Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility (Capricorn dates: December 21 - January 19; Scorpio dates: October 23 - November 21)
Do Capricorn and Scorpio make a good match? You are, truthfully, one of the very best matches in astrology! They say that signs in the same element are the most compatible, but in your cases, it’s a little different. Your earthiness, Capricorn matches the powerful watery energies of Scorpio perfectly. Both of you prize loyalty as your number-one quality in a mate, and loyalty is what you get from each other. Until death literally do you part!
What you’ll adore about your Scorpio sweetheart, Capricorn, is their strengths and softness, together. Scorpio is not a weak sign, and they can be just as ambitious as you are, sometimes even more so! You love how you can work side by side, creating waves in the world, reaching higher and higher!
As a water sign, you’ll also find that your Scorpio lover is quite mushy on the inside, and they soften you up too. However, unlike other water signs, Scorpio is not going to push you too hard to open up your defenses and let your walls down. They know it takes time, and trust, to allow someone all the way in.
You’ll feel rather lucky to have found each other, and there’s an innate understanding in this relationship. However, your one issue here may be control. You’re both the types of people to take charge and lead, what with you being a natural authority, Capricorn, and Scorpio being co-ruled by Mars and Pluto, planets of leadership.
It’s important that you figure out a way to share the power, lest you get stuck in needless struggles of dominance – keep that in mind, Capricorn!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Capricorn and Scorpio Dating Compatibility:
Are Capricorn and Scorpio Soulmates? In short – yes. But neither of you will admit that very quickly, will you? Both of you are the type of people that can be no-nonsense and quite fearful of letting the other know how you really, really feel – at least in the dating phase! It takes time for the two of you to really warm up, so take your time, Capricorn.
However, do be aware that when wooing your Scorpio, you’ll need to be reliable and consistent, unless you want to see their worst side. Scorpio’s who feel threatened or insecure can play toxic games, where they “test” you to see if you’re really into them. And those games can get exhausting.
However, if you let them know you’re there, and not taking any of their nonsense, they’ll respect you enormously and fall into place of trust and deep intimacy. They’ll pry all your secrets out, Capricorn, and somehow get under your skin, despite your very best defenses. They sense your vulnerability because they have the same softness.
Your dates themselves are classy and sexy, and you may even compete a little to see who can woo harder! Scorpio is the sexy sign of the zodiac, Capricorn, and you can’t help but be drawn in by their magnetic nature. They make you feel desired in all kinds of ways!
Capricorn and Scorpio Marriage Compatibility:
Can Capricorn and Scorpio marry? You should! You were made for each other, you know. Both of you really value commitment and aren’t afraid to take the next step, once you fully trust in each other.
Capricorn, as an earth sign, you love the feeling of security that marriage can offer you. You also understand the rules of engagement, and will always try and do “right” by your Scorpio spouse. You take your marriage duties very seriously indeed, sometimes even a bit too seriously, so remember to lighten up!
Your Scorpio love will also do their best by you. This is an all or nothing sign, which means that they give everything of themselves, once they give. They really do take their vows in, especially the part that says “until death do you part” (or in their case, if you cheat on them, which is like signing your own death warrant, Capricorn!).
You’ll make quite a formidable team, and may even go into business together. You both understand the importance of work, and the desire to succeed in the world. Your Scorpio mate is unlikely to harass you when you work overtime, Capricorn, which you do a lot. They are supportive, yet they will require all of your presence when you are with them.
Your loyalty to each other really is the glue that keeps your marriage strong, and come what may, you are the type of couple to face any storm as a strong partnership! In fact, you may even welcome the challenges and see them as fun and exciting, knowing you have an incredible and reliable teammate always at your side!
Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility in Bed:
Are Capricorn and Scorpio sexually compatible? Are you ever! The two of you in bed are hot, hot, hot! There’s a reason why it’s said that Scorpio is the most passionate sign of the zodiac, Capricorn – you’ll see why! Scorpio loves sex and is naturally, magnetically sexy and gorgeous. Plus, there really are no holds barred with this sign – everything is okay, and nothing is taboo.
