A Solar Eclipse is a stunning natural spectacle and if you are ever lucky enough to witness one, it will stay with you for sure. In astrological terms, a Solar Eclipse is highly significant for its symbolism and potency.
The Solar Eclipse in Taurus on April 30th, 2022 is particularly significant, because Taurus is a sign of stability and the status quo - when our foundations are shaken during this Eclipse, the consequences could be important.
What is a Solar Eclipse in Astrology?
A Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon’s orbit takes it directly between the Earth and the Sun, briefly blocking the Sun’s light. This always occurs during a New Moon, which is technically a conjunction between the Sun and the Moon.
Solar Eclipses are not as rare as you might think - there are at least two every year, but many are partial eclipses rather than total ones. It is rare to be able to view a Solar Eclipse from any given spot on earth, however, because each eclipse is only viewable from some part of the world. However, whether you can see it or not, every Solar Eclipse, including partial ones, has a profound astrological significance.
What is the Astrological Significance of a Solar Eclipse?
The astrological Solar Eclipse tends to bring shocks and surprises - as you might expect from such a dramatic visual event. Events coinciding with the Solar Eclipse may wreak temporary havoc in our lives, but the key is to remember that the Eclipse is also an opportunity.
Solar Eclipse effects tend to be not much fun to live through at the time, but on reflection, perhaps only years later, we realize that these were significant milestones in our lives, and that the changes they brought enabled something more positive to flourish.
The exact astrological effect of each Solar Eclipse depends on where in your own personal natal birth chart the Eclipse occurs - some will be more dramatic than others for you personally.
In world astrology, however, a Solar Eclipse almost always has geopolitical implications, which of course touch all of our lives to a greater or lesser extent. However, these things take time to manifest, so the immediate significance of any given Solar Eclipse might be hard to spot at the time.
What Does the Solar Eclipse in Taurus Mean?
Because Taurus as a zodiac sign is associated with stability, structure, building, materialism, wealth, money and abundance, all of these are issues which are likely to be triggered by events surrounding this Solar Eclipse.
Solar Eclipses also have a connection to the past, and in particular to events we experienced during the previous Eclipse cycle involving the same zodiac sign.
Look back to the events surrounding the last Solar Eclipse in Taurus, in late April 2014. What themes were surfacing in your life at that time? This Eclipse will re-visit those same themes.
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How Will the Solar Eclipse in Taurus Affect Each Zodiac Sign?
Each zodiac sign will experience the Taurus Solar Eclipse slightly differently, and some signs will be much more affected than others – it all depends on the individual’s natal chart and on what other planetary activity is triggering the chart at the same time.
Aries Sun Sign (Aries Dates: March 20 – April 19) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
This Solar Eclipse impacts your financial zone - watch for unexpected news related to money. Events around this Eclipse are likely to change or shift your relationship with money, either positively or negatively. Try not to make any major monetary decisions until matters become clearer. It’s important to seek expert advice where large sums of money are involved.
Taurus Sun Sign (Taurus Dates: April 20 – May 20) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
A Solar Eclipse in your own sign is a very strong connection to your past. For you, events in April 2014 will take on renewed significance now. Meanwhile, a major lifestyle change is on the way for you, whether you want it or not. Try to embrace the change which is on its way, because even if you would prefer to maintain the status quo, there are clear advantages to your new beginning.
Gemini Sun Sign (Gemini Dates: May 21 – June 20) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
This Solar Eclipse activates your spiritual zone and urges you to not allow your spiritual self to stagnate. You can be a little lazy when it comes to your spiritual development, but this Eclipse urges you to be more proactive in understanding the mysteries of life. If events around this time set back your spiritual development, or if you feel blocked or prevented from making progress, ask yourself why.
Cancer Sun Sign (Cancer Dates: June 21 – July 21) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
This Solar Eclipse impacts the friendship zone of your natal birth chart; this can mean new friendships, or a breakup of an existing friend link. If the latter, it can be very upsetting, but understand that a new tribe is waiting for you. Try to let an old friend go with your blessing and avoid playing the blame game if a friendship does reach the end of its natural life.
Leo Sun Sign (Leo Dates: July 22 – August 21) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
Your career may be rocked by this Solar Eclipse, which hits your ambitions zone and hints at very significant developments in your long-term plans. Prepare to take on unexpected responsibility or to have to work through a crisis of some kind. This will be a very testing period, but know that your talents are being noticed and will be rewarded.
Virgo Sun Sign (Virgo Dates: August 22 – September 21) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
Truth itself is under attack during this Solar Eclipse, as far as you’re concerned. You may feel very strongly that your beliefs or your views are under pressure, and you may have to stand up for yourself and your opinions quite vehemently. Don’t back down from what you believe. You are entitled to speak your truth, but you must understand that not everyone will share it.
Libra Sun Sign (Libra Dates: September 22 – October 22) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
With this Solar Eclipse impacting the most psychologically sensitive zone of your natal birth chart, you may have a lot of emotional processing to do. Think about any trauma you experienced around April 2014, and work out what you can do to finally heal from this if you have been carrying it all this time. Don’t be afraid to face fears, wounds and major issues head on.
Scorpio Sun Sign (Scorpio Dates: October 23 – November 21) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
This Solar Eclipse may bring shocks, surprises or drama within your closest relationship. Don’t panic - this is not necessarily a bad thing, or even an upsetting thing; it could be that you will fall instantly in love with someone karmically linked to you. However, it could also be that infidelity or other unwelcome surprises are revealed. Even so, how you handle this is what matters; your relationship can heal from anything if you wish it to do so.
Sagittarius Sun Sign (Sagittarius Dates: November 22 – December 20) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
Your wellbeing is under scrutiny during this Solar Eclipse. Look out for both your physical and mental health and take any warning signs seriously - get advice from a health professional if any doubt at all. This Eclipse may particularly rock your self-confidence, self-esteem or overall mental positivity; it’s OK to feel sad, withdrawn or anxious for a while. If these feelings persist, however, do seek help from those who love you the most.
Capricorn Sun Sign (Capricorn Dates: December 21 – January 18) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
For you, the Solar Eclipse brings the gift of creativity - perhaps in a major flash of insight, genius or inspiration, right out of the blue. You can use this to break out of a rut, or even to create a new income stream - it’s up to you how far you want to run with this newly discovered talent. It will be freeing and inspirational, for sure, but you may also feel rather reckless and drawn to unnecessary risk taking.
Aquarius Sun Sign (Aquarius Dates: January 19 – February 17) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
Your family stability is under question during this Solar Eclipse, which may well bring domestic drama of some kind. However, behind every surprise there is an element of joy and positivity if you look carefully. Even family upheavals are worth it if they mean that you and your loved ones can enjoy a new beginning together. Don’t be too quick to consider something a crisis.
Pisces Sun Sign (Pisces Dates: February 18 – March 19) During Solar Eclipse in Taurus
This Solar Eclipse may reflect problems with gossip or social media - communication which takes on a life of its own, much to your dismay. Be extra careful with what you say or post if you don’t want it to be twisted or used against you. Be careful too with who you trust; don’t confide a secret to anyone unless you want it to become not-so-secret with great speed.