Leo and Aries Compatibility (Leo dates: July 22 - August 22; Aries dates: March 20 - April 19):
Do Leo and Aries make a good match? Do you ever! Your two fire signs get on like, well, a house of fire! This is a relationship built on passion and excitement, and there really should never be a dull moment here!
Of course, Leo and Aries are also the two most “self-absorbed” signs in the zodiac, which may lead to problems of its own. Although you may not both mean to act in a selfish way, you can both be guilty of this behavior, and your biggest lesson in this relationship is to learn to put each other first.
When you do, you’ll realize that you want to follow each other’s lead, because you just find each other so inspiring! Leo, your natural authority motivates Aries to enjoy being directed (at times) by you. They believe in you, and you believe in them.
What really attracts you to each other the most is your natural confidence. Aries thinks that they are the best, whilst you, Leo, know you are the best! As long as you’re not competing against each other, you should make a dynamic and powerful team! There’s really nothing you can’t achieve at each other’s sides!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Leo and Aries Dating Compatibility:
Are Leo and Aries Soulmates? Your souls are certainly made of the same “stuff”, that’s for sure. And that stuff is pure fire! You recognize this in each other, and you have a natural flow to your relationship that feels very comfortable – as if you have known each other forever.
The dating phase should be extremely exciting for you both. Aries moves very fast, Leo, and when they want someone, they’ll stop at nothing or make that person completely theirs. This is highly flattering to your ego, Leo – you will lap up the attention wholeheartedly!
Of course, you respond in kind by showering Aries with your generosity and huge-hearted affecting. You make them the center of your world, too, which satisfies the Aries ego. Your date themselves should be exciting and passionate – and a whole lot of fun! You will go out of your way to make grand gestures to each other, which you both fully enjoy.
Leo and Aries Marriage Compatibility:
Can Leo and Aries marry? Well, you definitely want to, Leo. You’re a fixed sign in astrology, which means that you are in for the long haul. Commitment comes second nature to you, and you’re more than ready to start a life – and a family – with the person you feel passionately about.
Aries is like a bright burning flame that can blow hot and cold. Initially, Aries will want to speed walk you down the aisle, Leo, which can be extremely hard to resist. However, you need to give them time to “come down” from their initial lust and heat, to see if they really mean it.
Give it a year or two, then, before you tie the knot. When you do, astrology suggests that your marriage can last a very long time, and you both have fierce loyalty and protectiveness towards each other. You’ll have rip-roaring fights, and conflict will just be one of those things you have to accept about your relationship.
Leo and Aries Compatibility in Bed:
Is there Aries and Leo compatibility in bed? This is where you really shine! Sexually, your connection really is off the charts, Leo. For once, you have someone whose libido is just as high – if not higher - than yours.
In astrology, Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of lust, after all. You should enjoy a very satisfying sex life, Leo, though you’ll both have to learn to put aside any selfish sexual desires and pay attention to each other carefully.
Aries may also rush through sex, Leo, whereas you have a long-burning sort of fire. Teaching them to slow down will be both fun and necessary in your sexual relationship.
When Leo and Aries Relationship Breakups:
How does Leo and Aries move on after a breakup? It’s going to be fiery, that’s for sure! You also don’t let go all that easily, Leo, so you’ll need to be careful of prolonging your breakup.
The thing is, both of you are very sensitive to rejection. Your egos may be badly bruised by the ending of your relationship, and you will react to that with anger. Astrology suggests that your breakup and post-breakup fights can be very dramatic and intense, and you’ll need to tread carefully before you see or do something you regret.
However, as with all fire signs, you’ll also get over things eventually, and forgive each other. In fact, it’s very likely you could be friends sometime after you break up, and laugh about the past. There may be lingering passion between you, so you’ll have to make sure that there are boundaries when it comes to the sexual connection between you.
Business Compatibility:
Leo and Aries Compatibility in Business:
Is there Aries and Leo compatibility when it comes to business? Well, as long as you work in completely different departments, then absolutely, yes. But, if you are in the same department – or worse, are each other’s manager, then tempers will have to be watched carefully!
You’ll soon find out that Aries hates being told what to do, Leo. They are the total rebels of the zodiac, and until they really believe in you, they will simply not follow orders. However, if you inspire them as a leader, Aries will be your most loyal soldier. You have to handle them with care, and let them be independent. You also have to trust them and try not to control them too much.
One thing you’ll have in common is a can-do attitude. You’re not victims, and you never have excuses. You simply get on with the job at hand, and you have a positive and motivated attitude. You will admire this about each other, even if you do, at times, also compete!
Friendship Compatibility:
Leo and Aries Compatibility in Friendship:
Do Leo and Aries have good friendship compatibility? You can be the very best of friends! What underscores and sets your relationship apart from most, is the powerful loyalty that lies between you. This loyalty only grows with time, and you will always, always have each other’s backs.
Of course, being fire signs of the zodiac, you’re going to have your moments when the fighting and competition seem endless. However, that is the wavelength that both of you are tuned into – you love a little bit of friction. Without it, life would be boring, right?
This friendship will also be a whole lot of fun! Think parties, dancing and socializing – there’s never a dull moment! You both tend to be outgoing, proud, confident and bold, and you’ll have plenty of exciting opportunities for adventures together!
Family Compatibility:
Leo Parent and Cancer Child Compatibility:
Are Leo and Aries compatible when it comes to family? This is a very compatible match for family relationships! Your Aries parent is inspiring, protective and powerful, Leo. They will fight to the death for you and are endlessly loyal to you. You’ll have to decide who gets the spotlight though, as both of you love attention!
An Aries child is a real firebrand and daredevil – they love a risk and they’re not good at being told what to do. They’ll need your structure, Leo, but they won’t like your trying to dominant them. Trust them to be their own leaders – they’ll end up following your lead when they’re not forced to.
Whatever the relationship may be, be prepared for conflict. All fire signs have a tendency to lose their temper, though they forgive and forget just as fast.
Leo and Aries Sibling Compatibility:
How do Leo and Aries siblings match up in the family environment? You’re definitely going to fight, and the battle for domination will be very real! Both of you have a very powerful need for attention, and if you don’t get it, you will turn on each other.
This, of course, will get much better the older you get, but you might find that when you get together as a family, you still argue! When you’re alone, just hanging out together the two of you can actually be the very best of friends! You’ll have a lot more in common as you become adults, and you will end up having a lot of fun with each other!
You’ll certainly admire each other’s leadership, and will have friendly competition with each other. This will help you both to get ahead in life and make you comrades rather than enemies.
Leo and Aries Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will a Leo human and an Aries pet get along? Absolutely! You are both fire signs, which means you enjoy an active, exciting and adventurous lifestyle! You’ll just love going on hikes together, long walks or a road trip with each other. Your Aries pet has huge amounts of energy, Leo, so make sure you make plenty of time to get all of it out!
Aries pets are also immensely loyal – they have your back, Leo, and they will protect you just as much as you protect them. These are also very affectionate animals. And they want to be your number one. Never give your other pets more attention than your Aries pet, Leo, unless you want a war on your hands!
Leo and Sagittarius Compatibility
Leo and Capricorn Compatibility
Leo and Aquarius Compatibility