Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility (Aquarius dates: January 20 - February 17; Taurus dates: April 20 - May 20)
Do Aquarius and Taurus make a good match? Funnily enough, the two of you are very commonly found in long-term relationships, despite what mainstream astrology says. Sure, Taurus is an earth zodiac sign, and you’re an air zodiac sign, Taurus is boring, you’re exciting, and Taurus loves things and you love knowledge, Aquarius.
However, you just make it work, and maybe it’s the level of commitment that exists between you – making all the challenges and tests that much easier to endure. Plus, Aquarius, there is something to be said about the grounding energy of your Taurus sweetheart. You have to admit that you do need someone to bring you back down to earth and remind you that you have a body as well as a mind!
In return, you’ll give your Taurus sweetheart a taste of unconventionality, bringing a freshness and originality to their lives that they also really need – or else they would simply get stuck in their comfort zones!
But perhaps, the thing that made you most compatible is the little-known fact, Aquarius, that your ruling planet (in traditional astrology), Saturn, is very compatible with the ruling planet of Taurus – which is Venus. Saturn provides the much-needed glue that Venus requires to sustain a long-term relationship, which is why the two of you are so often found together forever!
There’s also something to be said about the fact that you are both “fixed” zodiac signs, which indicates people who are very committed, very consistent and very dedicated. Yes, it also indicates people who are terribly stubborn, and that’s most of the challenge of this relationship, Aquarius!
Dating & Romance Compatibility:
Aquarius and Taurus Dating Compatibility:
Are Aquarius and Taurus Soulmates? Well, it’s quite likely that you are exactly that, Aquarius! Taurus is quite the romantic, you’ll discover, and they will convince you to get a little mushy, too!
What you’ll like about each other in the dating phase is that neither of you will rush each other at all, and will allow one another to take your time when entering into your relationship. Taurus is especially cautious, Aquarius, and you can respect that. Besides, establishing a friendship first is more important to you, anyway.
However, do be careful of being too cool and detached, Aquarius. You can come off as uninterested, and you may get friend-zoned because of this! Taurus people need a lot more romance and some signal that they are wanted!
Taurus will no doubt be totally fascinated with you, Aquarius, with your weird, wild and quirky ways. They can’t help but be drawn to you, even if you frighten them a little. They will see that you can shake their life up, and there’s nothing scarier to a Taurus than being pushed out of their comfort zone!
However, they may sense that they need someone like you in their lives, and you’ll love how safe and secure you feel with them, Aquarius. Your patient Taurus never seems to panic when you panic, and can hold emotional space for you. They are as solid as a rock – and as stubborn – which you’ll adore!
Aquarius and Taurus Marriage Compatibility:
Can Aquarius and Taurus marry? It’s surprising if you don’t, Aquarius. Sure, you have the reputation for being commitment-phobic, but you’re actually someone who can settle down very nicely with the right person.
Your Taurus spouse just needs to know that freedom is a prerequisite for any kind of marriage talk! You’re not about to let anyone cramp your space, and if you feel your independence threatened you’ll run a mile!
And the fact is, Aquarius, that Taurus people can be a little bit possessive. Some aren’t, some are solid and secure, but you do get glimmers even in those types. And it is something you may have to accept about them, and just create an atmosphere of trust in each other.
With that said, your Taurus will want to eventually marry. They take their time about it because when they commit, they truly commit for life. They just don’t do casual. This can be very reassuring, because you’ll always know that you can rely on a Taurus, Aquarius. They may be stubborn, but they have your back completely.
Speaking of stubbornness, this is the single greatest challenge in your marriage. For all your open-mindedness, Aquarius, when you think you're right, you’re basically untouchable. You’ll climb to your lofty tower, refusing to change your opinion. And the problem is that your Taurus will just not give in. They’ll never admit that you're right, and if you try and tell them what to do, heaven help you!
