Since September 27th, 2021, Mercury has been retrograde in Libra.
In astrology, once Mercury turns direct in Libra and starts to move forwards again, all of the Sun signs will experience a subtle shift in Mercury’s energy and a corresponding shift in their thought processes and patterns.
While Mercury was retrograde in Libra, our key focus was on finding internal balance and harmony—learning from where that harmony was missing and figuring out how to do things differently next time.
The astrologically natural idealism of Mercury in Libra was directed inwards towards our own psyches, rather than outwards into the world.
Now though, it’s time to turn our gaze away from ourselves and back out into the wider world. Mercury in Libra seeks balance, whether direct or retrograde, but it’s now the balance in the wider world which concerns us.
Most of us will enter this period reasonably confident that we’ve learned something about ourselves over the last couple of weeks during Mercury retrograde. We’ve changed – now, how can we change the world?
Each sign, in its own way, will now be thinking idealistically, in a big picture, whole-society manner.
The downside of this is that Mercury in Libra can be rather unrealistic. The grand ideas this transit brings will come to nothing without grounded, practical action—but this energy thrives on concepts, abstracts, initiatives and ideals.
Practical, it isn’t. With Mercury turning direct in Libra, our challenge is to double-check that fine words match with fine deeds.
Part of this challenge can be met if we make ourselves accountable. For each lofty goal you have when Mercury turns direct, set yourself a tangible target and a date by which you hope to have achieved it.
Don’t just dream: create an action plan to underpin your dreams.
We can all use the rationalism Libra brings to our advantage here. Although idealistic, the Mercury in Libra transit is not foolish or blind to reality.
There’s a golden opportunity here to blend idealism with a true sense of what’s possible.
Horoscopes: How Does Mercury Direct in Libra Affect Each Zodiac Sign?
In astrology, each of the Sun signs will handle Mercury turning direct in Libra slightly differently, just as they did with Mercury retrograde.
This is very subtle energy, and unless either Libra or Mercury is prominent in your natal chart, it’s easily missed or easily confused with other astrological influences.
Aries Zodiac Sign (Aries Dates: March 20 – April 19) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
You’ve been doing a bit of a love audit over the last few weeks of Mercury retrograde, understanding how your own behavior has led to your current relationship situation.
Enough navel gazing now, Aries – it’s time to turn your face back out to the world. Resume dating if you’re single or start looking at your existing relationship with optimism and hope. You’ve got this.
Taurus Zodiac Sign (Taurus Dates: April 20 – May 20) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
If you’ve been taking a serious look at your health over the last few weeks of Mercury retrograde, Taurus, now is the time to take action to improve matters.
Sign up for a new kind of exercise you’ll love – something graceful and artistic, perhaps, like dance, swimming or tai chi. Look into a healthy eating regime which doesn’t deny you your favorite foods. Find positive, optimistic ways of improving your well-being.
Gemini Zodiac Sign (Gemini Dates: May 21 – June 20) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
Creative blocks should start to melt away now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, Gemini. Get back to your favorite artistic hobbies such as writing or painting and explore ways in which you can let your emotions shine through.
Your ideas are strong, but you’re not sharing them with enough people. Think about teaching or mentoring, even informally, in a creative subject.
Cancer Zodiac Sign (Cancer Dates: June 21 – July 21) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
Be inspired when it comes to your family life, Cancer. Stir things up and shake things around if that’s what it takes to make your family life happier or more robust.
It’s a good time to decorate your home or to create a sanctuary space. Don’t just think about it or dream about it – get started on it now.
Leo Zodiac Sign (Leo Dates: July 22 – August 22) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
You’re emerging from a difficult few weeks during the retrograde cycle and shadow phase when you may have felt quite lonely and isolated, or plagued by negative thoughts.
Mercury turning direct is like the Sun coming out again, Leo, so enjoy this refreshing feeling for all it’s worth. This is a very good time to start meeting new friends or showcasing your growing confidence.
Virgo Zodiac Sign (Virgo Dates: August 23 – September 22) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
Money worries start to ease as Mercury turns direct in your finance zone, Virgo. You should find it easier than ever now to increase your income or to set up a creative or hobby-based side hustle.
The key is to take what you love and look at ways to create income from that – don’t do something you hate just because you think it will make you rich.
Libra Zodiac Sign (Libra Dates: September 23 – October 22) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
Your self-confidence may have taken a battering during the Mercury retrograde period, Libra, but now you’re emerging stronger than before.
Take some risks now and show off to the world how far you’ve come. Do whatever makes you feel vibrant and alive – above all, have some fun and let the sunlight back into your life.
Scorpio Zodiac Sign (Scorpio Dates: October 23 – November 21) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
You probably feel as though you’ve been a bit out of it for the last couple of weeks, Scorpio, particularly when Mercury was retrograde in your spiritual zone.
Re-joining the real world may seem like a challenge now, so don’t be surprised if you feel like hunkering down and hiding. Get back out there gently, gradually, slowly. Don’t force it.
Sagittarius Zodiac Sign (Sagittarius Dates: November 22 – December 20) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
During Mercury retrograde, you may have had to lose some friendships or leave some social groups, for your own good. That was tough, Sagittarius.
Now that Mercury has turned direct again, use your joie-de-vivre and your sense of fun to reach out to others and create new connections. Join new groups, make new friends, find new people to debate with.
Capricorn Zodiac Sign (Capricorn Dates: December 21 – January 19) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
Start to think strategically now about your career direction, Capricorn. You have ideals about where you would like to head, but you’ve always felt that the time isn’t right. Ask yourself: if not now, when?
Strip away the excuses and take concrete action now to head towards your long-term goals, faster and more positively than ever before.
Aquarius Zodiac Sign (Aquarius Dates: January 20 – February 17) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
Your challenge now is to put your famous idealism into practice, Aquarius. You’ve spent the last few weeks of Mercury retrograde with a grand vision, but little idea of how to manifest it.
Work with others now, post-retrograde. Reach out to those who share a common goal and work together to bring it into reality.
Pisces Zodiac Sign (Pisces Dates: February 18 – March 19) When Mercury Turns Direct in Libra
With Mercury now turning direct, you can rid yourself of the feelings of guilt, shame or betrayal that came with Mercury retrograde.
Whatever trauma you have faced in the past, Pisces, there’s a feeling of freedom heading your way now. Use the inspirational, rational power of Mercury in Libra to shine a light where it’s needed most, and that includes on your own unfounded fears and worries.
*Note: The exact date and time Mercury turns direct in Scorpio will differ depending on your timezone. This planet update was published the day before Mercury turned direct in Scorpio in Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the year 2020, which is November, 2020 @ 17:50.