Did you know that as Moon travels across the celestial skies, it visits each zodiac sign in turn for approximately two and a half days every month?
These astrological visits are called Moon transits or lunar transits in astrology, and they are an important daily influence on our lives. The Moon rules our emotions, instincts and feelings, so the influence of each individual zodiac sign on our emotions is subtly different.
For example, the general mood in the air during a Leo Moon transit will be different to the mood during a Scorpio transit, with emotions being passionate and forthright in the first but secretive and manipulative in the second.
Born With the Moon in Leo
If your birth chart has a Leo Moon – i.e. you were born during a Leo Moon transit – then we say you have a natal Leo Moon. Being born with the Moon in Leo adds dramatic flair to your personality, as well as a certain amount of pride and bossiness. It gives you a creative style and a warm heart, but arrogance can be an issue.
The Transiting Moon in Leo
The transiting Leo Moon is a showbiz Moon: think drama, creativity, diva tantrums and larger than life gestures. Leo energy is warm and vibrant, so emotions are generally upbeat during a Leo Moon, and there’s a sense of generosity in the air.
The fire energy of Leo is passionate and exciting, so it’s easy to over-react during a Leo Moon. Fortunately, such over-reactions are usually on the positive end of the scale, but a need for attention and drama can create tantrums too.
Leo is a fixed sign, so the emotional energy of the Moon in Leo is fixed too; this isn’t a great time for trying to change anything. However, this energy is helpful for creative projects of all kinds, and the global imagination takes a giant leap forwards during a Leo Moon.
The Leo Moon transit has a glamorous vibe, so it’s a good time for parties and for making new friendships. It’s also traditionally good for dating and romance but watch out for over-inflated egos and drama queens – or kings!
When the Moon is in Leo, things to do might include:
Inspire your emotions with a movie or a theater visit
- Buy new clothes which make you feel great
- Donate to charity
- Date someone new
- Throw a party, the more glamorous the better
- Make a loving gesture towards your sweetheart
- Take the lead in a new project
- Look for a job in the arts or a creative field
Your Moon in Leo Horoscope
Aries Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
The Leo Moon transit is a fantastic few days for Aries, normally. You’ll feel creative, inspired and ready to grab your share of the glory. This is the ideal time for over the top romantic gestures and for sweeping a new date off their feet. The fixed nature of Leo also helps to tone down some of your more reckless instincts, so if you do take risks, they will be better calculated.
Taurus Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
You’ll feel romantic and loving during a Leo Moon, but this in-your-face energy does push your forwards a little more than you would like. Your home may be on public display in some way, for example if you’re entertaining at home, and that can be stressful. Watch out for emotional stubbornness, however, as Taurus rigidity is further boosted by Leo intransigence too.
Gemini Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
The Leo Moon transit is energizing for Gemini, boosting your sociability and bringing lots of opportunities to mix with others. This energy can help you to narrow down your interest and focus for a few days, helping to get more done than your normal scatter gun approach. Intellectually, this is a good time for conceiving grand ideas and new creative projects.
Cancer Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
The emotional warmth of the Leo Moon transit is very welcome to worry-worn Cancer, and this is your chance for a few days to simply feel good. This lunar transit activates your money zone, however, and Leo energies are extravagant, so watch out for over-spending. Impress someone with who you are, not what you buy. It’s a good time for reinforcing old fashioned values at home and in your love life.
Leo Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
The Moon transiting your own sign is a very high-energy few days for you, Leo. Even larger than life than you normally are, this is when your emotional excitement is on full show. People will either love you or loathe you, because they certainly can’t ignore you! It’s a wonderful moment for romance and you’d also enjoy contributing to charity at this time – with your time and skills, not your money.
Virgo Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
When the Moon is in Leo, everything is a bit too full-on for your liking. Leo energy is upfront and demands attention, whereas Virgo would prefer to remain behind the scenes. Don’t be surprised if you are forced to take on a more prominent role at work or in the family – don’t shy away from the challenge, if so. Be careful not to share secrets with others, as gossip is rife at this time.
Libra Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Libra dates: September 23 – October 22)
The Leo Moon transit is very creative for Libra, especially if you’re working with others on a community collaboration of some kind. You love the romantic vibe of this lunar transit, and you’re able to express your sociable nature to its fullest too. Even better, there’s the potential for some artistic or showbiz glamor – what’s not to love? Enjoy the sparkle while it lasts.
Scorpio Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
Leo energy always demands attention, as this lunar transit activates your career zone, these are useful days for making your mark at work. Show off your capabilities, but don’t fall into the Leo Moon trap of arrogance. The key to success in the Leo Moon transit is to promote yourself and your skills, but to allow others to shine too. Don’t deny the spotlight to anyone else.
Sagittarius Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
The Leo Moon transit floods your adventure zone with fire energy and greatly increases your restlessness. However, this is fixed energy, not mutable like your own, and so you may suffer from itchy feet with nowhere to go. Getting lots of exercise will help to tone down any frustration. Meanwhile, this is a good time to examine prejudices. Use the love and warmth of the Leo Moon to soften your stance.
Capricorn Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
The Leo Moon transit heightens your pride and your sense of defiance; as such, this can be a tricky transit to handle in love, especially if there has been a hint of scandal or infidelity in your life. You are convinced that you are right, and dogmatism can be a problem too during these few days. Try to keep your motives high and avoid the temptation to manipulate the emotions of others.
Aquarius Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
When the Moon transits Leo, your love zone sparkles with light, glitter and stardust – it’s a fantastic time for dating or for restoring the magic to an existing relationship. However, Leo energy always wants to be the center of attention, so watch out for an unusually selfish streak emerging in you. On the plus side, you’ll find it easier than normal now to declare your emotions and to make romantic gestures.
Pisces Horoscope During a Leo Moon (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
During a Leo Moon transit, you’re encouraged to take better care of your health. Use the vitality of this lunar energy to stir you into more exercise or a better diet. This is healthful, robust energy which can greatly add to your vitality. It’s also a good time to get better organized; use the fixed power of the Leo Moon to nail down your schedule or to improve your time management.