Which Astrology Report is Right for You?
An astrology report is a fast, affordable way to experience the magic of astrology as it applies to your own birth chart and your own life. Written by expert astrologers, an astrology report is a fantastic tool for decision making or personal growth; it’s also the ideal gift for someone you love.
But with so many different kinds of astrology reports available, how do you know which one is right for you?
What Is an Astrology Report?
Basically, an astrology report is an in-depth look at your birth chart – the astrological map of the heavens on the date of your birth.
You may be familiar with your Sun sign, and wondering why, since one twelfth of the world shares the same Sun sign as you, your birth chart is anything unique? That’s because there’s so much more to astrology than Sun signs! Every planet and every sign is represented somewhere in your birth chart, in complex relationships which must be untangled and interpreted by a skilled astrologer. Even twins born moments apart have subtly different birth charts – but an astrologer can tease out the differences between very similar charts to reveal the unique individuality of each of us.
In a typical astrology report, your astrologer will identify and analyze the location of each of the planets, looking at the zodiac sign each planet is in and the relationships and angles it forms to all of the other planets in turn. It’s not just planets either – some major astrological features like Moon’s Nodes are not physical bodies at all, but symbolic points in the heavens. These points in the chart will be analyzed too, and the results put into plain English for you to enjoy.
What Is the Best Type of Astrology Report?
All astrology reports stem from an understanding of your birth chart, but that knowledge can then be applied in different ways, depending what kind of guidance you are looking for.
Astrology interpretation can be useful in many areas of life, but here’s a guide to some of the most popular types of astrology reports:
Natal Chart Report/Birth Chart Report
Sometimes called a Personality Profile, this report is an overall analysis of your birth chart, which is also known as your natal chart. Typically, this kind of astrology report will work through the planets and astrological points in turn, explaining how each affects your personality traits and showing where your astrological strengths and weaknesses lie.
Natal chart reports often have sections for different areas of your life such as home and family, love, career and money. In each section, the most relevant parts of your birth chart will be explained, and you’ll receive advice on how astrology affects those areas of your life.
A natal chart or birth chart report is a good first choice if you’ve never had an astrology reading before. To get a natal chart report, you’ll need your date of birth.
Synastry Report/Love Report/Compatibility Report
Synastry is the branch of astrology which looks at astrological compatibility between two or more people – often love compatibility, but also friendships, family relationships and business partnerships too.
In a love synastry report or an astrology compatibility report, you will need to provide the birth date of both people.
Your astrologer will look at each chart to see how each individual behaves in love – their needs, wants and how they relate to others. One of the two birth charts is then superimposed onto the second. This gives a visual representation of the astrological relationship and enables the astrologer to see the interplay and relationships between the charts. For example, it will be important to see if partner A’s planets make any significant aspects to any of partner B’s planets. We also need to know where partner A’s Venus (for example) falls in partner B’s birth chart, and vice versa.
This complex interpretation is then synthesized into an analytical astrology report which will clearly highlight the strengths and challenges in your relationship, so that you can see what you might need to work on together.
A synastry or relationship compatibility report is a good astrology reading to choose if you’re curious about your relationship; it’s also a fantastic gift for a wedding or an engagement.
Forecast Report/Transits and Progressions Report
If you want an idea of what the astrological energies will be like for you in the future, you need a forecast report, sometimes called a transits and progressions report, a yearly report or similar name. As with other reports, this kind of report will require your date of birth.
In an astrology forecast report, the planetary movements will be examined for the specified period to see what aspects and relationships they form to your birth chart. This is called using transits, and it enables the astrologer to give a kind of a weather forecast regarding the energy you’re likely to experience. Armed with this interpretation, you can maximize your opportunities or minimize any problems.
Another popular astrological prediction technique is called progression. With this technique, your birth chart is symbolically “aged” by one day for every year of your life so far. If you are currently 32 years old, all of the planets and points in your birth chart would be moved to where they would have been 32 days after your birth. The new chart is then analyzed in the same way as your birth chart, to show how you have grown so far in life and what may lie ahead in your immediate future.
An astrological forecast report is a great decision-making tool and is a good choice if you’ve got a busy year ahead and you need some help with timing.
Career or Vocation Report
Another popular type of astrology report is a career or vocation report. This type of report typically uses your natal chart but zeroes in on what that has to say about your talents, your gifts and your potential. In this way, your astrologer can show you which career paths you might enjoy and where your true calling may lie. Often a career astrology report can be combined with a forecast report to help you figure out when to make any desired career changes.
An astrology career report is a good choice if you’re between careers or just starting out on your working life. It’s a popular astrology reading gift for teenagers, students and graduates too.
Karmic or Destiny Report
If you’re interested in spiritual astrology, you’ll probably love a karmic or destiny report. This type of astrology report is a little different in that its major focus is often on parts of the birth chart which are not used so much in other types of astrology, such as the Moon’s Nodes, retrograde planets, particular aspects, planet degrees or certain asteroids. However, the report may use the same planets and points as other astrology reports but interpreted specifically to bring out their spiritual growth or past life qualities.
A karmic or destiny report is a good choice if you’re seeking guidance over your spiritual path or at a major crossroads in your life.
Child Astrology Report
A child astrology report is written to and for the parent, about their child. It examines the child’s natal chart – requiring the child’s date of birth - and usually has a strong emphasis on helping the parent understand the child’s gifts and potential. Because bringing up kids is never simple, a child astrology report often also contains gentle and sympathetic advice on handling the child’s more challenging behaviors.
A child astrology report is a good choice if you’re a parent; it’s also a very popular gift to give to new parents.