When any planet turns retrograde, its influence turns inwards into our depth psychology, away from the outer world. For Jupiter, the planet of joy, abundance, and exuberance, that means discovering ways in which we can use joy to better ourselves - or conversely, to understand how over-exuberance may have hindered us on our journey.
Jupiter turns retrograde in Aries on July 28th, 2022, and will journey backward through Aries until October 28th, when it crosses back into Pisces, before finally turning direct again in Pisces on November 23rd.
Because Jupiter takes 12 years to travel through the zodiac, the last time Jupiter was retrograde in Aries was in 2010. To understand what to expect this time around, think back to the events of your life that summer. The same themes will likely reoccur for you now in an updated fashion.
When Jupiter retrogrades, its inherent wisdom turns inwards into the depths of the sign it transits. Because Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, it tells us a lot about our identity - and Jupiter’s retrograde through Aries will teach us to better understand who we really are.
During Jupiter’s retrograde transit, Aries energy - and its will to fight and to conquer - are under the spotlight. Are you fighting yourself? Are you self-sabotaging your own best interests? Are you your own worst enemy?
Aries energy likes to be the brave knight in shining armor - but what if what you really need protecting from is your own emotional recklessness? Alternatively, what if you do need to defend yourself against others, but you’re not stepping up and doing that because you’re too fearful?
Aries energy is also about leadership, and when Jupiter is retrograde in Aries, it’s reasonable to reflect on how and why you might be leading others. Are you leading people for your own self-glory, or do you truly have a vision for the good of all? Or perhaps you’re shunning your own leadership abilities, preferring to stay safe in the background when you should be stepping into your destiny as a way-shower? Expect to grapple with these huge questions while Jupiter is retrograde in Aries.
On a geopolitical level, this immense energy will also make itself felt. Here, the world will need to do some soul searching about the nature of aggression versus self-defense. With far too much global misery on our screens every day, populations worldwide are becoming more acutely aware of how their political leaders sometimes misuse their trust. Jupiter retrograde is a thinking period, not an active period. Still, once the retrograde is over, new realizations may present themselves, and world leaders may need to answer to their people.
Jupiter’s strong association with truth and justice, combined with Aries’ aggression and determination to win, means that propaganda of all kinds may also come under scrutiny during this period. In a world of deep fakes, it can be hard to tell truth from lies, but there’s a collective sense during this retrograde that we really must try harder.
How Does Jupiter Retrograde in Aries Affect Each Zodiac Sign?
Aries Sun Sign (Aries Dates: March 20 – April 19) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
You may feel that your luck has come to a halt during this Jupiter retrograde, Aries. It hasn’t. You make your own luck. What may have come to a stop is your overriding self-confidence, however. That has helped you manifest success in many ways, but you are being asked to show more humility during this transit. Work on allowing others to take the spotlight. You’ll soon find that your ‘luck’ returns once your arrogance decreases.
Taurus Sun Sign (Taurus Dates: April 20 – May 20) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
Your identity as a spiritual being is challenged during this Jupiter retrograde, Taurus. You may feel fearful of the paranormal or the unknown, or you may think you will be ridiculed if you reveal your interest in these matters. The cosmos is showing you that it’s OK - necessary, even - to embrace the unknown in order to step into your authentic identity.
Gemini Sun Sign (Gemini Dates: May 21 – June 20) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
You’re a very sociable being, but you’re being asked to think about how genuine some of your friendships are during this Jupiter retrograde. You can be quite superficial at times - are your friendships a reflection of that? What can you do to find your own true tribe, where you can be yourself and where you value others simply for who they are?
Cancer Sun Sign (Cancer Dates: June 21 – July 21) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
During this Jupiter retrograde, you’ll want to consider your career as it reflects upon your identity. Whether or not you love what you do, and whether or not you’re particularly proud of it, you’re being asked to understand that your working life is not who you truly are. It’s a part of your self-expression, but it’s not your core identity. Understanding this makes it easier for you to enjoy the great times at work while minimizing the bad.
Leo Sun Sign (Leo Dates: July 22 – August 21) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
This Jupiter retrograde asks you if you’re genuinely content within your self-imposed boundaries, Leo. You have set many limitations on yourself, although you may fool yourself by saying that others have imposed them. In truth, your own fears may be holding you back from the adventures which could be yours. Are you brave enough to break down those barriers?
Virgo Sun Sign (Virgo Dates: August 22 – September 21) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
You may think you owe an emotional debt to someone, Virgo, but this Jupiter retrograde period wants you to break free from thinking that this binds you to them forever. You do indeed owe something, and you should repay it, but this does not govern your life. Reflect on the freedom you think you have lost and understand that it is still there - it is yours for the taking, once you realize that you are under obligation to nobody.
Libra Sun Sign (Libra Dates: September 22 – October 22) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
With Jupiter retrograde activating the love zone of your natal birth chart, Libra, you’re right in thinking that this is about your love life. More particularly, it’s about your own sense of identity as part of a couple. If you’re single, it’s about your acceptance, or otherwise, of that. Work on ways to be comfortable in your own skin and your own space while loving someone else.
Scorpio Sun Sign (Scorpio Dates: October 23 – November 21) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
Limits on your time are the key theme for this Jupiter retrograde, Scorpio. You have so many responsibilities, but you don’t always know the difference between important and urgent. So you end up wasting time on the wrong things. This transit teaches you to go within and see what matters more in the core of your heart. Spend time on that, and only that, until you feel ready to move on.
Sagittarius Sun Sign (Sagittarius Dates: November 22 – December 20) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
Your reckless nature can be your own worst enemy at times, Sagittarius, and that is what this Jupiter retrograde period wants you to consider. Jupiter is your ruling planet, so this is a particularly thoughtful time for you. Work out ways to keep your wonderful sense of spontaneity and joy without putting yourself and others at risk.
Capricorn Sun Sign (Capricorn Dates: December 21 – January 18) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
You are you, Capricorn. You are not your parents, your siblings, or your extended family. What other people think of you is irrelevant, and this Jupiter retrograde period wants you to come to terms with the fact that family disapproval of you means nothing. It’s not your problem. Work on loosening your desire to have others like you. Most people do. Those that don’t, don’t matter.
Aquarius Sun Sign (Aquarius Dates: January 19 – February 17) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
Sometimes, your lofty ideas hold you back from practical action, Aquarius. During this Jupiter retrograde period, you’re asked to think about… well, thinking. Do you spend too much time lost in thought and not enough time pursuing your goals? Probably. Tone down your love of the abstract and grand philosophy. Focus instead on the here and now and what you can do today, this minute, to become happier.
Pisces Sun Sign (Pisces Dates: February 18 – March 19) During Jupiter Retrograde in Aries
This Jupiter retrograde activates the money zone of your natal birth chart, Pisces. It’s here to teach you that abundance comes from within. It’s not about how much money you have or how much money you’d like. It’s about the things you cannot buy at any price and how you can attract those things to you by simply living with joy in the present moment. This is a wonderful time to start a gratitude journal, which will teach you a lot.