All Full Moons represent the end of a stage or cycle; with the Sagittarius Full Moon at 20 degrees on June 11th, 2025, it’s the end or culmination of one stage of your life’s quest.
You may not be fully aware of what that quest even is, but there’s a sense here that part of your journey has been successfully completed, and this lunation prepares you for the next stage.
Emotionally, the Sagittarius Full Moon burns bright with exuberance and excitement - this is a Fire sign, after all. There’s a fair amount of recklessness under this Full Moon, as we feel empowered and encouraged to push things sometimes just that little bit too far.
The freedom to push too far - and the wisdom to accept the consequences - are key elements in Sagittarius energy of all kinds.
When the Full Moon shines from the Centaur, however, we may not fully understand the emotional impact of what we’re so keen on doing.
However, Sagittarius energy is nothing if not exuberant and enthusiastic, so under this Full Moon, we tend to plunge headlong into freedom and adventures, with scant thought for where we might end up.
This boisterousness prepares and enthuses us for the next stage of the quest. Sagittarius is all about seeking truth, and however this manifests in your life in this incarnation, you can expect some shifts in your philosophy around the time of the Full Moon.
You may be uncovering new truths; you may be coming to terms with old truths. You may be figuring out how to tell truth from lies, or you may even be twisting the truth or trying to create your own new version of it.
What you believe is also ruled by Sagittarius energy, and under a Sagittarius Full Moon, we can make ourselves believe all kinds of things for all kinds of purposes.
Fundamentally, however, this lunar energy is bright, cheerful, energetic, and forward-thinking. Sagittarius is concerned with the big picture and the long-term view, so this is not a time that favors very detailed thinking or intricate planning. Instead, it’s a time to seize the initiative and get things moving.
Full Moons are also an opportunity for us to deal with challenges from our shadow selves. The shadow side of Sagittarius manifests when we are self-absorbed, too preoccupied with our own adventures to care much about anyone else’s.
The Sagittarius Full Moon is an excellent time to reflect on occasions when you have been too blunt or tactless, immune to how your words or deeds may affect others.
You might also want to think about how your recklessness or urge for change has affected those in your life who would have preferred a more stable existence.
Once you have understood these issues, use the sheer joy and exuberance of Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius to move forward with fire in your heart and warmth in your embrace.
The future is always bright when Sagittarius is involved, so allow this Full Moon’s optimism to draw you in.
How Does the Sagittarius Full Moon Affect Each Zodiac Sign?
Each Sun sign will experience the Sagittarius Full Moon slightly differently, but all zodiac signs will be seeking truth or wisdom in a particular area of their life.
Aries Sun Sign (Aries Dates: March 20 – April 19) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
This Full Moon opens your mind, Aries, and stops you from thinking in quite such a dogmatic manner. You’ll be able to see all sides of every story for once, which could be very illuminating for you. Don’t worry if you feel like changing your mind. That’s a sign of strength, not of weakness. You may be learning things now that help you see the world very differently. It’s all part of the process. Embrace your new knowledge and see where it takes you.
Taurus Sun Sign (Taurus Dates: April 20 – May 20) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
Your most intimate relationship is very blessed by this Full Moon, Taurus. Its fiery, passionate, free-wheeling energy can liberate you from shyness or inhibition - if you want it to. However, passion can quickly become fury when the Moon is at its fullest, so take care that your relationship doesn’t become too hot to handle. With this Full Moon, it’s about finding a balance between heat and calm.
Gemini Sun Sign (Gemini Dates: May 21 – June 20) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
This Full Moon activates your relationship zone, Gemini, and it’s an excellent time to bring more spontaneity and fun into your love life. Take a walk on the wild side - you won’t regret it! However, watch out for a desire to leave your responsibilities behind. Everyday life may be too dull and tedious for your liking, but this Full Moon reminds you of the joy in ‘normal,’ just as it ignites your desire for ‘different.’ Get the best of both worlds while you can.