This unlocks your own passion, Capricorn. You are also a sign that’s extremely sensual and wild, and you love the sweaty, crazy, animal side of sexuality. You have a side to you that is quite surprising, maybe even to yourself, and all you needed was the right partner to come along! Luckily for you, you should never experience a lull or boredom in the bedroom!
When Capricorn and Scorpio Relationship Breaks up:
How does Capricorn and Scorpio move on after a breakup? This one is tricky. If you ever do break up, that is. If you do, it can be messy, simply due to the fact that you both hate that feeling of rejection and vulnerability. Of feeling not good enough. This can bring out your uglier sides – which you both wouldn’t want to wish on your worst enemy!
Scorpio tends to either pretend you’re dead and never existed, or, they try and wreak revenge on you. it’s all or nothing, as always, with this sign. You, on the other hand, Capricorn, can also withdraw and go cold, triggering the Scorpio. When you’re done, you're done – and that can hurt terribly.
Business Compatibility:
Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility in Business:
Is there Scorpio and Capricorn compatibility when it comes to work? Oh, yes! You will – even grudgingly – admire and respect each other! You know that your Scorpio colleague is brilliant, and a hard worker, yet you may have some competition, too. If you are in charge of each other in some way, that spells disaster as you both prefer to lead. Scorpio is also very stubborn, which you’ll come to learn, Capricorn! It’s best that you have your own departments, where you can enjoy each other’s ambition and drive!
Friendship Compatibility:
Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Capricorn and Scorpio good friends? The best. Your loyalty to each other is the stuff of legends, and you always, always have each other’s back, no matter what happens! You admire each other, push each other and have a deep bond that can last the test of time. You are likely one of the few people who really “know” each other’s deepest secrets, which you can always be relied on to keep!
As long as romantic partners don’t come between you – or work – you have a friendship that is made of solid gold! Treasure it!
Family Compatibility:
Capricorn Parent and Scorpio Child Compatibility:
Is there Scorpio and Capricorn compatibility when it comes to family? Scorpio parents are wonderful, Capricorn. Sure, they have a mean temper that no one likes very much, but at the end of the day, they always put you first. Your biggest clashes can happen when you grow up and want to control your own life, and they still want to control you, too.
A Scorpio child has many secrets, and you’ll never learn all of them, Capricorn, so don’t try. Instead, shower them with love – they need it – and help them to temper their controlling natures. Teach them to trust, and let their naturally loving side shine through. And never ever try and control them!
Capricorn and Scorpio Sibling Compatibility:
How do Capricorn and Scorpio siblings match up in the family environment? You will compete, that’s for sure! It’s tough to say who’s the boss in this relationship because you’re both very bossy! You tend to be the older bilging whatever your age is, Capricorn, but your Scorpio brother or sister won’t be told what to do.
Luckily, this competition does tend to grow into a very strong bond as you grow up in life. You may even become the best of friends!
Capricorn and Scorpio Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Capricorn human and a Scorpio pet get along? Scorpio pets will always give you their undying loyalty, Capricorn! They will love you until death, to death! They tend to be quite good under your leadership, though there is a very stubborn streak to this animal, too! You can’t push your bossiness too far, Capricorn! There is also a very protective and even dominating side to the Scorpio pet, which may have to be trained a little, lest they become overzealous in their protectiveness!
Capricorn and Sagittarius Compatibility
Capricorn and Capricorn Compatibility
Capricorn and Aquarius Compatibility
Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility
Capricorn and Aries Compatibility
Capricorn and Taurus Compatibility
Capricorn and Gemini Compatibility
Capricorn and Cancer Compatibility
Capricorn and Leo Compatibility
Capricorn and Virgo Compatibility
Capricorn and Libra Compatibility
Capricorn and Scorpio Compatibility