Pluto turns Retrograde regularly, for approximately five months every year - this time from April 29th, 2022 through October 8th, 2022. During this period, the planet’s Retrograde motion makes it appear, viewed from earth, as if the planet is moving backwards.
It isn’t – it’s just an optical illusion. But symbolism is everything in astrology, and like all Retrogrades, the Pluto Retrograde period is rich in astrological meaning.
In astrology, Pluto, named after the Roman god of the underworld, is concerned with power, control, transformation and elimination. Nothing stays the same after it’s been touched by Pluto, and the transformation is more often than not both dramatic and traumatic.
The changes Pluto brings are rarely sudden, however – if we pay attention, we can see how these eliminations have built up slowly in our lives, until a point of no return is reached. What may seem like out-of-the-blue turmoil has actually been building for a while.
When Pluto turns Retrograde, we get a breathing space when we can analyze how far the transformation process has gone in our lives. It’s also our chance to let go of some things voluntarily before change is ultimately forced upon us.
Pluto is currently transiting Capricorn, busy tearing down and re-shaping the very structures and pillars that make up our society.
On a personal level, the astrology of Pluto is about the regeneration of what no longer serves us well. It must be destroyed so that something better can grow in its place. Personal responsibility is highlighted.
During Pluto Retrograde, then, we have a chance to look at what no longer serves us in all facets of our lives. If we are able to be completely honest with ourselves, we can use this energy to voluntarily let go of whatever is holding us back.
This is typically painful, but less painful, no doubt, than being forced to let go later.
The key to managing Pluto Retrograde successfully is to embrace inevitable change and to get ahead of the curve in figuring out what area of your life Pluto is affecting.
The energy of Pluto Retrograde is felt differently by each zodiac sign, but all signs will have the chance to review their current life situation so they can recognize what is not working.
Pluto Retrograde for an Aries (Taurus dates: March 20 – April 19)
For you, Aries, Pluto Retrograde is about understanding what’s holding you back in your professional life. This isn’t about external obstacles: What is in you that is preventing you reaching your full potential?
Give this some serious thought and try to overcome this self-limiting behavior during the Pluto Retrograde period.
Pluto Retrograde for a Taurus (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
Pluto Retrograde for Taurus is about the beliefs and prejudices that define who you are. Something you hold dear to your heart is no longer working for you or is about to be proven very wrong. What is it?
How can you adjust your belief system, your views or your values to better reflect the person you truly want to be?
Pluto Retrograde for a Gemini (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
Something in your intimate relationships is holding you back – perhaps guilt, anger or intimacy issues – and this is something you need to work on during the Pluto Retrograde period, Gemini.
This may involve having to get up close and personal with a previous trauma, but any healing therapy can make great strides now.
Pluto Retrograde for a Cancer (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
Jealousy or power games in a relationship is something you must think about, Cancer, when Pluto is Retrograde. Such behavior is damaging to both you and your partner, and if your relationship can’t take a more positive direction, it may fail altogether.
Work with your lover to create a healthier and more positive environment of mutual respect.
Pluto Retrograde for a Leo (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
Your fear of criticism is holding you back, Leo, and that’s something you can work on during the Pluto Retrograde period. You need to be adored, praised and appreciated, more than any other zodiac sign, and that means that you handle criticism woefully badly.
Learn to let go of the need to be right – and best – all of the time.
Pluto Retrograde for a Virgo (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
Are you obsessed with something or someone, Virgo? An unhealthy passion for someone or something is threatening to overtake your life, but the Pluto Retrograde period gives you the opportunity to take a step back and review your behavior before it worsens.
Think of this is your chance to apply the brakes.
Pluto Retrograde for a Libra (Libra dates: September 23 – October 22)
Unhealthy family dynamics need attention while Pluto is Retrograde, Libra. All families have their ups and downs, but something brewing beneath the surface of yours is not good for any of you.
This is a great time for family meetings, heart-to-hearts and an honest, grown-up attempt to mediate any problems.
Pluto Retrograde for a Scorpio (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
Your desire to share your opinions is coming across as too evangelical, Scorpio. You do have much to teach others, but you’re putting people off by being too forceful about it.
Try to adopt a calmer, more open-minded approach to whatever subject it is that you’re passionate about. Invite people to agree with you, don’t force them.
Pluto Retrograde for a Sagittarius (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
A deep-seated fear of not having enough is causing you to obsess about money or possessions, Sagittarius, despite your free-wheeling nature.
By struggling to control your material life, you’re becoming detached from your more important spiritual life. Your challenge now is to relinquish material control, so that you can grow and thrive.
Pluto Retrograde for a Capricorn (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
With Pluto Retrograde in your own sign, it’s likely to be your own self-confidence – or rather your lack of it, that is the destructive force at work in your life.
During Pluto Retrograde, you can take a closer look at your own self-esteem, Capricorn. Work on being your own cheerleader, so that you no longer have to seek approval from others.
Pluto Retrograde for an Aquarius (Aquarius dates: January 20– February 17)
You’re a very private zodiac sign, Aquarius, but you’re keeping far too much to yourself, and that’s something you should work on during the Pluto Retrograde period.
You need a greater connection with the rest of humanity. Don’t cut yourself off or try to isolate yourself. Reach out and embrace us all. We need you.
Pluto Retrograde for a Pisces (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
Have you become involved with a group which is now no longer serving your higher interests, Pisces? A cause or a project you became involved with in good faith has now changed beyond recognition.
Use the Pluto Retrograde period to extricate yourself from something which is no longer what you signed up for.