Cancer Sun Sign (Cancer Dates: June 21 – July 21) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
Your wellbeing is in the spotlight during this Full Moon - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It’s time to take care of the neglected areas of your health. Look into alternative therapies or start up healthful habits you’ll be able to keep. You’re probably making significant progress at work and with your responsibilities, but is it coming at a cost to your health? Make sure that’s not the case by prioritizing sleep, good food, exercise, and emotional security.
Leo Sun Sign (Leo Dates: July 22 – August 21) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
This Full Moon fires up your creativity to the max, Leo. It’s Fire energy, which feels perfect for you as you love to put on a show. Take care that any drama you create is of the good kind, though. The reckless edge to this Full Moon can prompt you to act very out of character at times, and you may feel less obliged to be kind or considerate to others. Nevertheless, this is a brilliant time for love, art, fun, and joy.
Virgo Sun Sign (Virgo Dates: August 22 – September 21) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
The Full Moon in your family zone brings completion or closure to a complicated family issue, Virgo. You can breathe a sigh of relief and put this one to bed. However, the Full Moon asks you to learn lessons from this. Look at the truth of how your family problem arose - especially if that truth is painful or difficult. You are growing through this Full Moon, but not all lessons are easy to absorb.
Libra Sun Sign (Libra Dates: September 22 – October 22) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
A clear head is this Full Moon’s greatest gift to you, Libra. It maximizes your impact in sales or business, and you can see the big picture with ease now. Inspired to share your vision with others, you’ll come across as a leader and energizer. However, you must be careful not to become too fixed on your version of the truth. Are you sure you’re entirely correct? Make allowances for other points of view and avoid shutting down alternative thoughts.
Scorpio Sun Sign (Scorpio Dates: October 23 – November 21) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
This Full Moon encourages change in how you view your finances and resources, Scorpio. You’ll want to take a long-term view of your financial security, but you’ll also start to understand that how much you have doesn’t really matter. At least, nowhere near as much as you thought it did. You’re discovering riches of the non-material kind, and the Full Moon shows you that some precious things simply cannot be bought.
Sagittarius Sun Sign (Sagittarius Dates: November 22 – December 20) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
The Sagittarius Full Moon gives you permission to be fully you - fully yourself, fully authentic, fully natural. This includes all the bits of you that other people don’t like, don’t approve of, or simply don’t get. Be proud of who you are - but you must also embrace your shadow side and learn how to manifest the best that you can be. This would be a brilliant time for shadow journaling or working on difficult past memories.
Capricorn Sun Sign (Capricorn Dates: December 21 – January 18) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
With this Full Moon activating the spiritual zone of your natal birth chart, your quest lies firmly in the spiritual realms. You’re a very down-to-earth, no-nonsense zodiac sign, Capricorn, but this Full Moon asks you to look a little deeper and embrace the things we cannot yet know or understand. Don’t be afraid of your spiritual gifts. Explore them, play with them, and use them for your own good and the good of others. You are much more gifted than you know.
Aquarius Sun Sign (Aquarius Dates: January 19 – February 17) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
Social connection is high on your agenda during this Full Moon, Aquarius. You are a humanitarian at heart, and now you feel an urgent need to reach out to others, especially those who might need your help. It’s important to avoid using others to make yourself feel good, so don’t fall into a savior complex - but you do have a lot to offer, so volunteering your time or your skills right now will be a win-win for you and others.
Pisces Sun Sign (Pisces Dates: February 18 – March 19) During the Full Moon in Sagittarius
This Full Moon activates your career zone, Pisces, filling you with enthusiasm, passion, and confidence for what lies ahead. It’s an exciting lunation, but with this high level of excitement comes a warning - don’t act too impulsively. Being caught up in the moment is intoxicating and wonderful, but when it comes to decisions that will affect your life for years to come, you need to keep your feet firmly on the ground.