Astrology is based on the movement of the planets across the sky and through the zodiac signs. The Moon moves particularly quickly, circling the entire celestial sphere in just 28 days – and during that time, it spends approximately two and a half days in each and every zodiac sign.
These short lunar visits to each sign are called Moon transits. During each Moon transit, the Moon’s core energies – intuition, subconscious urges, moods and emotions – are channeled through the manner of the zodiac sign in question. A lunar transit through Scorpio feels very different to us than a lunar transit through Gemini – this is why our days tend to have different moods or vibes which we collectively, as humanity, can sense.
Born With the Moon in Scorpio?
Many people were born when the Moon was transiting Scorpio. If you were, then your birth chart will show that you have what an astrologer would call a natal Scorpio Moon. This adds a great deal of emotional intensity to your astrological makeup, as well as a rather spiteful or vengeful streak. Scorpio energy is notoriously passionate but with a darker side, and natal Scorpio Moon people are hard to get to know.
The Transiting Moon in Scorpio
When the Moon transits Scorpio, it’s often this darker edge to Scorpio’s energies which we sense in the air. The atmosphere is brooding; people become a little bit more secretive and a lot more manipulative. There are behind the scenes intrigues going on, with jealousy and resentment never far from the surface.
The intense emotions stimulated by the Scorpio Moon in transit can be very difficult to handle. Although this influence only lasts a couple of days at a time, it can feel much longer if you’re caught in the maelstrom.
On the plus side, the Scorpio Moon highlights resourcefulness; there’s really no such thing as ‘no’ when the Scorpio Moon is in play: there is always a way to get what you want, if you’re prepared to think outside the box. This is a very driven lunar energy and some people will stop at nothing to use it.
Self-discipline and self-mastery are also strong during the influence of the Scorpio Moon. It’s generally a very good time for self-improvement and for self-analysis. The Scorpio Moon can be seen as a magician’s Moon, in fact, because it allows us to take what we have, what we are, and transform and improve it. We can look into the very darkest of places and find our way free.
When the Moon is in Scorpio, you might feel motivated to:
- Indulge in an illicit affair
- Cover up a secret
- Uncover someone else’s secret
- Try plan D if A, B and C have failed
- Escape for a passionate weekend away
- Research something which fascinates you
- Practice your psychic or mediumistic skills
- Face your fears or phobias head on
Your Moon in Scorpio Horoscope
Aries Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Aries dates: March 20 – April 19)
Everything which is hidden becomes attractive to you during the Scorpio Moon transit. Your passion is turned up a notch and so is your drive to uncover secrets or to research what interests you. Don’t be surprised if your interest is caught by something morbid or occult at this time. Don’t be afraid to explore; the Scorpio Moon transit energies will guide you.
Taurus Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Taurus dates: April 20 – May 20)
You’ll feel passionately intense during a Scorpio Moon transit, especially since this transit activates your love zone. It’s a wonderful time for declarations of undying love but be aware that jealousy and anger are never far from the surface when Scorpio comes out to play. Walk carefully if you want to tread the fine line between fascination and obsession.
Gemini Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Gemini dates: May 21 – June 20)
When the Moon is in Scorpio, emotions are uncomfortably intense for airy Gemini. However, this is precisely why this lunar transit can be so useful for you. You may be forced to confront a fear, especially regarding your health, and from this positive change can quickly grow. Don’t be afraid to entertain your darker thoughts. If you explore the worst-case scenario, you can also aim for the best.
Cancer Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Cancer dates: June 21 – July 21)
Ready for a walk on the wild side, Cancer? During the Scorpio Moon transit, your instincts are super-charged and you’re willing to take a risk in order to pursue love, money or passion. During this couple of days, you can do things you never thought you’d dare to do – even if they later prove to be unwise. At least you’re learning and growing. Keep moving out of your comfort zone.
Leo Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Leo dates: July 22 – August 22)
Lingering emotional angst can be a hallmark of the Scorpio Moon transit for Leo. Scorpio is a fixed sign, like Leo, and once a feeling has taken hold inside you, it can be very hard to shift. In your family life, this can be a tense few days, and in your personal life too, rivalries and tensions may deepen. Try to distract yourself, because obsessing over your feelings will only make you feel worse.
Virgo Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Virgo dates: August 23 – September 22)
Don’t be surprised if you’re much quicker to anger during a Scorpio Moon transit than normal. You’ll be especially infuriated if your privacy is breached – but you must take extra care online and in social media if you want to maintain your dignity. This is a good time for speaking or writing with passion on a topic which truly matters to you – you can be extremely persuasive when you use Scorpio lunar energies.
Libra Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Libra dates: September 23 – October 22)
The Scorpio lunar transit is often marked by jealousy as far as you’re concerned, Libra. The problem is that this intense Moon energy transits your values zone, affecting not only your finances but also the other intangible things you own or love. Try not to be obsessive or overly suspicious with a lover. Allow people their freedom if you want to them to stay around.
Scorpio Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Scorpio dates: October 23 – November 21)
When the Moon transits your own sign, your always intense feelings are doubly intense, clouding your judgement somewhat. It’s not a great time for making big decisions, even though you may feel that you’ve got everything under control. There are behind the scenes issues you’re not aware of at this time, so play a waiting game. In love, don’t act in haste.
Sagittarius Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Sagittarius dates: November 22 – December 20)
The intense emotions of the Scorpio Moon transit tend to catch you off guard; you may find yourself crying and you simply don’t know why. It’s OK. You’re allowed some confusion and some down time. Be gentle with yourself for this couple of days. This Scorpio Moon transit activates your spiritual zone, so it’s a good time practice your psychic or mediumistic skills.
Capricorn Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Capricorn dates: December 21 – January 19)
You have an extraordinary insight into other people’s motivations during the Scorpio Moon transit, and you can ‘read’ people uncannily well. For that reason, this few days can make or break a friendship, depending how honest the other party is being with you. Socially, these vibes are important, as they allow you to find your place within a group and to protect yourself from those who are not on your side.
Aquarius Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Aquarius dates: January 20 – February 17)
The Scorpio’s Moon’s intense emotions are at odds with your emotionally cool Aquarius nature – but surprisingly enough, you do well under this lunar transit. It activates your career zone and fires up your ambitions. Use the resourceful of these Scorpio lunar energies to further your work, and to seek the recognition you deserve. This transit provides plenty of drive and motivation.
Pisces Horoscope During a Scorpio Moon (Pisces dates: February 18 – March 19)
When the Moon transits your fellow water sign Scorpio, you can feel truly out of your depth with the resulting flood of emotions. You may want to seek solace in prayer or meditation, but this is also a good time for spiritual questing and for seeking answers from your own faith or from a new spiritual path. Keep asking the right questions, and you will edge slowly closer to the truth.