You’ll eventually learn to work around that, however, Aquarius, and it’s likely that you’ll also just come to accept that the Taurus spouse relies on their rituals and routines to keep them sane and happy. So you go to the same pizza restaurant since you started dating – so what? Embrace this as part of your grounded, stable, predictable and patient lover – even if it drives you nuts!
Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility in Bed:
Is there Taurus and Aquarius compatibility in the bedroom? Taurus is known for being one of the most sensual, sexual signs in the zodiac, Aquarius – so you’d better get ready to rumble!
It won’t always be easy for you, because your Taurus lover will enjoy a bit of a routine, whether it’s in the build-up, the place, the time or the day. You prefer some variety, so it’ll take a little bit of effort for you two to really get into the flow!
However, not all is lost – when Taurus teaches you how to get into your body, you’ll find a great groove and you’ll come to find it’s wonderful not being in your head all the time!
When Aquarius and Taurus Relationship Breaks up:
How do Aquarius and Taurus move on after a breakup? First of all, it’ll take heaven and earth to shift you two apart! You don’t give up on this relationship very easily at all, being some of the most committed signs of the zodiac.
The fact is, Taurus people especially don’t like change, even if it's change that needs to happen. They’ll just plod on through so it’s often up to you to make the call, Aquarius. When it happens, it can be a real clash, of hurt, coldness, fury and blame. Neither of you is willing to admit where you were wrong, so it’s best to give this some time to cool down.
Business Compatibility:
Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility in Business:
Is there Taurus and Aquarius compatibility when it comes to work? It’s best you avoid each other, Aquarius. Taurus colleagues or bosses can be immensely stubborn to work with, and they can’t be told what to do. And you are exactly the same, Aquarius, especially hating it when the Taurus tells you you’re too unconventional, or tries to tie you up in a routine.
However, Aquarius, even if you find yourself unable to work together, you have to admire their dedication, commitment and resilience. The Taurus colleague will have been there forever, and can always be relied on to do their job.
Friendship Compatibility:
Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility in Friendship:
Are Aquarius and Taurus good friends? If you have been friends since youth, you’ll probably stay friends forever, no matter how different the two of you are! This is because your Taurus buddy truly values loyalty, Aquarius, and they are always there for you, no matter what.
You’re also a very loyal friend, Aquarius, and willing to help where you can. You do tend to be a lot more social than your Taurus buddy, so they may, at times, feel a little neglected. However, they do get you and they seldom hold it against you.
Family Compatibility:
Taurus Parent and Aquarius Child Compatibility:
Are Aquarius and Taurus compatible when it comes to family? You will push – hard – against your Taurus parent, Aquarius. You, above all else, value your space and freedom and you despise routines imposed upon you by anyone else. And your Taurus parent does exactly that, trying to ground (which you admittedly need, Aquarius). It’s a clash here, but this doesn’t mean that there’s no deep, lasting love and respect.
Your Taurus child will give you a run for your money, Aquarius. They won’t listen to you, as much as you try, and they will stubbornly cling to their routines, getting rather terrified when you suggest a change. Be patient with them, Aquarius, and accept they are not like you.
Aquarius and Taurus Sibling Compatibility:
How do Aquarius and Taurus siblings match up in the family environment? You are both incredibly hard-headed, despite your loyalty and love for each other. When you team up, you’re a force of nature that not even your parents can withstand! But, when you are against each other, it’s like an earthquake against a hurricane!
It gets far easier when you both have your own space, Aquarius, where you can appreciate the solid, grounded and practical qualities of your Taurus sibling!
Aquarius and Taurus Pet and Human Astrology Compatibility:
Will an Aquarius human and a Taurus pet get along? Taurus pets are lovely, Aquarius. They are affectionate, sweet and loving, making you feel safe with them. However, they need a very solid routine, or else they get very touchy and grumpy, so beware!
Also, Aquarius, keep in mind that Taurus pets need practically gourmet food, so never feed them scraps, or you’ll be sorry!
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Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility