sign, just as you are the sensual one! The dating phase can feel very romantic, and you could easily sweep an Aquarius right off their feet!
Taurus and Aquarius Marriage Compatibility:
Are Taurus and Aquarius star signs compatible in marriage? According to astrology, you are very likely to end up married. For all the unconventionality of an Aquarian, they still want a long-term bond and to do things the responsible way. Be prepared for something different though, Taurus, as your love may not want the traditional flowers and seating arrangements that you’d like. It’s important that you allow them the freedom to express who they are authentically, and they’ll appreciate you endlessly for understanding that need — even if their style of relationship challenges the status quo. Learn to be comfortable with their quirky weirdness, and you’ll have a partner for life! Even if they call you boring, deep down your Aquarian love will truly appreciate how much stability you bring to their lives, and how you always manage to hold space for them, no matter how crazy they get!
Taurus and Aquarius Sexual Compatibility:
Are Taurus and Aquarius zodiac signs compatible in bed? Aquarius is a funny bird, Taurus. One moment they are raring to go and all about experimenting with the craziest positions you’ve never heard off — and the next they are as disinterested as it gets. A typical Aquarius need their heads turned on before their bodies — if they can remember that they have a body attached to their brilliant brains! This can be a challenge for you, Taurus, as you prefer to communicate with your body, bypassing all language and conversation. You’ll have to find a balance here, and you might be pleasantly surprised to find you also enjoy that strong mental connection, just as your love will come to love how get them out of their head to get dirty with you!
Taurus and Aquarius Breakups:
How do Taurus and Aquarius star signs move on when they break up? It’ll take a very long time for the two of you to admit that things aren’t working, Taurus. You may both go through the motions for years before realizing that things may have gotten stale, or that you’ve grown in different directions. It’s not going to be easy for either of you to let go, and you’ll both fight for the relationship as hard as you can. However, when your Aquarius ex has decided that it’s time, they will simply cut you off, abruptly, and will never consider re-igniting things. This can be very tough for you, but at the end of the day, you’re very likely to be best friends a few years later. Aquarius is a zodiac sign that very easily transitions from lovers to friends. They will be accepting when you fall for someone new.
Business Compatibility:
Taurus and Aquarius Business Compatibility:
Are Taurus and Aquarius compatible in the workplace? It’s best if you work in different areas, Taurus. Aquarius admires your Taurean commitment and consistency, and they have those traits as well, but their airy-fairy dreaminess might drive you up the wall! Aquarians tend to not be the most grounded of people, and they may absent-mindedly forget all the very important things that you told them just a second ago. Also, they are as stubborn as you! If you two go head-to-head, there’s no telling if either of you will win, and it can become a bit of a power struggle. Aquarius needs to be out connecting with people, dreaming new visions, and inspiring the world, while you happily ensure things don’t fall apart behind the scenes and that your business stays afloat financially. Someone has to do that! You come together with creativity; when you brainstorm, you can be truly brilliant together.
Friendship Compatibility:
Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Taurus and Aquarius best friends? If you have managed to form a friendship, the chances are very good that you’ll stay friends forever! Fixed signs make long-term partnerships, and you’ll have each other’s back, no matter how different you are from one another. In fact, your Aquarian buddy may simply love how grounded and sensible you are, and how you always make them feel right at home. You’ll have to be okay with sharing them with the world though; the possessive Taurean streak will be challenged! No Aquarius can ever be possessed — they are friends of the world, and they have many, many people they spend time with in their lives. Don’t worry, Taurus. You’ll always have a special place in their heart and you in theirs.
Family Compatibility:
Taurus Parent and Aquarius Child Compatibility:
Are Taurus and Aquarius compatible when it comes to family life? An Aquarius parent is consistent but very detached, which is not your style, Taurus. You have a warm personality and want to be close with your mom or dad, with plenty of hugs and kisses. Your Aquarius parent will love you from a distance and won’t always understand your basic, primal needs for good food, a stable home, and the physical reassurance of a hug. However, an Aquarian parent will be your best friend, Taurus. On the other hand, you’ll find an Aquarius child is a strange, free spirit who is quite brilliant but an oddball at times, with lots of friends and strange tastes. Don’t try and control them or suffocate them because you’ll only end up with a rebel on your hands!
Taurus and Aquarius Sibling Compatibility:
How do Taurus and Aquarius siblings match up in the family environment? You’ll have more than one power struggle, that’s for sure! You’re both inflexible and have your own ways of doing things — and it’s usually best if you’re each left to your own devices. You may be very creative together, and you have a strong sense of loyalty to each other even if you do fight. It’s easier as you get older. Though you’ll head in different directions, you’ll always come together on common ground, even if that is simply due to loyalty and care. Your Aquarian sibling is a proud weirdo, Taurus, and though you don’t always approve, you do love their strange ways! They will also love how stable and reliable you are, even if that drives them wild at times.
Taurus and Aquarius Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Taurus human and an Aquarius pet get along? Aquarius pets are the strangest in the zodiac! They will want to eat weird things, do outlandish activities, and will have some habits that make you question whether they are from planet Earth! An Aquarian pet is also highly independent, and really doesn’t need you. If they choose to like you, they’ll be your best friend; but if you’re not up to their tastes, they might simply ignore you. They’re not cuddly animals, either, and they’ll likely wriggle away if you focus all of your Taurean affection on them. Give them space, and they’ll always be all yours. Despite their resistance, they’ll come to love the calm, regular routine that you provide for them, making them feel very safe and contained.
Taurus and Pisces Compatibility
Taurus and Aries Compatibility
Taurus and Taurus Compatibility
Taurus and Gemini Compatibility
Taurus and Cancer Compatibility
Taurus and Virgo Compatibility
Taurus and Libra Compatibility
Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility
Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility
Taurus and Capricorn Compatibility
Taurus and Aquarius Compatibility