Scorpio and Cancer Compatibility (Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21; Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
Do Scorpio and Cancer make a good match? This is one of those relationships that the stories are written about – with all the related ups and downs. You’re so similar, so you’re either going to get along like peanut butter and jelly, or you're going to annoy the living daylights out of each other. Probably a little of both.
If you look at your symbols of each of your zodiac signs, you’ll see why this is the case. You, Scorpio, are of course the Scorpion, making you prickly sharp, defensive and with a tail that does really sting. However, peel away the hard skeleton and you’ll find a soft, soft underbelly.
The same goes for your Cancer sweetheart. Hard on the outside, pincers that hurt, but inside, as soft as a marshmallow. The thing is, Scorpio, both of you have to break through your defenses to get there, and that can take work. You’re both so scared of being hurt (again), that you may use your very best stinger/pincer attack strategies to avoid pain.
Let go, Scorpio. Cancer is unlikely to be the one to break your heart, and vice versa. In fact, it’s the opposite. This is the one who could potentially heal your heart, in all honesty. They could love you back to life, and you could do the same for them. Because once you drop all those guards, you’ll find a world of connection to each other. A deep, powerful emotional bond that is unbreakable!
The two of you will often be able to communicate without words, which is what makes your relationship so very special. You’re two of a kind, and your ability to tune into each other is something quite psychic, really.
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Scorpio and Cancer Dating Compatibility:
Are Scorpio and Cancer Soulmates? Absolutely, without a doubt. You both know it, deep down inside. Your souls are made of the same stuff, that is to say, water. You are water signs of the zodiac, and water signs together are often soulmates. You feel that powerful bond long before you speak about it, and it can be overwhelming, this connection.
You’ll probably try and play your usual games, Scorpio, games that test and prod the Cancer to see if they are really “it”. However be careful not to push them away, Scorpio. Cancer doesn’t take kindly to any perceived manipulation or tests of their feelings. Plus, this doesn’t foster vulnerability.
Once you do eventually melt into each other, you will find that your dating phase is something very special. Terrifying, because of all the strong feelings, but deeply magnetic and compelling. You won’t mind spending hours on the couch wrapped up in each other’s arms, gazing into each other’s eyes. It’s so much better than being out in the overwhelming world, isn’t it, Scorpio?
Scorpio and Cancer Marriage Compatibility:
Can Scorpio and Cancer marry? It would be surprising if you didn’t get hitched or commit in some way, Scorpio. The two of you seem to know, somehow, that you want to spend the rest of your lives together, so it seems like the natural next step to make it official.
Whatever you do – marry or not – you’ll still find a way of sealing your souls together. You understand that it’s rare to find someone who “gets” you as well as the empathetic and caring Cancer does. They soften you, Scorpio. They help you get ever your fears of betrayal and abandonment, and they seldom – if ever – give you reason to doubt them.
This is not a sign, Scorpio, that they will be unfaithful to you. They just want to make a home and babies with you, cuddle you, and tell you about their feelings. You’ll respond in like, offering your protection, loyalty and devotion.
Will you have problems? Of course you will. People as emotionally bound as you know all each other’s softest spots. This means that you can really, really hurt each other. When moody (which is often, for both of you), you can go on the attack. Fights can get very bloody when you have your claws out, so do try and be nice, Scorpio.
The best thing to do when you’re upset is to withdraw into your shells, get some space, and then emerge, refreshed and renewed. Make this a ritual for self-love, Scorpio.
Scorpio and Cancer Compatibility in Bed:
Are Scorpio and Cancer sexually compatible? Things are very, very steamy between the two of you, Scorpio! You’re not known as the sexual sign of the zodiac for nothing, and your Cancer lover will certainly be swept up in that passion!
Like with everything else, you two are intuitive lovers, and you seem to know what each other wants even when you don’t say a single word. This makes for a very satisfying sexual connection, one that just keeps on giving. You often are the one, Scorpio, that brings the more primal side of things, whereas your Cancer sweetheart brings in the emotions, the feelings and the affection.
One important thing to remember for the both of you is that without an emotional connection, you can’t jump into bed – if there’s something unsettled, if you're moody, then you could get very spiky and prickly, and not be at all interested in sex.
When Scorpio and Cancer Relationship Breaks up:
How does Scorpio and Cancer move on after a breakup? This can be a tough one for both of you. you both don’t really know how to let go, and that can have a very difficult impact on your breakup. Constantly getting back together may be one thing you do, or, at worst, you could continually hurt each other, because you are so hurt.
However being water signs, you do, eventually, forgive to a certain degree. You often do remember the love that existed between you – especially your Cancer, who never forgets the past. When you do, you move past the pain and hurt and move into a space of respect.
Business Compatibility:
Scorpio and Cancer Compatibility in Business:
Does Scorpio and Cancer have compatibility when it comes to work? Like with every other relationship, astrology suggests the two of you do have professional compatibility. Cancer is not usually as ambitious as you are, Scorpio, and they aren’t interested in stealing your place in the limelight.
What you can have going for you is the fact that you’re both every emotionally-driven people, so when you are having an off day, you get it. Sure the Cancer can be a little moodier than you, Scorpio, but they always make you feel looked after and nurtured, so you’re willing to put up with it.
Friendship Compatibility:
Scorpio and Cancer Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Scorpio and Cancer good friends? You’re very close friends, that’s for sure! You have a powerful emotional bond that goes deeper than most other friendships. You understand each other without knowing exactly how or why, and you always know how to bare your soul to each other.
You’ll have your moments of misunderstanding too – or, at least, stepping on each other’s feelings. But that’s only if you are hurt and being passive-aggressive, so try and be open with each other, at all times, Scorpio. Never ever hold onto a grudge.
Family Compatibility:
Scorpio Parent and Cancer Child Compatibility:
Are Scorpio and Cancer compatible when it comes to family? Did you know that Cancer is one of the family zodiac signs, Scorpio? They are the eternal motherers, always looking out for you and making sure you have plenty to eat and a nice, warm bed to cuddle in. They are affectionate, nurturing and empathetic, understanding your deepest emotions. The two of you may have a very deep, close friendship indeed!
Your Cancer child is needy, Scorpio, but that’s okay – you don’t draw away. You are fiercely protective of them and would die for them, no questions asked. You get their feelings, and they may feel you are the only one who really understands their heart. Yes, you can hurt each other, like any other family member. But not too often.
Scorpio and Cancer Sibling Compatibility:
How do Scorpio and Cancer siblings match up in the family environment? You’ll be as thick as thieves at times, and mortal enemies the next. Being both such emotional beings, you are easily triggered and you know how to push each other’s most sensitive buttons.
However, as soon as you get a bit of space from each other – like when you leave home – you’ll find that you are the best of friends, always looking to each other when there is a crisis. You really are family, in every sense of the word.
Scorpio and Cancer Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Scorpio human and a Cancer pet get along? Cancer pets are wonderful, Scorpio. They are caring empathetic, intuitive and understanding. They know what you need when you need it. These pets are always around you, loving their cuddles. Their home is their safe space, so be sure to keep home a place of calm, Scorpio. These pets are easily affected by bad vibes.
They tend to love water, like you, so taking them for a walk near water or having a fish tank or fountain soothes these powerful feelings. These pets do have moods, so you’re not crazy for thinking it, Scorpio. Luckily, you’re a sensitive soul, too, and know just how to calm your Cancer pet.
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Scorpio and Cancer Compatibility